☕☕Wednesday Coffee ☕☕

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☕☕Wednesday Coffee ☕☕

Post by Gypsy » 4 years ago

Good Morning Wednesday


I saw the "bat signal" and I hope that those we haven't heard from lately are well and simply busy spending time with family. Pray that each of you are well and had a nice restful evening

I'm needing to keep this short this morning
I woke up with a horrible headache, not a migraine.
Feels like I tweaked my neck and probably abit of eye stress from sitting and reading my nook too much
because my eyes are blurry also.

Hope everyone takes care and that our "missing" friends get the chance to let us know they are okay. I'm going to work on feeling better and getting rid of this headache......
As always dont forget to find a reason for your


-Gypsy. 💃 💞 💃 💞
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Re: ☕☕Wednesday Coffee ☕☕

Post by JewelryQueen » 4 years ago


My, my, we need to stop meeting like this. You waking up and me going to bed. Your classic passing ships in the night,

Sorry about your headache. I don't get them very often but when they come WOWSER. You need some willow tea or birch bark tea (as long as you don't take blood thinners or have an ulcer). Easy to say--hard to find. Just pop over to my house and I'll make you some!

Catch everyone on the flip side. Over and out.
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Re: ☕☕Wednesday Coffee ☕☕

Post by Gypsy » 4 years ago

JewelryQueen wrote:
4 years ago

My, my, we need to stop meeting like this. You waking up and me going to bed. Your classic passing ships in the night,

Sorry about your headache. I don't get them very often but when they come WOWSER. You need some willow tea or birch bark tea (as long as you don't take blood thinners or have an ulcer). Easy to say--hard to find. Just pop over to my house and I'll make you some!

Catch everyone on the flip side. Over and out.
Good morning/good night 💜💜
I dont have those teas on hand. I grabbed 4 ibuprofen and downed them with a cup of black coffee 😳 they'll take effect soon. ( I HOPE) it's a wonder I dont have ulcer. Sleep well JQ. 💜💜 -Gypsy
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Re: ☕☕Wednesday Coffee ☕☕

Post by OtherSideOfTheTracks » 4 years ago

Good morning my friends and tribe!

Gypsy, I hope you feel better soon! I'm getting tension headaches and headaches really hinders your day. I hope it goes away asap.

I'm not going to go into details because there's so many of them. Mom has had mini-crisis health-wise. She is still in the hospital. I'm spending most of my time with her but the hospital may go on lockdown soon which means no visitors. My faith in God will truly be tested as it will break my heart to not to be with her. The reason I want to be with her all the time (besides I love her) is that I find so many mistakes or notice important changes that medical staff doesn't see or catch. Plus she has to be assisted with everything too. They moved her into a new wing as the floor she was on was being used for confirmed coronavirus patients. Yup. One morning I was walking to her room and saw all these signs and NO VISITORS around a door and boom, first case in my county four doors down from mom. They moved her fairly quickly but it was alarming to say the least.

I hope everyone is doing well. It's 4:14 AM and I can't sleep a wink as usual. I'm going to try tho because I have such a big day today.

Love and light to everyone here and I miss you all.

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Re: ☕☕Wednesday Coffee ☕☕

Post by Gypsy » 4 years ago

OtherSideOfTheTracks wrote:
4 years ago
Good morning my friends and tribe!

Gypsy, I hope you feel better soon! I'm getting tension headaches and headaches really hinders your day. I hope it goes away asap.

I'm not going to go into details because there's so many of them. Mom has had mini-crisis health-wise. She is still in the hospital. I'm spending most of my time with her but the hospital may go on lockdown soon which means no visitors. My faith in God will truly be tested as it will break my heart to not to be with her. The reason I want to be with her all the time (besides I love her) is that I find so many mistakes or notice important changes that medical staff doesn't see or catch. Plus she has to be assisted with everything too. They moved her into a new wing as the floor she was on was being used for confirmed coronavirus patients. Yup. One morning I was walking to her room and saw all these signs and NO VISITORS around a door and boom, first case in my county four doors down from mom. They moved her fairly quickly but it was alarming to say the least.

