Opatra survey!

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Opatra survey!

Post by RoxiJade » 3 years ago

Opatra has so many items. I was wondering who has which Opatra device, and how you like it. My husband is immune suppressed, so I bought the Robolight. It's okay, but it really needs a larger light bar to cover more area, and it is not so great for rolling around on its own unless it is on a perfectly smooth, level surface. So tell me about your Opatra item, and how you like it! Thanks!
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Gem Lover
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Re: Opatra survey!

Post by Gem Lover » 3 years ago

I tried both the dermi eye and the dermi eye plus and both neck ones and returned them. I used them every day and they seem to make my skin worse and hardly any light came out of the dermi eye or the dermi eye plus. My skin gets better results with using David's products without the Opatra devices.
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Re: Opatra survey!

Post by RoseyRuby » 3 years ago

I bought the Dermi neck, which came with the Dermi Eye (which I've barely used), the Synergy & Synergy Eye set. I like them all. I use the Dermi neck the most and the Synergy on my knee for pain relief. The Synergy Eye really helps to lift my eye area and believe it or not, helps me to see better. I think the Dermi neck would probably be the best value. The massage, different lights--red, blue, green and results, at the price offered yesterday was a steal. I have a LightStim, Baby Quasar and had a DPL until it fell apart. All of them cost much more than $137 and the lights don't come close to Opatra. I've read up on these devices for years and from what I understand and have experienced, a serum with Green Tea gives the best results. I haven't tried any of David's products yet. But I intend to, in the future.
I also like the fact, that these devices are cordless. All of my other devices had to have the cords replaced, SEVERAL times.
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