New host Aussie Steve is a joy to watch and a Doll

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New host Aussie Steve is a joy to watch and a Doll

Post by MaeWest1953 » 3 years ago

Good day Mates😊

How many of you have been able to catch the new guy from Australia?
Boy, he is enjoyable to watch and of course to listen to!!
Steve has expressed how much he likes working with Michelle (she was his first co-host)

He is very quick on his information regarding the stones and such, he is respectful and loves to laugh at the same time and the plus is his charming good looks😋
Michelle and him are a great team and Becky was good with him too😉

How refreshing it is to watch a Male host who is delightful and humble!
No bragging, interrupting or "me, me, me" behavior from Steve ❣
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Re: New host Aussie Steve is a joy to watch and a Doll

Post by Summer71 » 3 years ago

Maewest1953 he is music to my ears and a breath of fresh air. A true gentleman. Love watching him.
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Re: New host Aussie Steve is a joy to watch and a Doll

Post by steelstash » 3 years ago

eye candy and wonderful to his cohosts, who could ask for anything more
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Re: New host Aussie Steve is a joy to watch and a Doll

Post by mpompadour » 3 years ago

Summer71 wrote:
3 years ago
Maewest1953 he is music to my ears and a breath of fresh air. A true gentleman. Love watching him.
I agree, he is pleasant to listen to, a pleasure to shop with, and has a great attitude. Not at all pushy or arrogant. Yes, he is a gentleman through and through. :) :) :)
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Re: New host Aussie Steve is a joy to watch and a Doll

Post by Serge » 3 years ago

I got to watch them last night/early morning and he and Michele are great together and I agree that he is a good cohost! I also get that Michele does a great job at night but I miss seeing her in the afternoon and feel like they could put her to better use then as they sure could use her humor! So glad to have Steve added as a host and look forward to seeing him more.
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Re: New host Aussie Steve is a joy to watch and a Doll

Post by strawlady » 3 years ago

I really like the host Steve, from Australia, with Michelle!
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Re: New host Aussie Steve is a joy to watch and a Doll

Post by Gem Lover » 3 years ago

I have not seen him yet but he sounds nice, I hope they do not change him if he is as nice as you all say.
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Re: New host Aussie Steve is a joy to watch and a Doll

Post by DjinCCTX » 3 years ago

I love when Michelle's on & talks ghetto country. She cracked me up when she told Steve a story about the decorative roosters & that we should buy them & put them in our neighbor's yards.
Was Becky talking to Steve about how to sew the other early morning recently? I thought she was boring him & everyone to death. She's such an attractive lady. I'm glad she stopped dying her hair platinum. If she grew her hair out a bit longer & wore contact lenses it might guarantee her a few more years as a host. I noticed they rarely show the older hosts on prime time. Not sure why Chuck is the exception. He irritates the he** out of me to be honest. His jewelry prices were so inflated at ShopHQ. The epitome of the "middle man".
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Re: New host Aussie Steve is a joy to watch and a Doll

Post by Summer71 » 3 years ago

Serge wrote:
3 years ago
I got to watch them last night/early morning and he and Michele are great together and I agree that he is a good cohost! I also get that Michele does a great job at night but I miss seeing her in the afternoon and feel like they could put her to better use then as they sure could use her humor! So glad to have Steve added as a host and look forward to seeing him more.
Serge i totally agree with you. The pairing of Michele and Steve is the best. They have a very good chemistry probably because both are knowledgeable and entertaining at the same time which is a rare combo at Shop Lc. I wish Shop Lc would give them the prime time slot.I bet they will have a big boost in their sales.
Last edited by Summer71 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New host Aussie Steve is a joy to watch and a Doll

Post by sparky77 » 3 years ago

Michelle is a hoot..she and Steve are great together..He seems like a gentle soul, honest and well-prepared beforehand. Aussies have a knack for making you feel comfortable and like family. I like Becky, she is smart and knows her gems - GIA is a prestigious school and not easy - takes dedication and hard work - she knows her stuff. Mr. Rolex is arrogant, unprepared, and thinks he is at comedy central - and such a show off - Steve will be a great addition to the team along with Blake, Craig, and Shawn.
One thing I like to know: WHY does Chuck need to announce all the shoppers by name and location - like he outed Patrica Nash / well-known
handbag designer? No other shopping network does have that routine.., it's usually first name and state, then asked where they are calling from giving the shopper on-air the choice of giving their city or not - now everyone knows PN has purchased an expensive Tanzanite ring.
GOOD luck Steve - looking forward to your on-air presentations - and Michelle - go easy on the newbie :D
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