Again...not about gems

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Re: Again...not about gems

Post by Blossom » 4 years ago

Angelflutter wrote:
4 years ago
Just my 2 cents. I have been getting a round of lidocaine / steroids twice a year. I fell off of the back of an ambulance in 92. Messed my back up really bad. Have had pain for years. Finally about 8 years or so ago, I needed to start seeing a pain specialist as I was getting to the point of barely being able to walk. My L3, L4 and L5 were the vertebrae damaged along with my tailbone abd my pelvic girdle. I heave radio frequency ablation done about every 9 months or so. Prior to doing the RFA, they need to inject with the lidocaine / steroid. If I get relief they do the RFA. If I get no relief the RFA may not be helpful..... at that point I will probably have a pain pump implanted. Anyway, yes. For about 3 to 4 days after those injections, I am VERY sore. I get 6 injections, one one each side at L3, L4 and L5. AFTER that initial 3 or 4 days. .. the pain does subside. I was told no heat until after those few days. No hor showers, baths and no massaging the area. Also NO HEATING PAD. It is suggested to use ice packs 30 minutes on then 39 minutes off for as long as needed. Hope this helps. I DO feel your misery. So sorry you are going through this. .. Angell utter
Well wouldn't ya just know I'd do the wrong thing! I put heat on painful area & wondered why it didn't I know why!

I'm sorry about your accident. Sounds like the lifelong effects are life changing in the worst way. I wish you & everyone of us with daily pain could find relief so we could live a normal life.

Thanks for your 2 cents!💞
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Re: Again...not about gems

Post by Blossom » 4 years ago

Gem Lover wrote:
4 years ago
I also have fibro that started when the ex tried killing me but I can not take anything for it due to the fact that the * poison killed my liver. I can not even take vitamins without my doctors permission but. I am able to take Gabapentin because it does not effect the liver but it does not seem to help much, it just sort of takes the edge of the pain.
@Gem Lover
I can barely wrap my brain around your ex. I just hate you had to live with someone who did that to you.
I've noticed a certain word is always it the same as rodent?

If he isn't put away for life for ruining your health for life, then there is no justice.
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Re: Again...not about gems

Post by Gem Lover » 4 years ago

Now why would they censor the word that I typed? It is the stuff they put in rat poison, it is used on farms to kill rodents and it can be in well water, it is not a swear, lol. My ex is out on parole so I do not get much sleep at night, he is a suspect in a murder case so with any luck they get him for that. I do not understand why these parole boards let out dangerous people but yet will keep nonviolent offenders in jail forever, there have been so many woman in my area this past year that have ended up dead due to their ex getting out on parole and coming after them.
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Re: Again...not about gems

Post by Gem Lover » 4 years ago

Gemsnob I do not think you are paranoid at all, better safe than sorry. I do not drink at all either. I have to be very careful, as it is I get an MRI every 6 months on my liver because I was told I now have a 99% chance of getting liver cancer.
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Re: Again...not about gems

Post by Blossom » 4 years ago

honey wrote:
4 years ago
JQ, I do know that I may have to try a few, topical
and oral, CBD's. I have arthritis in both knees, I had very
successful injections of Hyaluronic Acid.
Now new doctor, he gives me the synthetic, Synvisc.
It works well enough to make me forget just how
painful my knees really are every six months! ha

I'm glad that your friend had success with stem
cells. I could, but still too controversial.

Knee surgery?....I am a wuss! :lol:

by nature I am a very good sleeper, awake a full
day and a solid 6/7 hours of sleep. If I did not sleep
so well, .......I think I'd be a gonner! ...cause my
back hurts all day. Tried epidurals, no trade off
for relief and long run side effects.

Back surgery?....I am a wuss! :lol:

Everybody 'Get your rest!' ;)

Hope you had a good trip to the market.
Tomorrow is another day,
Good night all.
I'm a wuss too! Couple docs have brought up subject of surgery on my back. Nope & no thank you. Never say never. If things get too unbearable I guess it's an option but I don't like even thinking about it!
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Re: Again...not about gems

Post by Blossom » 4 years ago

Gem Lover wrote:
4 years ago
Now why would they censor the word that I typed? It is the stuff they put in rat poison, it is used on farms to kill rodents and it can be in well water, it is not a swear, lol. My ex is out on parole so I do not get much sleep at night, he is a suspect in a murder case so with any luck they get him for that. I do not understand why these parole boards let out dangerous people but yet will keep nonviolent offenders in jail forever, there have been so many woman in my area this past year that have ended up dead due to their ex getting out on parole and coming after them.
No one should have to live looking over their shoulder in fear. Been there, done that...

