Did You See My Earlier Post??

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Did You See My Earlier Post??

Post by CaribbeanGirl » 2 years ago

I posted a reply earlier today about Dionne & Miss H working together this afternoon, well Dionne was trying to. There was a nice candle making kit on air. Of course Miss H was not taking a breath just her usual over bearing yelling self not letting Dionne talk. When Dionne started to talk Miss H just kept on going, after Dionne said a few words, Dionne actually said I AM SORRY she was trying to do her job but was shut down by Miss H, Can You Believe She Told Her I Am Sorry For trying To Tell Us About The Product?? I think they need to have Miss H on all by herself, the other hosts they have working the shifts with her can not hardly get in a word. So why are they paying two hosts when she knows & says it all?? No I would not like that at all but what is the use in paying another host to work with her, right.
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Re: Did You See My Earlier Post??

Post by Summer71 » 2 years ago

CaribbeanGirl you took the words right out of my mouth. My thoughts exactly. I saw that what you are referring to. Miss H needs to tone it down a bit. She is making the co-host look so bad. I want to know Which channel is the management watching?
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