Its Saturday Good Morning

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Re: Its Saturday Good Morning

Post by Catticus » 4 years ago

Vicky wrote: ↑
4 years ago
Boy. Do I relate 🀯I buy things from shopping channels, especially from shoplc for over 40 family members including kids. I buy for Birthdays, holidays, graduations, etc.
As much as I give, there are soooo much more I am waiting to give. My huge dresser drawers are overloaded with the Jewelry. They share space with my unmentionables etc.
The more I give, the more I buy. Other rooms are filled with them too. The only good part is my family are known for having many beautiful pieces.
Their friends want to know if I can please adopt them.
My joy is making my family happy.
I just received a 3ct Diamond bangle from Shoplc. It is stunning. Might be enhanced, but if it is, they did a great job. Cant wait to gift it. I just ordered the matching 3ct diamond Bar necklace. Im hoping its as gorgeous as the Bangle, or its going back.
Of course I mainly only buy with at least 30% coupons, without the starting price increased before the coupon was applied
But I noticed that lately I am splurging. I conveniently blame it on the Neupro patch that I started 1 month ago for RLS.
It has a known side effect of causing a SHOPPING ADDICTIONπŸ€ͺ
I wish it would include a CLEANING OUT MY CLOSETS ADDICTION😫

I think your home sounds wonderful! You're such a giving person, too! I understand completely about seeing things on these channels and knowing this or that would be perfect for this person or that person! If I won the lottery, I'd be giving gifts constantly. It's so fun!

There are definitely medications that do cause shopping addictions. Gambling as well. But if you are enjoying it and can afford to do what you're doing, I say: DO IT! Because we absolutely do not know what tomorrow, or even this day will bring. Not even the next minute!

I agree about the "Cleaning Out Closets Addiction"!

It just doesn't seem fair! I'm actually a very organized person. But due to circumstances right now, I'm just not capable.

Although eons ago, during the Phen-Fen phase...taking only the Phentermine and not the Fenfluramine AKA Pondimim, my house was never so clean.

Some of the docs I worked with took the Phentermine and allowed staff to get it through their pharmacy at cost.

It is the ONLY medication that made me WANT to get up and sort things and clean, etc.

I want to WANT to do it now, but can't. When taking P, I wanted to. I actually took pleasure in it AND had (of course) the energy to do it, too!

They took the Fenfluramine off the market but none of us ever took it. The Phentermine was enough. One doctor told me that on his golf days, at the end of the day, he and his friends who golfed together found themselves snapping at each other.

This happened to the staff, too. They started being rude to patients and each other.

It's of course because the Phentermine wore off by the afternoon - and the irritability began.

I'd take it now, but can't because of hypertension. But if I could take it again, I would be absolutely thrilled because this room would be spotless.

Oh, it's so unfair!

Enjoy your home, Vicky. I grew up next door to a woman who was the top saleswoman in her district for over three decades. She sold a brand of makeup, perfume and jewelry. As children we LOVED going to her house. The smell of products and perfumes, and her baking all mixed together was wonderful. And that's where my sis and I got our love for jewelry.

She had bags ready for customers, and products and samples EVERYWHERE! A paradise for us children!

I'll never forget something she said to my sis and I when we were kids, with her Texas accent we loved so much:

"You little sugarplums! Yer just suh entranced! Yer suh curious! Aih know ya luv luv luv visitin because of all there is tuh look ait here! And thayts a gewd thaing tuh be! Aih know it's a mess! But, Aih jest caint worry about it. Aih decided a long long lonnnng taim ago thayt it isn't dirty, it's jest cluttered! And aih caint do a THING about it. There are farrrrrr more important things in laif than a spotless house! And...Aih LIVE here! Soooo, as long as Aim doing what Aih enjoy, Aih caint fret about it! Aih just don't have the taim tuh worry about what others thaink. And, Aih learned a long long longggggg taim ago thayt we're never as important as we thaink we are! So muh house is always goin' tuh look lived in!"

