Shipping Costs $2.99 on Birthday Special 4/15/22

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Shipping Costs $2.99 on Birthday Special 4/15/22

Post by Lynmarie » 2 years ago

I tried ordering items today and everything showed up $3.99 instead of $2.99 for the 15th Birthday special... I ordered one item and it came up $2.99 and the very next time I ordered another item a few minutes later it came up $3.99 again, I did a live Chat and he stated that he couldn't do anything about it because the order only showed success not payment taken. So I checked when that item stated "payment taken" and it still showed $3.99 shipping. I emailed in and Lo Lo was nice enough on her show with Blake that people had emailed that $3.99 was showing up on their orders and she stated on air that they should fix the problem. I usually order by "Fast Buy" but didn't want to take the chance so I started putting items "In Cart" and again everything showed up shipping $3.99.
If you are going to offer $2.99 shipping Shop LC should change it not only on the live air product but on their web site. I finally gave up after ordering only two items because I didn't know if they would fix it at invoice time?! A customer shouldn't have to call in every time an order shows the wrong shipping or do a live chat to make sure they get reimbursed the $1.00 on shipping charge. I don't understand why they don't make the online changes automatically to show $2.99 shipping NOT $3.99..takes all of the fun out of ordering on Friday or special event! VERY FRUSTRATING! :roll:
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Re: Shipping Costs $2.99 on Birthday Special 4/15/22

Post by buyitall » 2 years ago

This is the worst website I have ever used! I have been buying on the web since 2003. I have purchased many items on many websites. There are so many problems purchasing items here at ShopLC. It has progressively gotten worse and worse. It is amazing to me that they never seem to get anything fixed. The shipping price from yesterday should have been fixed immediately! For them to say there was nothing they could do about it is ludicrous! Is that not false advertising? I have decided that from now on when they things on air like free shipping I am going to video it. If I don’t get free shipping I am going to post the video on Amit’s Facebook page and let everyone know how this company doesn’t honor their word!
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Re: Shipping Costs $2.99 on Birthday Special 4/15/22

Post by lah2001 » 2 years ago

They're also having problems with their $29 shipping cap. I bought a bunch of things yesterday, but after 10 items, they kept charging me shipping. The hosts said numerous times that after you reach the $29 shipping cap, you won't be charged any shipping. Not so. So I had to chat with customer service about it. They said after invoicing, I would be refunded for all the shipping. We'll see!

Also, the Buy All option on their live stream on the web doesn't work for me. It just purchases the first item in the group. Especially annoying because I kept missing all the 20% off Buy All specials they had been running yesterday. I also told customer service about all that, and they told me I needed to delete cookies and history, which I had already done. Sigh. Now they're going to get back to me within 24 hours about it.
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Re: Shipping Costs $2.99 on Birthday Special 4/15/22

Post by Chicago » 2 years ago

The same thing happened to me. I tried ordering several different things but they kept wanting to charge me higher and never gave me the 2.99. I ending up just not ordering several things that I wanted. I kept one order even though it wouldn't give me the 2.99 only because I really wanted that item, but other things - no, just deleted from my cart. It's very frustrating as I gave the network alot of my time yesterday thinking it was a good day to shop - but it ended up a bust.
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