Buy anything special...for Easter?

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Buy anything special...for Easter?

Post by Addy » 2 years ago

Happy Easter, Everyone!🤗

Did anyone "treat" themselves with something special?

And, share!
Last edited by Addy 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Buy anything special...for Easter?

Post by jeanne » 2 years ago

I just bought the moissanite Portuguese cut earrings to celebrate the end of Lent. I gave up shopping for Lent so I have a lot of making up to do. :-)

Edited to add the moissanite bracelet. I have truly fallen off the wagon. :o
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Re: Buy anything special...for Easter?

Post by Lisapisa » 2 years ago

I also bought a moissanite ring in gold, but from the website and took advantage of the 20% off (I am shocked it worked!). I have not bought much lately from them. They need to make some major changes at LC. I still do not care for what I feel are condescending tactics to the customers with the screaming and the fake surprise at the low low below cost prices.I will buy gold when the price is right, but I only shop the website…when it is working.
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Re: Buy anything special...for Easter?

Post by DiamondGoddess » 2 years ago

Got a beautiful heart diamond tennis necklace from Z with my Z card.

Zero hassle purchase as always and great price!

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Re: Buy anything special...for Easter?

Post by Lulu » 2 years ago

Bought a ruby and polki diamond bracelet. Figured the whole shebang would wind up on the underside of my wrist so planned on taking it apart and making earrings out of the ruby parts and a pendant out of the center lotus design. It worked like a charm! Now, have the emerald version coming.
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