She's right, too. Erma Bombeck wrote about all the things she would and wouldn't do if she could go back in time and relive her life. One was she would allow her children to eat buttered popcorn on the sofa and watch movies and not care if butter etc., got alllll over the sofa or carpet.

Enjoy it, Vicky!
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Re: Its Saturday Good Morning

Post by Vicky » 4 years ago

I just found a almost cureπŸ€‘between Cheryl yelling and my Chihuahua barking back at her, I have a headache😱 if only she can do that 24 hrs I wouldnt shop🀣
Btw- some might think Im blaming the patch as an excuse to shop more. I never had this more expensive buying before. I always buy alot, because my kids dont believe in birth control ( no they are not zealous believers . They have medical careers. Can afford it, but I am the one that has over 40 gifts to buy non stop for multiple occasions.
Thanks for cracking me up about the opposite sex. Thank goodness its only shopping addiction- well maybe I can blame my yo- yo dieting on it tooπŸ˜†
But, im doing good. Thanks to Cheryl and my Chihuahua😍
Thanks to every single one of you for trying to β€œ help”. I felt like I should be able to fight this. Yes- I love making the family happy with gifts. Was always this way.
I just feel drawn to higher end stuff. I should be careful, but my kids were there for me 1000% when I was stuck in a hospital
Bed For a year.
Oh. Boy. Cheryl is done for now. Thank god Adi is onπŸ˜†πŸ€£
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Re: Its Saturday Good Morning

Post by Gemsnob » 4 years ago

Vicky wrote: ↑
4 years ago
I just found a almost cureπŸ€‘between Cheryl yelling and my Chihuahua barking back at her, I have a headache😱 if only she can do that 24 hrs I wouldnt shop🀣
Btw- some might think Im blaming the patch as an excuse to shop more. I never had this more expensive buying before. I always buy alot, because my kids dont believe in birth control ( no they are not zealous believers . They have medical careers. Can afford it, but I am the one that has over 40 gifts to buy non stop for multiple occasions.
Thanks for cracking me up about the opposite sex. Thank goodness its only shopping addiction- well maybe I can blame my yo- yo dieting on it tooπŸ˜†
But, im doing good. Thanks to Cheryl and my Chihuahua😍
Thanks to every single one of you for trying to β€œ help”. I felt like I should be able to fight this. Yes- I love making the family happy with gifts. Was always this way.
I just feel drawn to higher end stuff. I should be careful, but my kids were there for me 1000% when I was stuck in a hospital
Bed For a year.
Oh. Boy. Cheryl is done for now. Thank god Adi is onπŸ˜†πŸ€£
I remember how it was for me. I didn't know at the time what was wrong with me and it caused problems in my marriage. It stopped when I got off the medicine but I still didn't connect the dots until years later. As long as you are aware, I think you are good. It could be worse. Right?
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Re: Its Saturday Good Morning

Post by Vicky » 4 years ago

Do you all realize what a special thing we formed. We can talk about just about anything, without being judged. I tell you things I never told my friends and family. To my friends outside this forum, and my family I am the ROCK OF GIBRALTARπŸ₯Ί
I guess we dont want to disappoint them. They would believe I am kidding if I told them anout this shopping addiction.
Thank you again for sharing your own struggles with these meds. Its a god sent to be able to talk about it. I only bought 1 thing today( yes it was diamonds, but with a coupon).
Talking about it really helped.
❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️To all of you
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Re: Its Saturday Good Morning

Post by Vicky » 4 years ago

Do you all realize what a special thing we formed. We can talk about just about anything, without being judged. I tell you things I never told my friends and family. To my friends outside this forum, and my family I am the ROCK OF GIBRALTARπŸ₯Ί
I guess we dont want to disappoint them. They would believe I am kidding if I told them anout this shopping addiction.
Thank you again for sharing your own struggles with these meds. Its a god sent to be able to talk about it. I only bought 1 thing today( yes it was diamonds, but with a coupon).
Talking about it really helped.
❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️To all of you
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Re: Its Saturday Good Morning

