bad faith bidders

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bad faith bidders

Post by TN » 2 years ago

Seems to be a couple of names that are massively and randomly overbidding lately. I’m sure it’s great fun for them knowing they’re making people unhappy, but it’s not fair to us good faith bidders. “Shop LC, Delivering Joy to Misanthropes”

There has got to be a better way to ensure fair and honest bidding for everyone.

And just when the auctions were enjoyable again since the watch list issue has finally been fixed after what, 5 months? 😂
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Re: bad faith bidders

Post by buyitall » 2 years ago

I was just about to write the same thing! I have been trying to win an Arizona peridot forever! Someone(can’t name their name) apparently has exorbitant maximum bids on them all! This person had a bid of over $400 on a ring that was gold over silver! The same thing is happening with lots of other items as well. Makes me wonder that they aren’t using auto pay and are not paying for these items. I was unable to access my watch list for three months. Like you, I was so looking forward to the “JOY” they keep talking about here. Not finding any. There has to be a better way to run an auction site that is fair to everyone! It is quickly becoming an auction site for the rich and dealers with money to spend…at any price! Times are very hard right now. I am “living” on a fixed income at age 70 and used to love winning auctions at reasonable prices. I fear those days are gone! I don’t see anyone here trying to monitor or fix this problem. As long as they are making money that seems to be all they care about. I heard an executive say on air the other day that they have been improving here for the last 15 years! I laughed out loud. When I first started shopping here when they went by another name there were a few problems but nothing like today. I don’t look for anyone here to address the overbidding and fairness issues on the auction site. They should rename the name of their auction site…Auctions for the Rich and Famous!
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Re: bad faith bidders

Post by Druid » 2 years ago

To buyitall Totally agree with your remarks. All this company cares about is to make money at…high prices . The high bidding is not going to be fixed as long as there are people who pay . So, if just one is paying a ridiculous high price for a cheap item, the company makes good profit. The problem of high bidders can be very easily fixed but no one cares about it or about normal customers. I notice that high bidding is mostly happening over weekends starting with Fridays. For instance, when I see bidding at hundreds of $ for gold over silver items, or chains that are normally at $9.99 and the bid is over $ 15 this is a red flag. The auction site became the playground of annoying people.
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Re: bad faith bidders

Post by CR » 2 years ago

I too have noticed the couple of bidders on the auction that are bidding super high on items. At first I thought it was extremely wealthy bidders that really want those items! But after seeing them bidding extremely high on many of the same items for days in a row I started to think maybe they are resellers? But that doesn’t make sense because they’re bidding so high they wouldn’t be able to make any profit. Perhaps they’re bidders that have a grudge against shoplc and bid up items to prevent others from bidding. Or maybe they’re bidders within shoplc hoping to get a sale by tempting someone into a super high bidding war. Are these outrageous bids actually getting purchased? Who knows? But a mass amount of aquamarine and morganite purchased for 5x the price on the website? Hmmm. I think your best chance to grab a few good deals on the auction is when those couple of bidders aren’t on the auction. They do take breaks. :) Good luck buyers!
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Re: bad faith bidders

Post by jeanne » 2 years ago

Sometimes I think it is somebody who thinks the price is already more than they want to pay so they drive the price up and then don't finish the purchase. Then they wait until it gets put back into bidding. When someone doubles the current price you know it isn't legitimate.
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Re: bad faith bidders

Post by MaeWest1953 » 2 years ago

I am curious.....are these shenanigans of over bidding just happening on the jewelry auctions?
Not once have I seen an online auction so I really don't know what is offered on these auctions but I have read complaints before regarding this issue😢
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Re: bad faith bidders

Post by Chicago » 2 years ago

I have noticed these bidders also. I used to love the auctions here. Now they are not fun at all. These two people (or one person using two different account names) have pretty much taken over the entire auction site (at least for the jewelry portion of it). They seem to be massively over-bidding on items. They many times ending up winning the items for more than they could have purchased it on the site itself. They bid on almost all the aquamarine, morganite, grandidierite, and many more. It seems it doens't matter the style or size - they just over-bid on everything. I wish something would be done about this so others could once again enjoy the auctions. Pretty soon it will just be them bidding and no one else.
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Re: bad faith bidders

Post by Kitty108 » 2 years ago

I have an idea to rid the auction of these two bad faith bidders. All of us as a group outbid those idiots by placing ridiculously high bids on everything they bid on and then not purchase the items. I have never done that on the auction as I feel guilty winning and then not purchasing. ShopLC would have to notice a sudden drop in income on the auction and hopefully that would force them into kicking those two idiots off! Unless of course they are not real. Is anyone with me?
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Re: bad faith bidders

Post by Chicago » 2 years ago

The following quote is from shoplc's rules for their auctions. "Overbidding Restrictions
We respectfully request that our customers only place bids on items in which they have a genuine interest and intent to purchase. Continuously placing bids on a large number of items and then not purchasing those items once you win the auction is not recommended. Placing excessive bids on items with the intent to hinder the shopping experience on Shop LC's $1 Online Auctions platform, may lead to corrective actions, including restrictions of your buying privileges, suspension of your account and/or legal proceedings."

It seems to me that what these 2 people are doing is exactly what they are talking about in this quote - especially the part about excessive bids that hinder the shopping experience for the platform. Maybe no one from LC even monitors the auctions? I don't know what is happening, but it is really frustrating for me as I have had fun on their auctions in the past. Who needs 10 or even more of the same ring in the same size and also wants to pay more for it each time than they are even asking for it on their regular site?!
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Re: bad faith bidders

Post by Addy » 2 years ago

I thought this issue was dealt with?!?!🤔
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