Ruby Smackdown

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Re: Ruby Smackdown

Post by Jt » 4 years ago

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Re: Ruby Smackdown

Post by JewelryQueen » 4 years ago


Good to see you!! I miss talking to you on the other side of things. Nice to know you are still up and kicking. I hope I did say or do anything to upset you. If so, I would feel immensely guilty.

Kindest Regards
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Re: Ruby Smackdown

Post by JewelryQueen » 4 years ago


I am truly sorry that you did not feel welcomed, and also that you felt your personal or private issues were being invaded. I really don't think that was intentional. I can only speak for myself, but I do miss your input.

On another note it sounds like you are really scoring on some beautiful jewelry items. Congrats!
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Re: Ruby Smackdown

Post by Gemsnob » 4 years ago

No one gave me a written invitation either but I'm over there. 😳
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Re: Ruby Smackdown

Post by OtherSideOfTheTracks » 4 years ago

JewelryQueen wrote:
4 years ago

I am truly sorry that you did not feel welcomed, and also that you felt your personal or private issues were being invaded. I really don't think that was intentional. I can only speak for myself, but I do miss your input.

On another note it sounds like you are really scoring on some beautiful jewelry items. Congrats!
Dear Rolltide,

I can 100% guarantee that no one was speaking indirectly or directly to you or about you in that convo (I was there) and if you had stayed around for a minute after your last post before you left, you would have seen me and others try to reassure you how much we valued you and wanted you there. We were disturbed at your conclusion that since you didn't get an invite - that meant you were not wanted. That is simply not true.

I opened wp site on Friday, March 27th, when ShopLC started moderating us here. It was also four days before my mother died and I was super involved with her care and being with her in her last days. At the time she was in the hospital and I was banned from seeing her as she was in lockdown. When I thought I was banned here on SLC, alone in the house, mom being at her end in the hospital, I thought I was going to lose it. I put out a SOS call in the dark and Honey and Gypsy found the site and me, (I thank God above). Remember, SLC was heavily moderating and would NOT POST MY POSTS so I thought I was along - but they found it and me. Mom came home on Sunday and I was tied up with her and her care BUT I tried to work on the site too but it was Gypsy and Honey doing the heavy work posting "hints" here (that SLC would post) to get everyone INCLUDING YOU to come over to site. In fact, we all posted directly to "you" here several times after you posted here. You posted here on the forum that you used facebook, so I made several named facebook groups to try to get you and others to go there (which gave the link to the wp site). We TRIED!! Slowly some started getting the hints and coming over but others didn't get the hints.

Meantime, my mother died on Tuesday,March 31st, and I was out of the picture even more then immediately I got very very sick. (I may have contracted it and pulled out of it by my bootstraps). Please understand, I was just emotionally drained, sick and grieving and Gypsy, Honey, Blossom, Gemsnob, and others were scrambling to make it work too. We were leaving hints how to find us everyday to everyone! So what I'm trying to say, is that EVERYONE was invited (and still are invited) and everyone is equal! So keep in mind, when this was going down, only "I" knew how to do WP and others were just learning how to do it AND simultaneously giving cleaver HINTS under SLC's radar as SLC was knew what we were doing and was ON TOP of it - SLC moderated us heavily - 9/10 times SLC wouldn't allow our posts. There was NEVER an invitation put out by anyone to join because we were never allowed to clearly invite anyone on the forum with our link as SLC would delete it. It was a mess!

Please know that everyone is invited to the site! The more the merrier! We chat freely and it's nice! Moderation here makes it impossible to have a conversation at all. Rolltide, when you left, we were not happy about it and we have missed you.

Now to update you, It's been six weeks now since it's been open and I'm still not around like I want to be as I'm trying to build back a new life after being a caregiver for seven years. I'm working very hard at seeking employment, writing resumes, applying for jobs, applying for benefits, updating my skills, updating my computer, trying to connect with people, getting my moms and family affairs completed (hard to do in a pandemic) and so on. So I'm not there a lot still to this day unfortunately. Hopefully, I will find my new path and new schedule because I love my friends on the site. We cheer each other on and it's awesome. It's a great group of friends who are sincere....<3

Rolltide, when you left, we were not happy about it and we have missed you. If you are remotely interested in returning, you will be most welcomed, most welcomed to come back and we would be happy to see you there again! And this goes for anyone here too.

This pandemic is so stressful and everyone is in a new chaotic world and being moderated here in the height of it plus trying to start the website....things didn't go smoothly, so please forgive me if you felt unwelcomed b/c that never was our intent. ever.

I'm glad to see you post here and that you are doing well, Rolltide. <3
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Re: Ruby Smackdown

Post by OtherSideOfTheTracks » 4 years ago

JewelryQueen wrote:
4 years ago

I am truly sorry that you did not feel welcomed, and also that you felt your personal or private issues were being invaded. I really don't think that was intentional. I can only speak for myself, but I do miss your input.

On another note it sounds like you are really scoring on some beautiful jewelry items. Congrats!

Here's the Thread that has our link for anyone that wants to check it out. Our link is located toward the end of the thread. SLC is allowing us to reference this thread that has our link. or use the search bar and search for Tuesday (4/7) Coffee ☕☕☕
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Re: Ruby Smackdown

Post by Rolltide » 7 months ago

Last edited by Rolltide 7 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ruby Smackdown

Post by Rolltide » 7 months ago

Last edited by Rolltide 7 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ruby Smackdown

Post by Rolltide » 7 months ago

Last edited by Rolltide 7 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ruby Smackdown

Post by Rolltide » 7 months ago

Last edited by Rolltide 7 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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