Summer Vault Clearance

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Summer Vault Clearance

Post by AD » 3 years ago

Does anyone know how much longer this will last. Thank you 😊
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Re: Summer Vault Clearance

Post by mpompadour » 3 years ago

No, but I haven't seen much in the way of savings except for a handful of things. The only thing I bought was a 1 1/2 carat cluster moissanite ring for $67.00. It sold out so fast I barely got my order in. I figured that was a good deal for what I'm getting. That's all I have bought. Nothing else has really caught my eye, especially for the prices they are asking. So much for a "vault" clearance.
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Re: Summer Vault Clearance

Post by AD » 3 years ago

Thank you. M. 😊
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Re: Summer Vault Clearance

Post by GElliot » 3 years ago

I looked at the program guide. It goes through Saturday for sure. The guide stops at Saturday. Not sure if it's a two week clearance but that isn't uncommon. Borinnnngggg!
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Re: Summer Vault Clearance

Post by Hot4TENER » 3 years ago

It seems they always extend it! 😡😡
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Re: Summer Vault Clearance

Post by GElliot » 3 years ago

Yes! They put up the countdown clock saying "only 24 hours" then come out and say they extended it because people didn't want it to end. Yeah, right. 🤥 < Pinocchio
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Re: Summer Vault Clearance

Post by Hot4TENER » 3 years ago

Haha! Love the little guy with the long nose!
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Re: Summer Vault Clearance

Post by Amy » 3 years ago

I agree with mpompadour. The prices are still outrageous for a clearance. They will just swap with the UK warehouse & start all over again. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
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Re: Summer Vault Clearance

Post by Summer71 » 3 years ago

I can’t wait for this clearance madness to end.
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Re: Summer Vault Clearance

Post by steelstash » 3 years ago

the problem during the clearance is that you cannot return items and that makes it difficult to buy a very expensive item some of which are highly desirable, only the brave take that leap, did buy one NY CLOSEOUT DIAMOND THOUGH
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