Annoying host

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Annoying host

Post by Sea » 2 years ago

I see one host never changes I’m talking about know it all Craig. He was on the air with Lolo the other day and she was giving great details of a product and he was trying to butt in and it didn’t happen so he stands there and rolls his eyes. He thinks everything on this show is about him so annoying and then he commented the other day that his picture is never up on the web page. It always has to be about him as he drones on and on. I constantly put him on mute when he’s on he’s rude and very annoying.🤣🤣🤣
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Re: Annoying host

Post by Lala3 » 2 years ago

You are right on with your assessment of Craig. His rambling are just plain odd. Sometimes he can’t even remember what he was saying it’s just plain uncomfortable. Wonder when he ever sees his wife ? He’s on early morning she’s on late at night and she’s on all the time with Tenner but he doesn’t seem to have many hours. Where is Michele she’s great and one of the reasons I stay up during the wee hours isn’t it funny how some hosts are very watchable others I turn over to you tube. I did receive a few nice items totally pleased I bought the white ear buds 3 pairs. What a pleasant surprised. Tried all 3 they work fine. Look just like Apple. Very nicely packed and husband said they work well I don’t listen to much musiic so o don’t have an opinion but they sure look good quality Does anybody watch Aussie Steve from Sidney. ? He’s a great host too. Seems to enjoy himself and makes watching him enjoyable can’t say the same about Hannah she’s awful.
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Re: Rude to David Pollack

Post by Lacy » 2 years ago

Did anyone watch the presentation yesterday with David Pollack. Miss H and Mr C hardly let him speak. Its David's product, These are new products too. Let him speak. Both of them interrupting him during mid sentence. As soon as the hosts cut him off, mysteriously David's connection went out. You could see he was still speaking with no volume. I felt so bad for David. I tuned in to watch David, not to listen to the them. David seemed to roll with it but it was wrong of them. It seemed the rude duo are not going to stop anytime soon. One yells, the other yells louder. It's not who's louder. It's who is more relatable to us, the consumer.
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Re: Annoying host

Post by Lacy » 2 years ago

Craig does go on and on and on.. til he reaches the price. His presentations take longer. His antics are not always funny. Some are, have you seen him try to dance..... I don't watch morning shows so I didn't see the eye rolls, I wonder if he knows he's doing it. He should review the show to see how he acted.

Miss H, I heard Miss. H was a singer before and probably needed to project her voice for singing. NOT for selling items. She yells naturally it seems. Still, it's no excuse for being rude. Learn to talk, Tone it down. She might not be so annoying.(maybe). If she can't adjust her tone, They should cut her volume on her mic. We will still hear her.

Mr. C just wants the stage, He is a seasoned host from other channels and maybe the louder and longer he talks, we will actually listen. NO. He always says "WE ARE THE DESTINATION CHANNEL FOR EVERYTHING" OK, they sell handbags, kaftans, watches, gold etc. ALOT. Same items over ad over. They are supposed to sell a variety of items. Not a destination channel. It's laughable.

Just give Mr. C his own air time, then he can talk for 3hrs at a time with no co-host. They are bad influences.
Please, Adjust their mics, We will still hear them.

Miss K is getting worse, Loud too,

I am unable to watch much anymore. Other channels are good too. Plus they accept returns, quicker shipping.
Happy Shopping...
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Re: Annoying host

Post by DiamondGoddess » 2 years ago

Lala3 wrote:
2 years ago
You are right on with your assessment of Craig. His rambling are just plain odd. Sometimes he can’t even remember what he was saying it’s just plain uncomfortable. Wonder when he ever sees his wife ? He’s on early morning she’s on late at night and she’s on all the time with Tenner but he doesn’t seem to have many hours. Where is Michele she’s great and one of the reasons I stay up during the wee hours isn’t it funny how some hosts are very watchable others I turn over to you tube. I did receive a few nice items totally pleased I bought the white ear buds 3 pairs. What a pleasant surprised. Tried all 3 they work fine. Look just like Apple. Very nicely packed and husband said they work well I don’t listen to much musiic so o don’t have an opinion but they sure look good quality Does anybody watch Aussie Steve from Sidney. ? He’s a great host too. Seems to enjoy himself and makes watching him enjoyable can’t say the same about Hannah she’s awful.
Who is Craig's wife?
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Re: Annoying host

Post by ChrisB74 » 2 years ago

Craig's wife is Katie
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Re: Annoying host

Post by DiamondGoddess » 2 years ago

ChrisB74 wrote:
2 years ago
Craig's wife is Katie
Thank you, Chris!

I still think she's the only one Tony likes co-hosting with.

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Re: Annoying host

Post by Serge » 2 years ago

I think Tony liked it when Michelle was on with him and at least she could get him to laugh which was a shocker. I would love to see Mr C and Michelle on together as I bet she could give him a run for his money as we all know she’s as knowledgeable as he is on gemstones.
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Re: Annoying host

Post by DiamondGoddess » 2 years ago

Serge wrote:
2 years ago
I think Tony liked it when Michelle was on with him and at least she could get him to laugh which was a shocker. I would love to see Mr C and Michelle on together as I bet she could give him a run for his money as we all know she’s as knowledgeable as he is on gemstones.
I don't think I've ever seen Tony and Michele host together.

He laughs and jokes with Katie, too, which is interesting.

Somehow I wouldn't peg Craig and Katie as a couple.

They do work a lot of opposite shifts.

Why aren't they hosting together?

Mr C and Michele would be a hosting smackdown!

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Re: Annoying host

Post by ChrisB74 » 2 years ago

DiamondGoddess wrote:
2 years ago
ChrisB74 wrote:
2 years ago
Craig's wife is Katie
Thank you, Chris!

I still think she's the only one Tony likes co-hosting with.

You're welcome! I enjoy the two of them together. She seems to genuinely enjoy some of Tony's more, shall we say, corny jokes? lol
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