Post by Gemsnob » 4 years ago

Vicky wrote: ↑
4 years ago
Do you all realize what a special thing we formed. We can talk about just about anything, without being judged. I tell you things I never told my friends and family. To my friends outside this forum, and my family I am the ROCK OF GIBRALTARπŸ₯Ί
I guess we dont want to disappoint them. They would believe I am kidding if I told them anout this shopping addiction.
Thank you again for sharing your own struggles with these meds. Its a god sent to be able to talk about it. I only bought 1 thing today( yes it was diamonds, but with a coupon).
Talking about it really helped.
❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️To all of you
Talking does help. ❀️
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Re: Its Saturday Good Morning

Post by JewelryQueen » 4 years ago


Love your portrayal of the saleswoman and her Ali Baba stash of goodies. I could visualize her and actually hear her in my head. When I had my escrow businesses I got to be creative and made gift baskets for my good repeat customers (mostly Realtors). Michael's was my best friend. And of course the edibles like home made fudge, fruit I dipped in white or dark chocolate and arranged like flower arrangements, etc. etc. Should have put some of my lotion in too but never thought of it. Ah the good old days!


I truly warms my heart that so many of us feel we can talk about absolutely anything here and be our true authentic selves without fear of judgement or rejection. It is good to just be able to share.
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Re: Its Saturday Good Morning

Post by Vicky » 4 years ago

I worked with medical staff in the 90’s that appeared to be on something. Im thinking heavier then Phen-Phen🧐I tried phen- phen and all the other diet things. Never worked. To lose weight, I just lived on coffee and a couple veggies. Atkins failed because my calcium went too low. Ca++ Supplements didn't work.
Until this Neupro patch I never felt a urge to shop, shop and shop.
Thanks for all the touching posts from Blossom, Catticus, Gemsnob,Jewelqueen, Hayhaypaula,- also thinking of RS, Gypsy, OSOTT, Ginger, Howrevelationary, Angelflutter, shop4joy, JT, SueB, margui and all my friends who are going thru sooo much in their personal lives, yet make the time to care about others.
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Re: Its Saturday Good Morning

Post by Blossom » 4 years ago

Gemsnob wrote: ↑
4 years ago
Blossom wrote: ↑
4 years ago
Gemsnob wrote: ↑
4 years ago

I know. I was on Abilify years ago. Years later, when I was no longer in it, I read that there was a lawsuit because it caused compulsive gambling. In me, it caused compulsive online shopping. So, I understand how she feels. It's hard to feel out of control when you are a highly educated person who also has common sense.
When I first started taking Ambien for insomnia, I woke one morning & saw where I'd written something down. Studied it, hmmmm....looks like a SLC item. Didn't have enough sense at the time (Ambien side effect) to go online so I called them. Did I order this item? Answer: yes.

Great, now I have a pair of gosh awful gaudy earrings I will never wear!
Ambien....I've heard of people getting in the car, going grocery shopping, coming home, putting it all away and not remembering any of it in the morning.
Yes, it can make some do crazy things! Fortunately the earrings were the worst for me.

I have a friend who tried taking them. She woke one morning to find an entire box of popsicle wrappers by the bed. She told her husband 'I don't care that you ate the whole box but you could have cleaned up your mess!' He told her she was the one that ate every one!
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Re: Its Saturday Good Morning

Post by Gypsy » 4 years ago

Blossom wrote: ↑
4 years ago
Gemsnob wrote: ↑
4 years ago
Blossom wrote: ↑
4 years ago

When I first started taking Ambien for insomnia, I woke one morning & saw where I'd written something down. Studied it, hmmmm....looks like a SLC item. Didn't have enough sense at the time (Ambien side effect) to go online so I called them. Did I order this item? Answer: yes.

Great, now I have a pair of gosh awful gaudy earrings I will never wear!
Ambien....I've heard of people getting in the car, going grocery shopping, coming home, putting it all away and not remembering any of it in the morning.
Yes, it can make some do crazy things! Fortunately the earrings were the worst for me.

I have a friend who tried taking them. She woke one morning to find an entire box of popsicle wrappers by the bed. She told her husband 'I don't care that you ate the whole box but you could have cleaned up your mess!' He told her she was the one that ate every one!
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