A whole new thread

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A whole new thread

Post by Gulfwaterlady » 11 months ago

I just started a whole new thread. The subject was Shop LC long ago.
I enjoyed William's stories from back in Liquidation days. I wanted to hear more.
Instead the post was added to Under $10 day.
Anyone who shopped years ago, would you post it under the subject of Shop LC long ago. It would make more sense.
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Re: A whole new thread

Post by William » 11 months ago

Hi GulfWaterLady and ALL---- Others may be able to confirm my words below ---

As TJC morphed into LC--The schedule changed -- I remember Under $50 Thursday--But then LC came and the schedule was--
Mon -- variety day with shows of special stones and Luxury evening prime time for 4 to 6 hours (2,99 shipping was standard at all times EXCEPT Tues Fri & Sun)
Tues Under $20 with 1.99 shipping all day --Terrific Tuesday
Wed -- like Monday -- no luxury time
Thurs - like Wed --variety of jewelry/ stones
Fri -- Under Ten 1.99 shipping ---Fantastic Friday
Sat -- was ALWAYS Smack down -- the smakcdown music from when I started was the same as now -- So was the TLV music with the calliope --The smack down music and TLV music changed under Mr Amit --he apparently did not want the music we have -- When the execs changed after Mr Amit was no longer there & Ankur returned -- the music went BACK to what it used to be
Smackdowns were different--as stones were more easily available -- Always 24 hours-- I Remember Sleeping beauty -- 24 hours-- Chrome Diopside--Lapis Lazuli--Black Spinel--Ruby--Amethyst--I even remember a few Smackdowns of Sapphire-- When Kanchanaburi Sapphire was available-- Also Peridot a few times -- OF Course Tanzanite-- There was at least a Tanzanite Smackdown every 6 to 8 weeks-- I remember at least 1 Perl day-- Occasionally it would be a Smackdown Super Saturday -- mixed up with shows for 4 to 6 hours of certain stones
There was no Gold then -- limited Gols WAS available on line and in the Iliana Line---& Platinum in the Rhapsody line just as now --but majority was Platinum over sterling
There was a CZ line called "Elanza" Very pretty things--Great prices -- that went away and then a few years later Lustro Stella came

Sunday -- All Under Ten -- 1.99 shipping all day---Sunday Funday

The hosts ---in my opinion--were more fun when they were solitary presenters--they controlled their show on camera --They had a producer & director and a visual stylist just like now---- I remember Leanne Brown -- Michelle Lau who has been on a few metworks including the Q -She was on early on and then left ----Michelle Stoffel She was really good and classy---- Roxanne wilson she was a Lot of fun John Newton he was on for a while then left then came back for a short time then left ----Jean Paul He was overnights and Very polished and professional --- a women named Nicole her last name escapes me--she came from the J and was on for a while She was a lot of fun but then left "to return home to be closer to family" there was a funny husband wife team who were on for a short time then left and "went back to Florida" Jerry and I can't remember the wife's name-- Dan Dennis was there when it was TJC and part of LC then left then came back--- Katie & Craig came before the other couple I mentioned and have been there since--I remember them also doing solo shows ---Jessica Lolo Becky Stacy Dionne are ALL originals from Day 1 All professional and have ALWAYS done a great job They were ALL FANTASTIC when they were solitary--they are all fantastic now but I do not prefer the 2 host format--Sara C was an excellent knowledgeable host She was Professional -----Shawn W. came after the other network and fit in well He used to have the FUNNIEST SHOWS with Dan dennis on Fridays!!!! Also --Shannon (Obrien?) was there when I 1st started then she left then she came back --then left again
Adi was an Exec only in about the 2017-2019 time-- he started to be featured as they did 2 host format and then left to go to the UK-- & Became a distant Host -- I do like Adi -- he reminds me of the 2016-2018 days

Gerald Tempton was the PRES shortly after I started -- as TJC changed to LC--He seemed terrific and from an observer--seemed to work hard to build LC up---it seems that things were a LOT smaller and more intimate then. I don't remember the Pres when I first started--After Mr Tempton came Kevin Lyons who was TERRIFIC and took LC to the fun exciting place that I remember 2014 to 2018--- He was replaced with Mr Amit who is listed as current president however I thought that that had changed ??? But in search engines Mr Amit is listed as President?

