Hand Sanitizing Wipes

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Hand Sanitizing Wipes

Post by Parker25 » 4 years ago

A while back, ShopLC was selling packets of hand sanitizing wipes that were presented to be effective against viruses. They were delivered today, and they are made with benzalkonium chloride. I googled this, and apparently they have very little to no effect on the virus. How could they be so deceptive? Does anyone know more about this substance? I am really upset that they could misrepresent them this way. I feel like what I have is useless. Has anyone else gotten these? Thanks.
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Re: Hand Sanitizing Wipes

Post by JewelryQueen » 4 years ago


Benzalkonium Chloride is an anitbacterial substance used in many sunscreens and moisturizers/lotions in MINUTE amounts to keep the products from spoiling or being breeding grounds for contaminants. However this is the ingredient that most commonly causes irritation in these products. As a lotion maker I NEVER use this for a couple of reasons. If it causes irritation in such small amounts, imagine the irritation in enough concentration to be effective in these wipes. It has also been known to cause gastrointestinal problems if exposure is high as it absorbs through the skin.If you are still brave enough to use it the good news is that on surfaces it has been known in some experiments to kill bacteria/virus up to 6 hours.

PS Without knowing the percentage of active ingredients I have no way to tell you if this is effective or not.
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Re: Hand Sanitizing Wipes

Post by Bella » 4 years ago

This product is also used for “aftercare” when you have your ears pierced. Not gonna do anything against a virus.
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Re: Hand Sanitizing Wipes

Post by honey » 4 years ago

Hello Parker, I watched the presentation of the wipes and
did not order because I wondered just what does a gemologist
and president of a shopping network know about sanitizing
wipes? The gemologist seemed to be more impressed with
the 'lotion-ie softness.' The gemologist also went on to say
that as "long as the wipe stayed moist, it would keep killing
germs and further suggested to keep it in a baggie and
continue to use it." NOOOO Thanks.
Like you, I googled benzalkonium chloride and read it is
not effective, though, it's better than nothing as it does not
kill germs, it slows growth. Also - websites are price gouging
outrageously for like sanitizers that don't work.
So Parker, it's up to you to plan on going thru the hassle of
sending them back for a refund or use on minor spills on your
kitchen or bathroom floor. Thank you for sharing your findings.
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Re: Hand Sanitizing Wipes

Post by JewelryQueen » 4 years ago

This substance is also used in eye drops In the amount of one part per thousand parts. If you slip a couple of drops of Murine in someone's drink it will make them violently ill. Make of that what you will. For sunscreens it is usually one part per hundred parts-- which is a TINY amount yet it still causes irritation many times.

Personally I might use it on surfaces if, and only if, I had nothing else--including no bleach.
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Re: Hand Sanitizing Wipes

Post by Tothemoon » 4 years ago

In addition to what each of you has posted SLC is currently still selling these antibacterial wipes under item #3571023 for $9.99 less the 30% discount plus shipping even though their picture clearly shows the wipe package as pre priced at $2.99. Hmmm.
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Re: Hand Sanitizing Wipes

Post by JewelryQueen » 4 years ago

I believe they were selling these about a week ago for $3 plus shipping and tax. So they more than doubled the price? Unbelievable! Talk about price gouging.
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Re: Hand Sanitizing Wipes

Post by Gem Lover » 4 years ago

This is another prime example of how these host or the president can not be trusted!!! I do not believe half of what they say anymore, not any of them. If they really thought of us as family ad wanted to deliver joy they would not tell people that a product kills germs and put their life at risk when it does not!!! The aloe they had on earlier for $19.99 I found on the big river site for the same price but a much larger bottle and it was all organic.
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Re: Hand Sanitizing Wipes

Post by JewelryQueen » 4 years ago

OMG!!!!! The aloe vera gel they are selling is only 4.25 oz for 19.99, which with shipping and tax would be over $25!! That is almost $6 an ounce. I buy aloe vera gel for my lotion and I pay a little less than $9 with tax for a 20 oz bottle which works out to 45 cents an ounce. Admittedly it is not "organic" but then again I am not eating it . I am for sure not buying it at 13 times the price!!!!!!
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Re: Hand Sanitizing Wipes

Post by DiehardLCcustomer » 4 years ago

This is nothing new with these people and I am surprised your not protesting the price gouging as the added insult to injury! You will want to spare yourself the anger and disgust of attempting to, at the least, get your money both for these items and your shipping costs since they used the current state of emergency and absence of products to disinfect and decontaminate whatever you notice to be a potential for transfer of a virus that is said to live up to 10 days on any and all surfaces they are on and you make contact with......most obvious being your hands and whatever they may touch before being decontaminated. We are taking life or death here and the potential for you to either contract of or pass on live virus all because these unethical, money hungry foreigners with no concept of liability despite there attempt at defining terms and conditions then hiding them where they are most likely to not be recognized as those who go so far as to define where people possessing assets in excess to 5 mil (able to fight and beat their budget for attorney fees) to waive their right to sue for "deceptive practices". They know what they are doing and they even align themselves with what is upsetting you so much. I really feel this is a criminal matter but then who am I to decide they have taken the deceitful practices too far since I am not one of the ones duped by what they will try to paint themselves Hero's for offering what was rejected by any other takers since they are no better than trying to disinfect with vinegar or ammonia. Hope you find some peace and make the best decision for dealing with what is very dangerous for those who don't know any better or think to need to look up/check like you did from trusting too much.
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