I tried, really, but..

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I tried, really, but..

Post by Ena » 2 years ago

but Kim is unwatchable as a host. Her facial expressions and constant screaming are just too much.

Unfortunately, she is paired with Michelle who I like but I had to switch the channel.
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Gem Lover
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Re: I tried, really, but..

Post by Gem Lover » 2 years ago

I have no problem watching Kim, I like her. The two that I turn off are Dan and Lolo. Lolo talks so fast and always acts like they should not lower the price, it gets on my nerves and Dan well I will not get into the wolf.
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Re: I tried, really, but..

Post by Ramen » 2 years ago

Hi Gemlover, Do you still have your geese and parrot. How is the weather up there!!?? 😊
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Re: I tried, really, but..

Post by CaribbeanGirl » 2 years ago

I Agree, I LOVE Michelle, she is a doll. I do not know why Kim makes those faces, does she ever watch herself on tv? We need more Michelle, Craig, Katie, Jessica, Steve & Becky.
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Re: I tried, really, but..

Post by Margui » 2 years ago

Kim with her heavily Botox face doesn't make her expressions even natural, they look fake.
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