Ladies and Gentleman Mr Producer....just my .02 LOL

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Ladies and Gentleman Mr Producer....just my .02 LOL

Post by TulsaDave » 2 years ago

I know all of the Ladies seem to be in love with Mr. Rio but I just don't see the appeal he does not say much other than Ladies and Gentleman and yells GO when he supposedly lowers the bid price. He loves working with the one Young Lady hostess because she allows him to run the show. He may have a lot of knowledge but he almost throws a temper tantrum when people are not buying the expensive stuff. People in the USA and throughout the World are having hard economic times just buying groceries for their families and gas for the car. Tanzanite is nice but sometimes its still kind of pricey for many of us. I am not trying to offend but I think the temper tantrums are kid like at times.
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Re: Ladies and Gentleman Mr Producer....just my .02 LOL

Post by jeanne » 2 years ago

Since he is the provider and cutter for some of the more expensive stones I imagine that people not buying the product is like someone saying your kids are ugly. The product he provides is expensive and certainly not for everyone but there seem to be quite a few who can afford the expensive stuff. I enjoy listening to him but I agree that he sometimes seems a little TOO invested in the product.

I love the info he gives on the various mines.
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Re: Ladies and Gentleman Mr Producer....just my .02 LOL

Post by Lala3 » 2 years ago

How true! He pouts like a child when people don’t snatch up his personal cache of gem stones. If all this tanzanite is so gosh darn rare why in The heck do they keep dragging it out every single evening. I’ve said it before on this forum it must be a con . If it’s value is rapidly increasing and it’s rarity increasing why don’t they put it in a vault and bring it out in ten years. I agree , families are struggling with increased costs on everything Amazon just added a surcharge on delivery’s but by gosh tell us again how Shoplc 10kgold chains are an investment NOT ! Pure gold yes but not 10 k chains Tony needs to take a happy pill he’s a sour puss the producers keep bringing the same items out all the time. Do they have anything new ? My rant is over. I hope the forum members had a blessed Easter Sunday
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Re: Ladies and Gentleman Mr Producer....just my .02 LOL

Post by DiamondGoddess » 2 years ago

I do enjoy his wealth of info but his methodology, not so much.
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Re: Ladies and Gentleman Mr Producer....just my .02 LOL

Post by jeanne » 2 years ago

In general jewelry isn't a great investment. I laugh when the hosts talk about the price of gold. Assuming gold at 2000 per troy ounce, the price per gram is about 64 dollars. 10K gold is about 42% gold. The balance is the cost of fabrication and overhead. A fair price to wear and enjoy but no one is going to get rich on gold jewelry unless gold goes over 5000 dollars a troy oz.

I get most of my loose stones from a couple trusted gem cutters/dealers. 500 a carat is a pretty good price for good tanzanite. They do require a buyer with significant disposable income though. I remember when tanzanite was relatively new to the market. The prices were a lot lower than they are now.
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Re: Ladies and Gentleman Mr Producer....just my .02 LOL

Post by Starfish » 2 years ago

I personally think Tony Diniz is a cool guy. Just playing to make money like all of us do. It's a game. Buy low sell high. Find low sell at a major profit taking in all the steps for yourself.

By this I mean what we know of Tony is what he lets us know. Check the net. His family income is off the charts. He doesn't even need to work but does so because he loves the gigs and more $ are better. Plus he loves the excitement of the deal. He loves to have his pawns cut the stones then he can say "look at me." Most of the time he scores with stellar material and final products.

Most of us are thankful for him for whatever reason it may be. Everybody has idiosyncrasies. Life goes on. Live and let live. Enjoy the remarkable stories and prices while you can as we don't know what tomorrow brings.

Good buying.
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Re: Ladies and Gentleman Mr Producer....just my .02 LOL

Post by buyitall » 2 years ago

I was thinking the same thing! It’s almost as if he gets offended when his items don’t sell. Yes, we are having having hard times. I am on a fixed income and recently have had a rare form of breast cancer. I am trying hard to get doctor/hospital bills paid; buy gas; groceries are out of sight; heating fuel for my home has over doubled! And he talks about flying to London and lunching at the Savoy! Completely turns me off! The rest of us live in the REAL world!
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Re: Ladies and Gentleman Mr Producer....just my .02 LOL

Post by Lala3 » 2 years ago

Some people might appreciate his gem knowledge and accumulated wealth but I find his entire persona off putting and condescending. The more I read some comments I feel like responding to them. How dare he talk down to the customers. As if we are idiotic low brows who can’t grasp his vast knowledge of purple stones. I’m to Sick to death of those stones . He’s especially annoying when he immediately flips his presentation and says that’s it move on. As if we don’t even deserve to buy them. How in the heck can his brother be so cute and friendly.?Difficult to understand but still very entertaining. BTW the GPerez collection is lovely and feminine.
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Re: Ladies and Gentleman Mr Producer....just my .02 LOL

Post by CaribbeanGirl » 2 years ago

I can search Google & you tube & find all I want to know about gems, without having to listen to him. To me it is like someone scratching their nails on a blackboard. If any of you have steaming tv you can watch the sister channel in England you can see that they are also blessed with him there. All tho not as much as here, because at the sister channel they usually only have ONE host, not nearly as many of you $2,000 items. They have been selling flower bulbs with pretty planters, face products for $7.99, $9.99, pretty pastel leather bags for $19.99, $29.99. Shoes, & nice clothing, not much one size fits all. It is like the two channels are not even related. I have also told you about the shipping deals, $7.99 for one month all you want & $79.00 for a whole yr. as many items as you want to buy for a whole yr. to ship to you. Someone said that maybe it was because they sell less items. Well, if they sold less items would'nt they be selling higher priced items & not giving the good deal on shipping. This shipping deal is every day. I think the people over there refuse to pay the prices & that is why they sell lower priced items & have the great shipping deal. Here the people just fork it over like it is grown on trees, I have never found that tree here in the states. About the only time they have two hosts is when they are selling higher priced items & it is not that often.
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Re: Ladies and Gentleman Mr Producer....just my .02 LOL

Post by DiamondGoddess » 2 years ago

I did check the net.

Interesting thread on Shopping Telly about Tony's former company Rocks & Co, including a response letter from him.

All the same complaints!


Tenner always says they grew up on a farm with no money, not that they are heirs to a retail dynasty, maybe that's a relative of theirs.
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