Coronavirus and gold prices

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Re: Coronavirus and gold prices

Post by JewelryQueen » 4 years ago

'The Queen is back. Long live the Queen! (I've always wanted to say that)

OK tribe, we're a gonna be proactive. Here's my recommendations to help keep us safe from the monster.

-- On the supplement side--

-First and Foremost --VITAMIN C time released capsules. I take 2 of the 500 mg every morning. Vitamin C promotes an increase in your white blood cells and increases the production of natural interferon. Interferon is an antibody that coats cells and prevents viral entry. If you don't do anything else, do this.

Next on my recommend list--Bilberry capsules. Nature's Way brand also contains Black Elderberry. (There is no cyanide in Elderberries--only in the roots and leaves- like apricots have cyanide in the pits). 2 capsules with breakfast lunch and dinner. This is an industrial strength dose. You could get by with less. I believe their 2 for 1 sale is still on so a one month's supply is $30. Both Bilberries and Elderberries contain polyphenols that block viruses. Sambucol has a Black Elderberry syrup that is tasty and effective but at the upper recommended dose can be cost prohibitive. It runs about $9 for a 4 oz bottle that would last 3 days. At the the minimal dose would last 9 days. It is usually available at Target. Also if you are allergic to zinc stay away from the "Advanced" version. If anyone is interested and has access to Black Elderberry juice I'll tell you how to make your own.

Echinacea and Goldenseal are supposed to boost your immune system. You can find at any vitamin or health food store. Personally I have had mixed results, but couldn't hurt.

--On the food side--

Did you know the humble cinnamon is an antiviral? Put some in your coffee. For a double whammy put some in your lactobacillus yogurt. (the gut is the pillar of your immune system). I've been known to fill empty capsules with it for easy dosage. DO NOT try to eat a teaspoonful as you might inhale it and all he*ll will break lose in your lungs. Breathing it in if you have asthma, can kill you.

Use coconut oil whenever possible as it boosts the effects of other immune building foods.

Eat mushrooms. Shiitake are the most potent for immune effects but all are good.

Garlic is a great antibiotic to keep the barrage of other bugs away. Be careful with raw or almost raw garlic if you are on anticoagulants as it is a blood thinner. To be effective it must be crushed or finely minced and exposed to air for at least five minutes. It will feel a little sticky when the active ingredient comes out. Just don't heat it too long or at too high a temperature as it negates the good effects. Add it towards the last 10 minutes if you are cooking say soup. Onions ditto.

Green tea also supports your immune system. Try for three cups a day (with honey as desired).

Lastly, eat as many dark green vegetables as you can.

So that's my recipe to get us ALL through this.
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Re: Coronavirus and gold prices

Post by JewelryQueen » 4 years ago


I'm just now trying to get a referral to get a blood draw and have a CA125 test done to check for cancer. Once I get that I have to coordinate with my best friend Marilyn to get a ride. (She has been working a crazy schedule lately-like 60 hours a week) But I know she will do it for me.

I truly appreciate your concern. You are our Awesome Blossom indeed!
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Re: Coronavirus and gold prices

Post by honey » 4 years ago

All Hail the Queen!!
great advice JQ, Thank you so
much. Don't forget the added
prayer, as I am keeping you
and Sissy in prayer to stay on
top, healthy and happy, happy
love ya, honey
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Re: Coronavirus and gold prices

Post by Gypsy » 4 years ago

JewelryQueen wrote:
4 years ago
'The Queen is back. Long live the Queen! (I've always wanted to say that)

OK tribe, we're a gonna be proactive. Here's my recommendations to help keep us safe from the monster.

-- On the supplement side--

-First and Foremost --VITAMIN C time released capsules. I take 2 of the 500 mg every morning. Vitamin C promotes an increase in your white blood cells and increases the production of natural interferon. Interferon is an antibody that coats cells and prevents viral entry. If you don't do anything else, do this.

Next on my recommend list--Bilberry capsules. Nature's Way brand also contains Black Elderberry. (There is no cyanide in Elderberries--only in the roots and leaves- like apricots have cyanide in the pits). 2 capsules with breakfast lunch and dinner. This is an industrial strength dose. You could get by with less. I believe their 2 for 1 sale is still on so a one month's supply is $30. Both Bilberries and Elderberries contain polyphenols that block viruses. Sambucol has a Black Elderberry syrup that is tasty and effective but at the upper recommended dose can be cost prohibitive. It runs about $9 for a 4 oz bottle that would last 3 days. At the the minimal dose would last 9 days. It is usually available at Target. Also if you are allergic to zinc stay away from the "Advanced" version. If anyone is interested and has access to Black Elderberry juice I'll tell you how to make your own.

