Really Moderators?

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Really Moderators?

Post by Gemaholic » 4 years ago

I wake up to see my threads being deleted, especially the very helpful one where I was explaining what stones are too soft for everyday wear. In that post, a member was very disrespectful and even threatened me, which is a direct violation of your guidelines, yet you deleted the whole thread? Others found that thread helpful but you completely silenced ME? @Moderator_Danielle and @Moderator_Connor I was assured my threads wouldn't be deleted but it seems that was a lie. It looks like we all had a right to be upset about the new guidelines. Unless we sound like an SLC ad and praise SLC unconditionally, our posts will not remain. We were right. A lot of us are leaving, so thank you SLC. Thanks for taking the side of a bully who has been instigating stuff for a few days and even others noticed!
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Re: Really Moderators?

Post by RS » 4 years ago

Gemaholic wrote:
4 years ago
I wake up to see my threads being deleted, especially the very helpful one where I was explaining what stones are too soft for everyday wear. In that post, a member was very disrespectful and even threatened me, which is a direct violation of your guidelines, yet you deleted the whole thread? Others found that thread helpful but you completely silenced ME? @Moderator_Danielle and @Moderator_Connor I was assured my threads wouldn't be deleted but it seems that was a lie. It looks like we all had a right to be upset about the new guidelines. Unless we sound like an SLC ad and praise SLC unconditionally, our posts will not remain. We were right. A lot of us are leaving, so thank you SLC. Thanks for taking the side of a bully who has been instigating stuff for a few days and even others noticed!
I saw that thread! I think it is so wrong for all of it to be deleted. Just go through and delete what is inappropriate. It’s happened before, before the new guidelines. It’s easier for them just to get rid of the whole thing.
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Re: Really Moderators?

Post by Moderator_Connor » 4 years ago

Gemaholic wrote:
4 years ago
I wake up to see my threads being deleted, especially the very helpful one where I was explaining what stones are too soft for everyday wear. In that post, a member was very disrespectful and even threatened me, which is a direct violation of your guidelines, yet you deleted the whole thread? Others found that thread helpful but you completely silenced ME? @Moderator_Danielle and @Moderator_Connor I was assured my threads wouldn't be deleted but it seems that was a lie. It looks like we all had a right to be upset about the new guidelines. Unless we sound like an SLC ad and praise SLC unconditionally, our posts will not remain. We were right. A lot of us are leaving, so thank you SLC. Thanks for taking the side of a bully who has been instigating stuff for a few days and even others noticed!
Good Afternoon, Gemaholic!

I apologize for the confusion, as well as the treatment you have received! The deletion of the thread was not intended to silence concerns of our users. However, we had received various reports of the hostile language, as well as the post conversation going off topic from what was titled in the thread.

Due to the posts being made on it, to avoid further escalation between members, we had made a decision to delete the thread. Of course, the users who were responsible for the actions deemed threatening have been warned and we are now keeping an eye on them for any further signs of conflict.

However, it is correct that the entire thread being deleted is an extreme measure. So at this time, we are going through the records of the thread and removing the posts that are deemed in violation of the guidelines.

Afterwards, once this is completed, the thread will be restored so that users can still see the collected information on the various stones that you all have provided.
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Re: Really Moderators?

Post by Gemaholic » 4 years ago

Moderator_Connor wrote:
4 years ago
Gemaholic wrote:
4 years ago
I wake up to see my threads being deleted, especially the very helpful one where I was explaining what stones are too soft for everyday wear. In that post, a member was very disrespectful and even threatened me, which is a direct violation of your guidelines, yet you deleted the whole thread? Others found that thread helpful but you completely silenced ME? @Moderator_Danielle and @Moderator_Connor I was assured my threads wouldn't be deleted but it seems that was a lie. It looks like we all had a right to be upset about the new guidelines. Unless we sound like an SLC ad and praise SLC unconditionally, our posts will not remain. We were right. A lot of us are leaving, so thank you SLC. Thanks for taking the side of a bully who has been instigating stuff for a few days and even others noticed!
Good Afternoon, Gemaholic!