My abusive ex was killed in car crash running from law because he was beating up his girlfriend. Don't know if it's true but someone told me he was de-capitated. I felt bad for his family who always treated me well but I felt relief for myself.

I hope your ex is locked up for life before he hurts you or anyone else.
Be vigilant & stay safe. I don't want to see you on Dateline!
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Re: Again...not about gems

Post by JewelryQueen » 4 years ago


Funny you should mention Hyalaronic Acid. I take it orally in 100 mg capsules. Not the most effective, but every little bit helps.

Well, back from grocery shopping and dinner so made few calls. Let's say many calls. Apparently half the planet is on CBD. The only condition the FDA says that there is enough proof of efficacy is for epilepsy (oil taken orally). Some with depression and anxiety swear by it even though studies are still in the works. The consensus of the people I talked to with arthritic knees said you should start out with Fab CBD extra strength topical cream. A jar costs $49 but they are apparently having a sale right now and it is 15% off. An added benefit is it smells like oranges. They are divided about 50/50 as to whether taking the oil under the tongue method helps at all-- with knees. There are more expensive brands available but not enough of an improvement to be worth the price according to them. (this stuff goes up to $800!!!!)

If you give it a try be sure to let me know if it works. I may consider selling my firstborn and trying it myself.

PS The other two brands mentioned are Premium Jane (fairly affordable) and PureKana which is more high end.
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Re: Again...not about gems

Post by Angelflutter » 4 years ago

OtherSideOfTheTracks wrote:
4 years ago
Gemsnob wrote:
4 years ago
Morning Blossom. I have fibro and have had many of those injections in my back\ shoulder area. When the lidocaine wears off, it hurts but after about day three, I did feel better. I stopped getting them because steroids and me don't get along.
I have severe fibro and my doctor has never offered to help me with it. smh. I never heard of shots for it...nothing. I thought it was just something I had to suffer with.
Ask your doctor to try you on Gabapentin. ( Reasonably priced ) or Lyrica. ( More expensive ) but you can go to the Lyrica website to get lower cost through them. My daughter has use both. She likes the Gabapentin better because it is a lot cheaper and the doctor can give higher doses that provide relief. A pain specialist is a great doctor to go to. They are a lot freer about prescribing pain meds. You might even be put on an opoid if needed. I have been taking Norco 7.5 / 325 mgs. Of acetaminophen for the past 6 years. I am not an addict. I take 4 a day. They provide relief. I have been taking the same dose since day 1. I am also taking 10 mg of Flexaril ( muscle relaxer )twice a day. When this dose no longer works, he will raise my dose. When that no longer works.... we go to a pain pump. My pain level used to be a constant 8 to 9. With my meds I can get it down to a 3 or 4. Tolerable. That's all I need to get by. Don't want to be completely zapped out on the opoid. Angelflutter
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Re: Again...not about gems

Post by Gemsnob » 4 years ago

Just wanted to say a quick "good morning" to everyone. You all are amazing, strong, wonderful ladies who inspire me daily! Thank you for being here! Have a wonderful day and remember to do a little something for yourself. ❤️
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Re: Again...not about gems

Post by honey » 4 years ago

Good Morning,
Thank you for researching the scoop on CBD's JewelryQueen.
Just because it's on SLC, convenient, I might try it and yes
I will post results. I hope others found your message helpful.
The hops cone flower in the One Hour Pain Relief helps me
out too. OH!! and you reminded me about the oral Hyaluronic
Acid. It's been a while since I picked that up. So far, there
is no magic out there, as conservative as you sound and I am,
It's just good to be alive!

The strongest oral pain reliever that I ever tried was Vicodin.
Trade off for relief, not worth it. For me....oral pain meds
are not a cure, I don't even request them.

When I walk (well, nearly hobble) along, I recall the ol'
nursery rhyme, 'There was a crooked man, who walked
a crooked mile and found a crooked six pence and smiled
a crooked smile.' I've got the bow knees and crooked
:lol: :lol:

my joy in the Lord is my strength
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