I hope everyone is doing well. It's 4:14 AM and I can't sleep a wink as usual. I'm going to try tho because I have such a big day today.

Love and light to everyone here and I miss you all.

I'm so glad I picked up my phone just now 💜💜💜
I'm sorry your mom is having so many problems I understand about making sure nurses & doctors dont make charting errors. But it does happen. You've been in my thoughts so much. I hope that you are getting some rest though. The never ending noises machines and other patients can make it impossible at times. Please know that we all miss you and are praying for both of you. Love and ((( HUGS))) 💜💜💜 -Gypsy
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Re: ☕☕Wednesday Coffee ☕☕

Post by Angelflutter » 4 years ago

Good morning everyone. I'm sorry about your headaches. But it's not a wonder that we are having them. With all the stress we are under.... and our worries about the Coronavirus. OSOTT, after reading your post, I put in another S O S from the man above. I've said my prayers for all - woke up early so my prayer time was a little bit longer. We are all doing well here...hubs has me a little on the worried side, but he's making small improvements day by day. Mom is doing well now. She's had a stomach bug with diarrhea for the last couple of days... hopefully today will be better. I've been washing bed linens like crazy. Hubs has been spending time in his room sleeping and watching tv. He's trying not to catch what mom had. Following every bit of information on the news about this Coronavirus. It is definately a BIG POISONOUS SNAKE. We're all staying at home. Drs. appointments have been canceled. I am the only one leaving to go to grocery for milk and whatever we might need. I have plenty of food and meds. Milk has been the only thing I needed to buy. I wear my mask. I wear gloves... and I wash the milk jugs with bleach water before they go in the fridge. Sometimes I think it's silly.... then I think what if's. There is still a lot we don't know about the virus. I hope everyone has a beautiful day. Stay safe. Love and hugs to everbody. ...Angelflutter
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Re: ☕☕Wednesday Coffee ☕☕

Post by Vicky » 4 years ago

Oh my goodness 😣 my friends are suffering this morning
I know when a headache hits, nothing else seems worse
I have been on both sides of the fence. I cared about my Patients like they were my family —when I was a patient, I saw all the things that should and could have been done better.
Hope all my Tribe and moms and loved ones and house mates are feeling or will feel better later this morning.
My own headache just worsened when I just learned how rapid Covid-19 is invading my neighborhood.
My idea of a Starbucks special will have to be via my k- cup machine.
This morning - If I go out to grab a cup of coffee, I will be served a side of Corona ( not the drinkable one)🤯
The BREW needs to be EXTRA STRONG this morning☕️☕️☕️
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Re: ☕☕Wednesday Coffee ☕☕

Post by honey » 4 years ago

Good morning Tribe,
Everyone is having a headache because of this
outbreak. Stress leads to lower our immunity,
make sure we get our zinc, magnesium, E, and
D.......and uh, the kitchen sink. Gypsy, I hope
yer headache just goes away.

Glad that OSOTT checked in, and Jojosmom.
Looking for Shop4joy and a little more Rolltide!

Love and prayers alllll around, honey
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Re: ☕☕Wednesday Coffee ☕☕

Post by Gypsy » 4 years ago

honey wrote:
4 years ago
Good morning Tribe,
Everyone is having a headache because of this
outbreak. Stress leads to lower our immunity,
make sure we get our zinc, magnesium, E, and
D.......and uh, the kitchen sink. Gypsy, I hope
yer headache just goes away.

Glad that OSOTT checked in, and Jojosmom.
Looking for Shop4joy and a little more Rolltide!

Love and prayers alllll around, honey
STRESS ❓❗❓❗❓
🤗 I'm feeling much better. Ibuprofen & caffeine finally kicked in - Gypsy
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Re: ☕☕Wednesday Coffee ☕☕

Post by Vicky » 4 years ago

I will need a whole lot of💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊to make me forget my STAR💰s ☕️😤😭
I am happy that that your awful headache is subdued 🤗
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