I apologize for the confusion, as well as the treatment you have received! The deletion of the thread was not intended to silence concerns of our users. However, we had received various reports of the hostile language, as well as the post conversation going off topic from what was titled in the thread.

Due to the posts being made on it, to avoid further escalation between members, we had made a decision to delete the thread. Of course, the users who were responsible for the actions deemed threatening have been warned and we are now keeping an eye on them for any further signs of conflict.

However, it is correct that the entire thread being deleted is an extreme measure. So at this time, we are going through the records of the thread and removing the posts that are deemed in violation of the guidelines.

Afterwards, once this is completed, the thread will be restored so that users can still see the collected information on the various stones that you all have provided.
I find it interesting that the whole thread got deleted. The person was confrontational with me and I think you're using this as an excuse to delete info about SLC that you guys don't want out there. My comments were not rude. I defended myself when the person made a comment that appeared to be a threat. Talking about a tv show and stating a scientific fact is not insulting. The person has been instigating for a while now. I have witnesses here, so you guys just showed your true colors. Thanks. I am so done being a customer here.
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Re: Really Moderators?

Post by Moderator_Connor » 4 years ago

Gemaholic wrote:
4 years ago
I find it interesting that the whole thread got deleted. The person was confrontational with me and I think you're using this as an excuse to delete info about SLC that you guys don't want out there. My comments were not rude. I defended myself when the person made a comment that appeared to be a threat. Talking about a tv show and stating a scientific fact is not insulting. The person has been instigating for a while now. I have witnesses here, so you guys just showed your true colors. Thanks. I am so done being a customer here.
We are sorry to hear you feel this way. As stated, the thread deletion was not intended to maliciously delete information about ShopLC we did not want to be posted, but instead was an extreme measure taken by us to prevent the situation escalating between users.

Just as I have stated in my response, we have also finished removing the specific posts that were in violation of the Guidelines, and have restored the entire thread so that all users may still access the information.
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Re: Really Moderators?

Post by RS » 4 years ago

Moderator_Connor wrote:
4 years ago
Gemaholic wrote:
4 years ago
I find it interesting that the whole thread got deleted. The person was confrontational with me and I think you're using this as an excuse to delete info about SLC that you guys don't want out there. My comments were not rude. I defended myself when the person made a comment that appeared to be a threat. Talking about a tv show and stating a scientific fact is not insulting. The person has been instigating for a while now. I have witnesses here, so you guys just showed your true colors. Thanks. I am so done being a customer here.
We are sorry to hear you feel this way. As stated, the thread deletion was not intended to maliciously delete information about ShopLC we did not want to be posted, but instead was an extreme measure taken by us to prevent the situation escalating between users.

Just as I have stated in my response, we have also finished removing the specific posts that were in violation of the Guidelines, and have restored the entire thread so that all users may still access the information.
I have been a forum moderator twice before. Instead of the “go to” of doing things behind the scenes, when there is “trouble brewing” I feel a good way to handle it INITIALLY is to post in the thread that “this type of comment is against forum guidelines and will be deleted”...or something to that effect. Rather than deleting everything, upsetting members and force them to come looking for answers.
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Re: Really Moderators?

