Eureka! I finally am seeing this new gal Hannah

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Eureka! I finally am seeing this new gal Hannah

Post by MaeWest1953 » 2 years ago

Well it has just happened for me.....I am able to see this newbie and I love how she is paired with Cheryl😁😁
Cheryl looks really nice by the way
I really like that color on her😉

Please don't be upset with me but I need to take an aspirin and have only been watching for 15 minutes🙄
Oh my goodness.....I talk loud but this gal makes my voice look like a cakewalk!!
She definitely is excited in her job😁
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Re: Eureka! I finally am seeing this new gal Hannah

Post by DiamondGoddess » 2 years ago

H has grown on me.

She's like a more excitable Shannon to me.
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Re: Eureka! I finally am seeing this new gal Hannah

Post by Summer71 » 2 years ago

MaeWest1953 wrote:
2 years ago
Well it has just happened for me.....I am able to see this newbie and I love how she is paired with Cheryl😁😁
Cheryl looks really nice by the way
I really like that color on her😉

Please don't be upset with me but I need to take an aspirin and have only been watching for 15 minutes🙄
Oh my goodness.....I talk loud but this gal makes my voice look like a cakewalk!!
She definitely is excited in her job😁
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Re: Eureka! I finally am seeing this new gal Hannah

Post by Teachergirl » 2 years ago

It seems that the louder they scream, the more management loves them. Also if they drown out the other host, even better. I tried to watch this morning but H is on and has not taken a breath. Poor Loretta!
Time to change the channel or turn the sound off.
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Re: Eureka! I finally am seeing this new gal Hannah

Post by Serge » 2 years ago

I must be watching the same show and H has been talking for the last 20 plus minutes while poor Loretta is somewhere but who knows where because she hasn’t been able to say a word. It’s like H thinks she knows all about beauty after her last job and Loretta knows nothing when she’s been showing these products for years. Finally they’re showing something else and she’s getting to talk.
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Re: Eureka! I finally am seeing this new gal Hannah

Post by Lala3 » 2 years ago

I commented on this host several weeks ago. Sure enough she’s getting her well deserved reputation. . Ms H is so over the top she is breathing fragile air up that high! I just refuse to listen to her. Loretta is quiet and charming even seems sincere but H is really clueless on what it means to know your merchandise and present an item Last week I watched her for ONE minute. She was raving on how to display a cross that’s the Gods honest truth. Telling viewers how to place a cross. I enjoy watching late at night when Becky is on with Deanna and Michele. I know Michele can go over the top but she sure is entertaining. Deanna is classy too and Becky is the best. Let’s start a write in campaign either train H correctly or better yet give her a pink slip.
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Re: Eureka! I finally am seeing this new gal Hannah

Post by MaeWest1953 » 2 years ago

Hello Summer71.....your laughing emotions say it all, Tee Hee
Hope your son is winning all of his games!!

Hi Teachergirl, Serge and Lala3......

Your comments were enlightening and fun at the same time😁
I am surprised Lolo didn't try and get a word in somehow!
It does appear that management is allowing these narcissistic Hosts to thrive😢

What would be interesting is knowing if these particular Hosts are top sellers
Or does Amit think we viewers like them because viewership numbers are up when they are on?

I do enjoy watching the late night owl shows, Michelle and Becky are my favorite, Deanna is ok but she steals everyone else's slogans and doesn't seem genuine
LALA3......your idea in your comments last sentence made me laugh....I bet you would get many signatures

Once again I am going to put my crazy request out there:
I would love to see Ms. H paired up with Mr. CC and watch CC get a taste of his own medicine🤣🤣
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Re: Eureka! I finally am seeing this new gal Hannah

Post by CaribbeanGirl » 2 years ago

Lala 3,You took the words right out of my mouth. I just do not get the net work, why do they like screaming hosts. & why do we have to wait 20 minutes to know how much they are going to charge for the items they sell? Why can'tj they just tell us right a way?? There has been many times I have wanted to buy some thing but I am leaving the house at the time but I would not buy until I know how much it will be. If I wait until I get home most of the time it will be sold out. This network is just so different all the way around. I like the way all of the others do it better.
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Re: Eureka! I finally am seeing this new gal Hannah

Post by colljoe » 2 years ago

MaeWest1953 wrote:
2 years ago
Hello Summer71.....your laughing emotions say it all, Tee Hee
Hope your son is winning all of his games!!

Hi Teachergirl, Serge and Lala3......

Your comments were enlightening and fun at the same time😁
I am surprised Lolo didn't try and get a word in somehow!
It does appear that management is allowing these narcissistic Hosts to thrive😢

What would be interesting is knowing if these particular Hosts are top sellers
Or does Amit think we viewers like them because viewership numbers are up when they are on?

I do enjoy watching the late night owl shows, Michelle and Becky are my favorite, Deanna is ok but she steals everyone else's slogans and doesn't seem genuine
LALA3......your idea in your comments last sentence made me laugh....I bet you would get many signatures

Once again I am going to put my crazy request out there:
I would love to see Ms. H paired up with Mr. CC and watch CC get a taste of his own medicine🤣🤣
MaeWest1953: They were on together during the Tucson Show (Live). Let's just say Mr. C won. Ms. H, well, just simply not the same as you see her with the other hosts. No talk over, no non-stop talk, no interrupting, not loud. It was noticeable and interesting to observe the difference. Made me curious as to why?
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Re: Eureka! I finally am seeing this new gal Hannah

Post by DiamondGoddess » 2 years ago

colljoe wrote:
2 years ago
MaeWest1953 wrote:
2 years ago
Hello Summer71.....your laughing emotions say it all, Tee Hee
Hope your son is winning all of his games!!

Hi Teachergirl, Serge and Lala3......

Your comments were enlightening and fun at the same time😁
I am surprised Lolo didn't try and get a word in somehow!
It does appear that management is allowing these narcissistic Hosts to thrive😢

What would be interesting is knowing if these particular Hosts are top sellers
Or does Amit think we viewers like them because viewership numbers are up when they are on?

I do enjoy watching the late night owl shows, Michelle and Becky are my favorite, Deanna is ok but she steals everyone else's slogans and doesn't seem genuine
LALA3......your idea in your comments last sentence made me laugh....I bet you would get many signatures

Once again I am going to put my crazy request out there:
I would love to see Ms. H paired up with Mr. CC and watch CC get a taste of his own medicine🤣🤣
MaeWest1953: They were on together during the Tucson Show (Live). Let's just say Mr. C won. Ms. H, well, just simply not the same as you see her with the other hosts. No talk over, no non-stop talk, no interrupting, not loud. It was noticeable and interesting to observe the difference. Made me curious as to why?
Oh, that's right, I too caught H and C hosting together from Tucson.

They were outside under a tree, which I thought was a nice touch, plus you got to see the products in daylight.

C was running the show, maybe H was deferring to his experience, or just the fact that he's a man.

BTW, Shannon did 5 hours straight yesterday and Michele was a hoot alone on the overnight, I think she did a marathon, too.
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