Echinacea and Goldenseal are supposed to boost your immune system. You can find at any vitamin or health food store. Personally I have had mixed results, but couldn't hurt.

--On the food side--

Did you know the humble cinnamon is an antiviral? Put some in your coffee. For a double whammy put some in your lactobacillus yogurt. (the gut is the pillar of your immune system). I've been known to fill empty capsules with it for easy dosage. DO NOT try to eat a teaspoonful as you might inhale it and all he*ll will break lose in your lungs. Breathing it in if you have asthma, can kill you.

Use coconut oil whenever possible as it boosts the effects of other immune building foods.

Eat mushrooms. Shiitake are the most potent for immune effects but all are good.

Garlic is a great antibiotic to keep the barrage of other bugs away. Be careful with raw or almost raw garlic if you are on anticoagulants as it is a blood thinner. To be effective it must be crushed or finely minced and exposed to air for at least five minutes. It will feel a little sticky when the active ingredient comes out. Just don't heat it too long or at too high a temperature as it negates the good effects. Add it towards the last 10 minutes if you are cooking say soup. Onions ditto.

Green tea also supports your immune system. Try for three cups a day (with honey as desired).

Lastly, eat as many dark green vegetables as you can.

So that's my recipe to get us ALL through this.
I take my vitamin C(1000 mg) every morning
I'll check out the bilberry capsules (sans zinc - thank you)
I do already drink 2 to 3 cups of green tea every day
And I am big on salads with fresh spinach
Love garlic ( hope garlic bread counts )
No mushrooms 🤢
And luckily there are not too many busy public places that I have to be at. So I can avoid crowds as needed.
Thank you for the great advice -Gypsy 💜💞💜
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Re: Coronavirus and gold prices

Post by Blossom » 4 years ago

JewelryQueen wrote:
4 years ago

I'm just now trying to get a referral to get a blood draw and have a CA125 test done to check for cancer. Once I get that I have to coordinate with my best friend Marilyn to get a ride. (She has been working a crazy schedule lately-like 60 hours a week) But I know she will do it for me.

I truly appreciate your concern. You are our Awesome Blossom indeed!
THANK YOU! Now I feel a little better. Now...let's get you feeling ALOT better!

Long live The Queen!!!💞
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Re: Coronavirus and gold prices

Post by Blossom » 4 years ago


🐰Thank you! I needed that smile you just put on my face!
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Re: Coronavirus and gold prices

Post by JewelryQueen » 4 years ago

Thank you. All prayers gratefully accepted.

You are doing great! Mamasan likee!

I too have had trouble with kidney stones. Pain comparable to childbirth. It is the calcium in those veggies that can get you but if I keep to reasonable amounts, and limit my milk, cheese, ice cream (darn!) and other dairy I find I'm OK-- especially if I push fluids.
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Re: Coronavirus and gold prices

Post by Vicky » 4 years ago

My kidney stones came from eating red meat and salmon on the Atkins diet, which caused high uric acid levels. When I had the RENAL COLIC attack, my U/A was loaded with uric acid crystals. I’m Lucky that I didn’t develop GOUT too.
So, I had to give up my favorite Diet 🥵
I agree that the attack was comparable to LABOR pains. Actually womens attacks are usually less severe then mens. We have a wider Urethra, allowing some smaller size sludge to pass. But, then MEN DONT get any Labor pains🙄
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Re: Coronavirus and gold prices

Post by JewelryQueen » 4 years ago

My kidney stones sliced my left kidney to ribbons. They wanted to remove it but I wouldn't let them. Now it functions at about 50% so I'm glad i said no. But OH the pain.
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Re: Coronavirus and gold prices

Post by Vicky » 4 years ago

Oh god 🥺I cant imagine the pain you were in - my pains were severe, but I imagine with you almost losing the kidney, your pains had to be unbearable😱😰
I did have bouts of severe pain when all my ribs and both of my pelvis just decided to break, but it cant compare with the agony you have and still are going thru.
I so prayed last night that you get a negative for re- occurrence on the exam ( please dont put it off)🙏🏻
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