Good Sunday morning

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Good Sunday morning

Post by Ramen » 2 years ago

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!! 😊🎃. Getting chilly here 40* last night 🥶. Unusual for this state. Warmer weather is on the way 😊……I miss Gypsy’s coffee posts 🥺. Maybe she will have a special ☕️🍩 post on Halloween 👻 🎃. Some 🎃 pie and or 🎃 spiced ☕️, I’ll take both of them please 😊.
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Re: Good Sunday morning

Post by Lyric21 » 2 years ago

Good morning Ramen! It's definitely Autumn here. I hope Gypsy will make a coffee post for Halloween too. 🤞 The forum is so quiet now. It's not really a community anymore.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday. ❤️
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Re: Good Sunday morning

Post by Ramen » 2 years ago

Lyric 21….. Yes the forum is quiet. Try to engage with people no one ever responds?? Oh well 😊. Have a good day 😊
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Re: Good Sunday morning

Post by Dulcimer » 2 years ago

Good Sunday to you Ramen and Lyric21!!!!

It’s finally getting colder here and we are expecting a lot of rain this week!

I’ve been busy. When I have time I try to shop but with all the new improvements they’ve done to the site it is next to impossible.

A nice coffee post would be lovely ❤️❤️❤️❤️

I wish there were more who were either able or willing to join in here. It’s just not the same.

Happyhour says HI and sends 💕💕💕🐱🐱🐱
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Re: Good Sunday morning

Post by Addy » 2 years ago


With the lack of participation..I think "The Forum deities" achieved their goal of squelching a lot and quieting it down.
Having banned, deleting posts and heavy censorship..people are afraid to express themselves..
And this may be gone, too.

The Forum..used to be a fun place..of learning something from others and some silliness that we all need in our lives.

It will never be thee same and some "saw that" and have left and gone to other more accepting Forums.

Oh! Well....
Last edited by Addy 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Good Sunday morning

Post by Druid » 2 years ago

The forum is quiet because we have no interest of being constantly watched over and censured as soon as we try to debate more interesting subjects that seem not to meet the requirements of the control system.
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Re: Good Sunday morning

Post by Ramen » 2 years ago

Yeah 🥺 your right. Hi all 😊. Dulcimer,Addy :lol: , Druid, Lyric21. 🎃🎃🎃👻
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Re: Good Sunday morning

Post by Dulcimer » 2 years ago

I agree with all the posts. It is NOT the same as it used to be and the objective of the powers that be have been met. They did, in fact, want to stop any and all negativity at the cost of all else in this forum - participation, community, feedback.

Even though there were other ways to achieve their goals chose they most expedient for them.

Trust, confidence and JOY have all but evaporated.
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Re: Good Sunday morning

Post by Ramen » 2 years ago

Hey there Dulcimer 😊. Have you bought anything lately??
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Re: Good Sunday morning

Post by Ramen » 2 years ago

You were there, now you’re gone 🥺
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