Reviews Magically Disappear . . .

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Reviews Magically Disappear . . .

Post by FarmMom » 2 years ago

ok, so I am a HUGE fan of reviewing products. I review everything I buy on Amazon and the few rare times I buy something online at target or walmart.

I LIKE being informed about what I'm buying. It SAVES me MONEY!

Obviously not every company has the ability to let customers review products. Some just don't want to deal with possible negative reviews. I get that.

But DON'T say "oh, go review our products!" in every commercial, then DELETE reviews that are LESS than 4 stars!

At first I assumed I had been banned from reviewing products since I was speaking the honest truth. if I feel a product is misrepresented on TV, I'm going to say so (nothing received less than 2 stars however). But I could see all my 5 star reviews were still posted.

I began poking around, and saw thumbnails of products with 2 star reviews, but upon clicking the product to look at it, it magically said "no reviews". Including BRAND NEW products I had JUST reviewed.

It seems like older reviews from months ago WERE allowed to post, but anything in the last 3 months it "bans" if less than 4 out of 5 stars.
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Re: Reviews Magically Disappear . . .

Post by Tothemoon » 2 years ago

I agree with you. Recently I submitted a number of reviews. It seemed like the 5 star reviews I gave posted immediately. The less than 5 star reviews took longer to appear. For the heck of it, I just checked on a product that I gave a negative review on and my review is not there. And I know what you are talking about when it comes to seeing how many stars are next to a product on a menu page but when you click on that item it says there are no reviews.
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Re: Reviews Magically Disappear . . .

Post by Ena » 2 years ago

I came across this also. Less than 4 stars reviews are not posted.
This tactic says a lot about the company ShopLC. Just one more thing that makes a customer to trust it less.
Well, business as usual I guess....
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Re: Reviews Magically Disappear . . .

Post by DiamondGoddess » 2 years ago

Even my good reviews rarely post, so I no longer bother.

And I am a reviewer for one of the big retailers so it's not my writing skills!

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Re: Reviews Magically Disappear . . .

Post by Druid » 2 years ago

I noticed this too. So, to trick them I give 4 stars but my honest opinion which is not always the best..Usually, they are looking at the stars not the content.
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Re: Reviews Magically Disappear . . .

Post by jeanne » 2 years ago

I was appalled the other day when they were shilling foundations. I had previously bought the bamboo bras (without reading the reviews unfortunately) and even had gone up a size. When I got them they were ridiculously small. When I read the reviews, it seems everyone said the same thing. When I heard the host say that they ran true to size I couldn't believe it and went back to check the reviews. They all were gone, including mine. Hmmmm....
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