Shop LC going out of business?

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Shop LC going out of business?

Post by Tanzanite » 2 years ago

I've been wondering if Shop LC is going out of business because of the following reasons: So many clearances and sales, website is all messed up, hosts are leaving, tracking system is not available and expensive gemstones are being offered. Am I right or wrong?
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Re: Shop LC going out of business?

Post by Lala3 » 2 years ago

I think that is a very valid question. Why all these FLASH. Sales after they just spent weeks and weeks of clearance and all sales final no refunds. Why the gold chains with the explanation they bought up millions of dollars of other companies inventory. Every night it’s tanzanite night and they keep saying it’s such a valuable gem stone. All their explanations make zero sense to me. Last night at 4:00 am EST Addi and Stacey were on hawking yet another 10k gold rope chain. Addi said what wasn’t sold during that hour would be returned to vendor. I have never heard of anything so strange. If some person from management would like to offer a clear explanation I would appreciate hearing .from now on I will have a buying moratorium with Shoplc. Way too dicey for me .
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Re: Shop LC going out of business?

Post by TexGirl » 2 years ago

I keep them in business by buying so much. :lol:
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Re: Shop LC going out of business?

Post by mpompadour » 2 years ago

Tanzanite wrote:
2 years ago
I've been wondering if Shop LC is going out of business because of the following reasons: So many clearances and sales, website is all messed up, hosts are leaving, tracking system is not available and expensive gemstones are being offered. Am I right or wrong?
I've only bought 2 items since around the end of November. Before that, the shipping was a disaster and it was taking WEEKS for my items to show up. I was not going to take the chance ordering anything for Christmas and it not be delivered. The 2 items I did buy in the last 2 weeks, one went AWOL and finally was delivered 2 weeks later. I won an item on the auctions 5 days ago and absolutely NO movement in the shipping. I just got off the phone with them and got the same old song and dance they would get in touch with the warehouse to see what is going on. I won't hold my breath! I noticed at the end of last year how everything was messed up like you say. Very sketchy to say the least. The website is HARD to navigate most of the time now. Pages load SUPER SLOW, especially the Dollar Auctions. I used to love the unique jewelry, but lately everything is so cookie cutter looking and expensive to boot. I stayed away and vowed NOT to purchase anything, but I came back to give them one more chance to see if things were any better. Well, It's not better at all, it's worse than before. Very sad. When it was The Liquidation Channel, things were SO MUCH BETTER. Sad those days are LONG GONE. I don't think I'll be buying anything again. :(
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Re: Shop LC going out of business?

Post by Jo » 2 years ago

I think these flash sales are just an excuse so they can use the "All sales final No returns" policy.
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Re: Shop LC going out of business?

Post by Lacy » 2 years ago

I've noticed Not one host says ALL SALES ARE FINAL" during their clearance shows. They do show it on the screen maybe once an hour for 1 minute.
They must be in financial trouble to be selling AAA and AAAA tanzanite and gold without being able to return it. I agree that is their
go to phrase to not accept returns. Who would buy a item at a investment price and not be able to return it. It doesn't make sense.
I don't know if those people are aware the items are Final Sales.

Shop LC is not practicing good business practices.
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Re: Shop LC going out of business?

Post by Lacy » 2 years ago

It seems another way they can clear their warehouse for going out of business is
No returns due to the Pandemic.
No returns does not only apply to clearance. If you purchase personal items, clothing, makeup, etc.
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Re: Shop LC going out of business?

Post by MaeWest1953 » 2 years ago

TexGirl wrote:
2 years ago
I keep them in business by buying so much. :lol:
Too funny🤣
Thanks for the laugh.....
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Re: Shop LC going out of business?

Post by TN » 2 years ago

The company just bought a bunch of electric cars for employees, and they’re planning on building a new, state of the art headquarters so I don’t think they’re going out of business.
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Re: Shop LC going out of business?

Post by Lala3 » 2 years ago

I did read they are moving to a suburb of Austin didn’t find an article about electric cars though but one question remains. Why do they present the same items every single day. For instance the over the head poncho , the wind chimes the ten dollar bottle of body oils. Where is their inventory. ? That and the endless array of gold chains ? I would appreciate some new inventory.
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