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Re: Terahertz

Post by colljoe » 9 months ago

Shop LC needs to up their game on Terahertz styles. Exact same styles on other sites, like Amazon, Esty, Temu...and they are cheaper. Most of Shop LC Shungite pieces are unique and creative. I do hope they start doing the same thing on making more creative pieces for Terahertz, to look different than all the others. Otherwise, myself, and I am sure, others, will just keep buying from the other sites. I find Terahertz (and Shungite) fascinating, and the proven science behind it. Anything healing and protecting to the human (and animal) body, I'm all in.
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Re: Terahertz

Post by Spinoza » 9 months ago

Been wearing two bracelets for a few hours a day for a few weeks now and there really does seem to be an improvement in pain relief for me. I think everyone has to keep in mind that Terahertz in a small piece of jewelry isn’t going to give dramatic improvement immediately. It helps though, IMO, and it’s a gentle improvement if you wear it on a regular basis. Anyone expecting an instant, miracle cure should lower their expectations and keep in mind that this isn’t magic, it’s science, and it’s a low dose of Terahertz technology so be patient and give it a chance to work gently and gradually.
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Re: Terahertz

Post by Gulfwaterlady » 9 months ago

I started this thread about Terahertz a few months ago.
Recently I posted an answer I got from Shop LC regarding a question I emailed to them months ago. My question was: could Terahertz and Shungite be worn together. I got a very detailed answer from them, much more scientific than I ever expected which I posted on this forum. Now I have received an invitation from Viabhav Global which is the original company that all of Shop LC shopping channels in the US and Europe are owned by and also the manufacturing facility in Jaipur, India. I was asked to give my time zone and the time to receive a call from them regarding Terahertz. This originates from Shop LC's Idea Lab.
I think the company regarded my question much more in depth than what I ever asked for. I only asked because I wanted to know if the stones worked in conjunction with one another or in conflict with one another, if they were worn together.

I didn't respond because I have nothing to tell them. I didn't even totally understand the answer they gave me.

I wrote my question and received an answer many months ago. But, I just posted it here recently. Evidently, they are reading the forum.

I am a bit confused by their interest. I never thought this was scienctific. I thought Terahertz was just about sales. I think Terahertz has more qualities than we know about.
India just landed an unmaned spacecraft, on the polar side of the moon, which has never been done before. Russia recently tried and failed. India is now in the race for space.
What else should we know about Terahertz?

I had stopped posting but found this interesting.
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Re: Terahertz

Post by Bella » 9 months ago

That is weird Gulfwater!
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Re: Terahertz

Post by FarmMom » 9 months ago

For some reason this information feels unsettling to me, and my stomach a bit queasy . . . cannot explain why.

I do understand your question, I kicked around enough metaphyisical sites trying to study Nurielite that I see a lot of info regarding what can and can not be worn by whom and with what (their energies can conflict).

And I would agree. Not everything can or should be worn together.

You have natural medicine and you have man made medicine. Man made tends to be more reactive, more side effects, etc. THAT would be my concern with terahertz. Antibiotics DO WORK, but people can have adverse reactions to them, and they can wreck havoc on your body. But Grapefruit seed extract is a NATURAL antibiotic and it actually HEALS your body and your system.

Could terehertz be an activator for nano technology? Why CREATE it in the first place if other things like Hematite already seem to work?

You always have to follow the money. . . why go to the work to make something like this?

A bit of research, look up terahertz radiation. It's a radio wave . . and while the radiation dosage seems inactive on DNA tissue, looking up info they are turning it into radio transmitters and satellites . . . so, it wouldn't be too crazy to suggest that by making jewelry to sell out of the material, they now have thousands of roaming satellites to bounce signals off from . . .

**After reading the article they actually ARE in fact experimenting with this as a means to replace cell phones**

On an interesting note, you can create your own terahertz radiation by unpeeling tape! Something about the bonds break upon peeling produced the same radiation.

I would doubt it can deflect EMF waves since it's actual use IS radiation itself, but in theory it could potentially eliminate or create cancer cells -- either way, just like any other type of radiation.

