Customer Service Positive

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Customer Service Positive

Post by redstarr1959 » 3 years ago

Today I had a nice conversation with Danyelle.
Told her how Ive been feeling about several things

They do match prices,ie if item goes on sale within 30 days of purchase

Will have robots pulling merchandise in warehouse

If items has free shipping call in to order to make sure and also take screen shot of item,these are things I wlll be doing..My idea

Shipping is a nightmare everywhere

Rude customer service is not the normal......Well.. Just have to have patience and reminder everyone has a boss

They are trying to easy wait time

Formun is great place to ask for help..Thank you ALL

Hope this help everyone
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Re: Customer Service Positive

Post by MaeWest1953 » 3 years ago

I always take a picture of free shipping when it shows up
This afternoon I was able to talk with a nice guy who helped me update my card information 😊
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Re: Customer Service Positive

Post by Moderator_Danielle » 3 years ago

Glad to hear about some good experiences thanks you very much for sharing! I will be sure to give Danyelle some kudos (we do have 2 of us :) she is a retention specialist and I Danielle the Director of Customer Service).
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Re: Customer Service Positive

Post by lah2001 » 3 years ago

Thanks for the info. It's good to know ShopLC matches sale prices if your purchased item drops in price within 30 days. That's happened to me several times.
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Re: Customer Service Positive

Post by KLiz » 3 years ago

I am not exactly sure who to send this to but I would like to make a formal complaint about someone's name that they use to make bids because it is so offensive to me and I am sure others. The person in question identifies themself as "Abby cute..vinny retard". That is neither cute or anything else other than offensive and degrading toward anyone who might have developmental disabilities. To people with developmental disabilities, using that word is almost as offensive as the "n" word, which no civilized human being would ever consider having in their vocabulary. Please remove this name from your catalog of available labels. Thank you. K elizabeth
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Re: Customer Service Positive

Post by Hot4TENER » 3 years ago

I’ll tag a moderator for you, but they may need an item number or 2 that this person is bidding on if you can watch and find one. It’s sad when people use hurtful words.
Could you read KLiz post above and see if there’s anything you can do to help? Thank you!
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Re: Customer Service Positive

Post by shopLC_alex » 3 years ago

KLiz wrote:
3 years ago
I am not exactly sure who to send this to but I would like to make a formal complaint about someone's name that they use to make bids because it is so offensive to me and I am sure others. The person in question identifies themself as "Abby cute..vinny retard". That is neither cute or anything else other than offensive and degrading toward anyone who might have developmental disabilities. To people with developmental disabilities, using that word is almost as offensive as the "n" word, which no civilized human being would ever consider having in their vocabulary. Please remove this name from your catalog of available labels. Thank you. K elizabeth
Thank you for notifying us, the account has been fully blocked. Please continue to let us know if you see anything of this nature in the future.
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Re: Customer Service Positive

Post by KLiz » 3 years ago

Thank you so much for your prompt response and correction of this incident. I work as an officer of the Court and licensed/certified advocate for folks with developmental disabilities. Too often I hear people throw the word retard around like it was nothing and too often I'm with someone who has developmental disabilities when that word is audible and I see the pain in their eyes and in their heart. Thank you so much for taking this one nasty remark off a public forum before it spreads any further. Kliz
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Re: Customer Service Positive

Post by Hot4TENER » 3 years ago

Thank you @Moderator_Alex Job well done!
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