There were some GREAT executives in the past -- I Do like Mr Ankur-- there was a great exec named Nitin Dugar--Really nice man -- a little quiet but seemed to get used to being on camera and then he was Fun ! The poor man passed away -- God Rest his soul!!! He was Fun! He was kind of a little like Sitendra -- the current exec we see once in a while

In the past -- the ONLY time there WERE 2 hosts was on Sat--Smackdown days and then the execs would come on for 4 to 6 hours -- and be on air to lower the prices--all 24 hours --It was fun because you got to know WHO was running the company--they were ONLY on on Sat--Smackdown day-- Srikant Jha-- who went to the UK to be Pres of UK TJC was Very Fun !!!
I do not remember the name of the man who was in charge of shipping but He was Fun -- He was a TEXAS guy-- big and burly and with a strong accent!

Furry Friends Friday was VERY FUN!!!!!!!!!!! They showed pictures of people's pets -- when Katie was on air-- It was cute -- they never showed the shoppers -- just thier pets -- but it was Fun and Katie would say -- Here's "Charlie" fo example and sometimes they would say Who's pet it was --The pictures were always Cute AND they STILL had time to show the jewelry piece-- measure--give stone details and size--
I can remember them showing something on Friday-- I particularly remember a ring with Praziolite in sterling -- 3 stones--Very nice--BEFORE I could get in on the phone to purchase--- IT SOLD OUT!!! That happened a LOT!!!!! They would have 100 to 160 of a piece and they would ROUTINELY sell out! FAST! They would show the number remaining ---not the number sold --and it would spin down and then say GONE-- It happened constantly -- there were a lot of things I did not get-- & then I got good at getting in and pressing the numbers on the phone and not missing out!

After a few years Value Bundle SHipping came -- $29.99 from midnight to 11:59pm the same day-- I did that Many times on Friday or Sunday-- You had to call in and ask customer service to apply it --- And they would --And they would knock off shipping charges that were beyond the $29.99! that existed before the $29.99 was applied and then --no more shipping after $29.99 -- (like now)----

Things were less expensive back then and the deals were Better -- of couse-------------------------- Stering -- BIG stones-- Occasional exotic even on Fri or Sun --smaller stones if exotic ------- it seems that there were a Lot more stones available then -- turquoise-- malachite--lapis-- they had stones like Rhodochrosite--which is mined out--Rhodonite--MANY MANY types of Jasper -- Just different things -- that seem like they were more easily obtainable then-- plus birthstones and quartz
I can remember buying birthstone sets in Sterling -- smaller stones but it featured a bracelet--dangle earrings with 3 stones per earring -- AND a necklace -- for $9.99
Sometimes now --- they do the necklace in Stainless for $9.99 -- which is a great price -- but like I said -- you used to get the suite in Sterling for Under ten!

Anyway -- Nothing can stay the same --It WAS VERY FUN -- Just like Carribean girl said in the other thread

I Hope everyone is well!!! Happy 4th !!! ( I must go back to work -- I was off for a week -- so If I disappear -- I am working) Thanks All ------------------William
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Re: A whole new thread

Post by William » 11 months ago

Hi All Again

I FORGOT --- to ME -- the NEW hosts -- Annika Chesnut And OF COURSE!!!!! Nikki Stanzione!!!
They are both gone and were FANTASTIC!!! --------To ME --- they are NEW--- but sadly -- they are not around anymore either --Hopefully Nikki Will Return for more guest hosting stints!!!?!!!

Karen Connelly--- come on -- She is LEGEND AND Super Fantastic!!!!!!!! Do I need to mention Karen!?! I AM SOOOOOO GLAD she is STILL ON as a distant host!!!!!!!

I like all the other current hosts -- I do have some favorites -- But I enjoy everyone-------------------BUT there were definitely some Fun and/or Polished hosts in the past!

Again ---- THANKS ALL ----------- William
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Re: A whole new thread

Post by FarmMom » 11 months ago

William I feel like you need a biography book or a massive website Blog for all of your knowledge to be shared :D
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Re: A whole new thread

Post by lah2001 » 11 months ago

Wow, William, reading your post is like going back in time. I remember much of everything you're talking about. I started watching The Liquidation Channel around 2012-2013, but have only posted here for the past couple of years.

I remember once Sara C (one of my favorite hosts) was hosting with Dan Dennis. At the time they were running screen graphics that pictured the heads of various hosts for some reason, to advertise an upcoming show. Sara was holding a ruler or a fake mallet or something (back then sometimes the hosts would wield rulers or play tools to humorously emphasize things), and she started pretending to hit the heads of the hosts with the stick, declaring "It's like Whack-a-Mole!" Dan Dennis thought it was the funniest thing. I've never seen him laugh so hard.

I'd love to see Sara C. and Michele host together. That would be a funny presentation!