The New age stone market is a billion dollar market, and people are always trying to come up with the latest and greatest to sell. That's why China bought all the Nurielite rough, smashed it into small pieces and tossed it out to sell.

Terahertz was not created as jewlery. It is a range of radiation or frequency waves just below microwave radiation. They began turning it into jewelry because 1. they knew they could make $$$ and 2. it can be used as a transmitting device.

So, I don't know much about all the different types of stone energies or effects, but I know quartz is an amplifier, so I WOULD NOT wear it with anything quartz . . .

Probably just safe NOT to wear it with ANY other stones since it HAS NOT been studied much, unlike natural stones which have been under study for thousands of years ;)
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Re: Terahertz

Post by BostonIrish » 9 months ago

Holy Crappp 🚽Scary 👻🤖
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Re: Terahertz

Post by DesertPrayer » 9 months ago

Gulfwaterlady wrote:
9 months ago
...Recently I posted an answer I got from Shop LC regarding a question I emailed to them months ago...
Hello Gulfwaterlady! Are you able to point me to that post? I'd really like to read it.
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Re: Terahertz

Post by FarmMom » 9 months ago

DesertPrayer wrote:
9 months ago
Gulfwaterlady wrote:
9 months ago
...Recently I posted an answer I got from Shop LC regarding a question I emailed to them months ago...
Hello Gulfwaterlady! Are you able to point me to that post? I'd really like to read it.
This is the post, the one you are reading, lol. Anytime someone comments on an old post it bumps it to the top ;)

Just read page 2 of this post thread. Out of curiosity, why are you interested in what SLC said to her specifically? Did they call you too?
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Re: Terahertz

Post by DesertPrayer » 9 months ago

She mentioned something about technical stuff which I didn't see...I'm an inquiring mind for technical stuff.
EDIT: I was hoping to avoid having to go through the entire thread.
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Re: Terahertz

Post by FarmMom » 9 months ago

DesertPrayer wrote:
9 months ago
She mentioned something about technical stuff which I didn't see...I'm an inquiring mind for technical stuff.
EDIT: I was hoping to avoid having to go through the entire thread.

""About a month ago I left a post and said that I was finished with SLC. I thought maybe I was just one of the unlucky customers. About ten months ago I began reading this forum. I started posting about a month later. I felt depressed over what this company has done to practically all their customers. I realized after reading posts from three years ago that it is the same complaints over and over until people just get so upset they move on. Nothing and no one is indispensible!
I came to make one last post. I received this from SLC after the first airing of terahertz. I knew nothing about it. I saw the rate it was selling and started reading about it. I am a great believer in shungite and wear the beaded bracelets all the time. My question to SLC was: if the two, shungite and terahertz could be worn together or did they negate one another.
I found the response I received from Shop LC. It was one time the company shocked me at the level of education and research some of their employees have acheived.

"The Terahertz range refers to electromagnetic waves with frequencies between 100 GHz and , or wavelengths between 3mm and 30 (two alphabetical letters from quantum physics which are not on my laptop). Light between radio waves and infrared have some unique properties. However, this would not negate the effect of shungite. Two minerals in particular, Shunite and Orgonite, are said to have EMF radiation protection properties, which often lead people to believe they can utilize them to rid themselves of EMF's, once and for all." The man hoped this was enough information or he would send me a site for further research. I will not print his name.
Further research! I didn't fully understand the information he sent. I asked a friend who's husband has a PhD if the answer was a simple, yes, shungite and terahertz could be worn together. That's what I took away from the Information that was sent to me.
Yes, simply said they can be worn together.
For years have spoken to people at SLC that know absolutely nothing about anything and then I receive this response!
So that's it for me and SLC except for whatever shunite or terahertz I find on their website. I have confidence in the authenticity of these two minerals.

Life continues to present more challenges as our values change. I try to keep my life as stress free as possible. I had to eliminate SLC.""

same thing I said -- just look up "terahertz" online, you'll find all you ever wanted to know.
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