Why no “on air” videos anymore?

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Why no “on air” videos anymore?

Post by Bella » 10 months ago

I have noticed for quite sometime that any videos live or otherwise are few and far between, and the ones they do have don’t always play correctly. Why? If I cannot see the product from a live shot and it costs a fair amount I’m not buyin!
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Re: Why no “on air” videos anymore?

Post by colljoe » 10 months ago

I agree and have noticed the videos are usually not there anymore. But, their description is much better written now. They must have hired someone new. Much more professional. But now no videos, and the pictures they show of the item hardly ever shows the back side, or under gallery. Why can't Shop LC just get it right?
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Re: Why no “on air” videos anymore?

Post by Bella » 10 months ago

I just wish on the “product specifications” it would ALWAYS give the mm sizes and the gram weights. They don’t include gram weights for a lot of their inventory any more which ticks me off, and let’s face it their items are not as beefy as they used to be. Also on some items there is no dimension measurements.

I agree Colljoe why can’t they get it right?
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Re: Why no “on air” videos anymore?

Post by FarmMom » 10 months ago

I had to giggle the other day, they presented star sapphire jewelry, and the comparison photo they showed did not display a star, I think it was Michelle, and she was pointing out how if you are going to have star gemstnes at least get a photo of them with one, but the irony was that few if any of SLC star stones showed a star in their photos (unless they changed it in the last month). Certainly on live Tv they sort of did, but not in the photos.

And I also miss the product presentations, REALLY gives you a better idea of the item. I'm guessing they stopped since items often change price and people may have gotten upset at seeing a lower price on air...
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Re: Why no “on air” videos anymore?

Post by Bella » 10 months ago

I think they’re just lazy and don’t care about what their customers want. I have mentioned this before on the forum. If I really want the item and it was shown at a lower price, depending on how much the discount was at least I can get a better idea of the item and then justify if I will purchase it or not. The way it is now I’m not buyin nothin. Lately most coupons do not work for anything I’m interested in, and I’m not talking about $10-$40 items. Items $199-$300 there seems to be no discounts. However if you want to spend $800-$5000 discounts are available.
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