I'll post more memories as they come to me.
Last edited by lah2001 11 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A whole new thread

Post by lah2001 » 11 months ago

I also remember something about the music. Before Amit took over, ShopLC used to have music running quietly all through the presentations. It was a bouncy little tune that would repeat. I actually liked it, and was disappointed when they went to silence instead. I remember everything seemed so quiet on the set without it for a time.
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Re: A whole new thread

Post by William » 11 months ago


WOW I forgot aboput the background music! It was Terrific -- I ALSO was Sad when they axed it ---Very quiet --in the background-- when they went to commercial or between items it would get louder --Very bouncy and upbeat !!! I HAve VERY rarely occasionally heard it at times when they are seg-waying into a change ---but it was GREAT when it was Always there! I AGREE WITH YOU !!!! It is a shame that they dumped it! it had --- like a -- stairstep beat - with a strong undertone of drum bass beat ----it would go up in notes -- and up--and up -- and then collapse back down and repeat! And it was NEVER in the way--
BUT --- AGAIN---It was FUN!

ALSO ----------- SO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!! I REMEMBER the Wak-a-mole---I Actually DO REMEMBER Sarah C doing that & Yes -- Dan thought it was Hysterical-- They seemed to used to have time for such FUNNY things --- And STILL do a Fantastic job of SHOWING the item -- measure -- size in inches and also telling you mm size-- showing the entirety of the peice--& undergallery weather finished or open---

I remember Dan and Shawn Wilsey on Fridays having a box covered in aluminum foil with an old style TV rabbit ear antenna attatched to it with fake big buttons on it----and it was supposed to give them a magic super low price--- or it was supposed to be able to raise the price if Dan went "too low" and it --- "Never worked" --it looked so hokey and rediculous that it was HYSTERICAL!

I remember one time Becky got a REALLY short pixie hair cut and she died her hair REALLY Blonde -- like Yellow-- She looked So Different--- But SOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!

I also vaguely remember that during some special sales-- like Black Friday doorbusters--ALL the hosts had these hokey T SHirts that were a Unique color and had the sale printed on them--and they all wore them----That didn't last that long -- perhaps the hosts didn't appreciate the T Shirts? They were BIG shirts and they seemed to Hang on everybody--

They used to make the best Chritmas sale commercials! I remember when Gerald Tempton was the Pres-- He was Santa -- and he was a little larger Man so he Looked GOOD in the santa suit & a hokey fake big beard---& he had a bag full of Goodies for all the LC customers to get great gifts!

I seem to remember that one year they did a heartfelt Christmas commercial featuring some of the hosts talking about the holidays and their traditions for the holidays and how much they thanked us all for allowing The LC to be part of ---the customer's holidays--I remember Dionne and Michelle Stoffel and I Want to say Katie and Maybe Sarah ---I Think Roxanne too

I remember commercials at Mother's Day one year where they featured Hosts with their mom's --- I seem to remember that they did that with a number of hosts! I Specifically remember John Newton with his Mom and Becky with her Mom -- Becky was standing to the side and her Mom was seated in a pretty chair--and we saw their Mom's and heard memories from their childhood -- ETC -- It was of course -- ALL Marketing -- but sweet and it did not hit you over the head! I Thought it was terrific and well done -- just like the Christmas commercials used to be too!

Like You said Lah2001--- More memories as you think about it!!!
It was just -- (WIERD--for a business and) SOOO SPECIAL a time!!! So friendly and seeming so intimate! -----------It Was Truly --- Wonderful!!!

THANKS ALL !!!!!!!!! ----------------- William
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Re: A whole new thread

Post by Gulfwaterlady » 11 months ago

Thank you so much for taking the time, to take us on trip down memory lane.
I really think you saw the best of times on LC.
It sounded like it was a happy time for the audience and I'm sure it was nicer for the hosts. We complain like heck but how many of us could talk about one thing for half an hour while trying to sell it the whole time, absolutely boring.
If so many of these hosts make the move to Austin,
TX they must be paid a great salary. Sadly, all is not what it seems because so many of them leave in about two years.
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Re: A whole new thread

Post by lah2001 » 10 months ago

Reviving this thread to ask William a question. Hope he sees this.

William (or anyone who remembers), do you remember the costume jewelry line ShopLC used to carry that was based on original Art Deco and Art Nouveau designs from the past? I thought it was a beautiful line, and luckily I bought several pieces before it went away. Can you remember the name? I wanted to see if I could find it online elsewhere. I *think* the line was under a man's name.
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Re: A whole new thread

Post by honey » 10 months ago

hi Iah2001........
i think ..... J Francis would be the man.
After he passed away, his wife was on SLC
with a few new new designs that he'd not
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