Post by Vicky » 4 years ago

Shoplc trying to control negative comments was a long time coming.
A few months ago, I noticed I was blocked from texting hosts.
Danielle can check. I never used vulgar language.
I am assuming it was due to 1 of 2 things. When shoplc had household items for sale, the exact same thing was often cheaper On Amaz.. I knew that if a buyer finds it cheaper elsewhere, shoplc has to match that price and forced to give off another 20% to that customer.
I felt shoplc was like family, so I would send them a link to Amaz.. website which had it for cheaper, so they are aware they might end up losing money, if a buyer sees it cheaper there.
I trIed to help shoplc whenever I could. In 2016 I defended and praised them on PI..EDCONSUMER.COM when alot of customers complained about shoplc.
I thought I was being helpful to Shoplc when I send them the links, since no one but the hosts saw my AMA... links.
Obviously, they didn’t realize that I tried to help, and blocked me.
Or maybe it wasn’t that at all.
Tenner very frequently set up a FAKE PRICE MISTAKE act, involving him, Matt, and even his co-host.
I felt it was unfair to the customer to believe there was a mistake in the announced price, and they got a bigger bargain. When it was a difference of $50-$100, it was unethical, but once he pretended it was a $1100.00 mistake on a strand of beads. He said $1699 and Matt posted $599. That set off FRENZIED buying. Probably some used rent or food money, thinking they will make a HUGE PROFIT reselling the beads. Sold out in minutes. I was upset how the customers were fooled, and told Tenner, that this is not honest. I knew it was definitely fake because it sold previously for $599 on shoplc. Even at that price, I felt it was overpriced.
Several times Tenner played the FAKE price mistake game, and I would text him to say: PLEASE STOP. ITS NOT ETHICAL. I was always respectful. I even liked Tenner. He actually cut way down in playing that game after I text him a few times. He earned my respect for that. So, maybe, its me calling him out on that game, that caused me to be blocked.
What bothered me, was shoplc was sneaky about blocking me. They never warned or told me. Of course not. I bought thousands of dollars items from them monthly. They were probably afraid if I knew I was blocked, I would close my shoplc
Nope. I WASNT A VALEDICTORIAN for having low IQ. There are many other ways to text the hosts IF I WANTED TO contact them.
I actually didn’t want to waste my time. I learned that the only thing most of the hosts are interested in, is SELL, SELL, SELL. No matter what they have to say or not say. There are a few exceptions. Shawn Wilsie, Karen, Becky, Anika and a couple more.
Unfortunately, OUR BELOVED SHOPLC is undergoing deleterious changes that turn me off to buying. In the past couple weeks, I barely bought anything.
I will always be grateful to Shoplc for the mostly beautiful jewelry I bought at great prices for my large extended family and friends in the last few years.
When These drastic changes happened right after Kevin was replaced, I was devastated. But, life goes on. I bought some real nice things from other shopping channels since. I doubt that any of our criticisms or complaints on this forum, will change much.
The problem with Management, is they ignore advice from “foolish” customers.
HUGE MISTAKE!! My dad who had a successful BARGAIN STORE for many years, always said: if the customer is not happy, your pockets wont be Happy. He always made sure he handled any complaint immediately.
He started out with a few dollars, ended up opening up a free loan society. Meaning no interest loans. Besides contributing lots to a food pantry weekly.
I believe it was his honesty and respect for his customer, and took in consideration their advice, that helped him have a great business.
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Re: Really Moderators?

Post by Catticus » 4 years ago

Very Well Said!
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Re: Really Moderators?

Post by Moderator_Danielle » 4 years ago

Gemaholic wrote:
4 years ago
I wake up to see my threads being deleted, especially the very helpful one where I was explaining what stones are too soft for everyday wear. In that post, a member was very disrespectful and even threatened me, which is a direct violation of your guidelines, yet you deleted the whole thread? Others found that thread helpful but you completely silenced ME? @Moderator_Danielle and @Moderator_Connor I was assured my threads wouldn't be deleted but it seems that was a lie. It looks like we all had a right to be upset about the new guidelines. Unless we sound like an SLC ad and praise SLC unconditionally, our posts will not remain. We were right. A lot of us are leaving, so thank you SLC. Thanks for taking the side of a bully who has been instigating stuff for a few days and even others noticed!
Hello Gemaholic,

I have just arrived at work, so I don't have any visibility to what has been deleted at this time. But I can see that Connor made an adjustment. If you have further concerns happy to help.
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