Good morning everyone

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Good morning everyone

Post by AD » 3 years ago

Well I’m finally done baby sitting 4 dogs, 5 cats and 4 chickens 😅. Oh my that was a long 2 weeks. Bent over last night to put the 125 lb. on the lead, well my back went out 😠 now I can hardly walk, almost couldn’t get out of bed can’t even get off the chair with out hurting so bad 😩. So how is everyone else’s DAY😊!! Have a great day everyone, hope you’re weekend is filled with joy... and beautiful fireworks 🎇🎆💥🍻. 😊
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Re: Good morning everyone

Post by GElliot » 3 years ago

I'm very sorry to hear about your back and that you hurt it on a holiday weekend. My husband has a really bad back. I have seen how it affects him . I hope with much rest you back will feel better.
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Re: Good morning everyone

Post by Hot4TENER » 3 years ago

Good morning AD. So sorry about your back, bu I'll bet you glad the pet sitting responsibilities are done. Hope you get some relief from the pain so you can enjoy the holiday weekend.
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Re: Good morning everyone

Post by Ariana » 3 years ago

Good morning, AD!

I hope you feel better soon with some rest and relaxation because you deserve it! Wishing you a good day and 4th weekend!
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Re: Good morning everyone

Post by anniebelle » 3 years ago

H: I have a bad back, so I really feel your pain! I don't get those severe attacks, but I have a constant ache. The only time I am not in pain is when I'm asleep! At least your furbaby sitting is over! Rest, pain killers, whatever it takes to ease the pain! Can you do something to take your mind off?
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Re: Good morning everyone

Post by AD » 3 years ago

A:.... stay in bed 😫. It’s because of the dogs, it even hurts to go to the bathroom. Bunch of you know what. I think it’s my sciatica nerve and all of my lower back. I can usually walk now I can hardly do that. Emergency room here I come maybe. Going to take ibuprofen for two days see if that helps with the inflammation. H🙂. Never ever will I take care of these DOGS EVER 🤬
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Re: Good morning everyone

Post by mpompadour » 3 years ago

AD, I'm so sorry you're in pain :cry: I hope the meds and rest will help you recover as much as possible. Back and sciatic pain will drop you to your knees. My Mom suffered with it and it was hard watching her suffer through it. Try as best you can to have a good July 4th. I'll be praying for you to get relief :)
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Re: Good morning everyone

Post by AD » 3 years ago

Thank you all. 😊
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Re: Good morning everyone

Post by RoseyRuby » 3 years ago

I have a bad back also and a bum knee--numerous surgeries, including my neck. One thing that I found really helps is Magnesium Oil. Either sprayed on or a soak. Instant relief, no side effects and affordable. Hope this helps someone!
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Re: Good morning everyone

Post by RoseyRuby » 3 years ago

I have a bad back also and a bum knee--numerous surgeries, including my neck. One thing that I found really helps is Magnesium Oil. Either sprayed on or a soak. Instant relief, no side effects and affordable. Hope this helps someone!
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