I Don't Know What Everyone Else Thinks, But

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I Don't Know What Everyone Else Thinks, But

Post by CaribbeanGirl » 2 years ago

I don't know what everyone else thinks but I feel like the network has really been lacking since Nikki & Karen has left. It just seems like a different network now. I wish they would have made Karen President, she would change what is going on now with the screaming hosts. I do not remember Kim screaming back when Karen was here. Karen had a presence, & I think it rubbed off on the others, but it is all washed off now. Nikki was just so sweet, & I think others tried to be when she was around also, but all of that is long gone now.
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Re: I Don't Know What Everyone Else Thinks, But

Post by Teachergirl » 2 years ago

I have to say that's agree with most of what you wrote. I think Karen was great. Nikki was not my favorite. She made many overtly political statements on air that I personally felt were in appropriate. That being said, I can appreciate that she didn't scream and yell and knew her products. She also didn't twitch, make crazy hand movements or smile idiotically. In my opinion, the network went on a downward slide when Amit took over as President. He was a disaster. I hear he has left the company. Maybe things will improve. I still miss the old LC.
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Re: I Don't Know What Everyone Else Thinks, But

Post by Ena » 2 years ago

Strange but I have the same feeling. My favorite duo was Karen and Shawn, I enjoyed watching Anika and Nikki too.

I used to have ShopLC on all the time... There is a different vibe with the hosts and the whole network now. I'd tune when Becky, Lolo or Michelle are on but that's about it....
I'm so ready for a change, I'd love to have an exciting and fun ShopLC back. Hope the new management will listen to their customers..
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Re: I Don't Know What Everyone Else Thinks, But

Post by MaeWest1953 » 2 years ago

Howdy members😁,

I had no idea that Amit has left the building, when did this happen?
All of you make good points, I too miss the calm yet fun shenanigans of Nikki and Karen
We were able to see in real time what the items were with out all the INTERUPPTING from the likes of Mr. C, Miss Kim and Miss H

Every 60 seconds RIco Suave' is asking "how many are left producer,"or "which one is going to sell out first"
It's his way of keeping himself in the cameras eye 😡
I have lost the count of things that have sold out before I could get a good description or view of a garment etc. because he is interrupting the cohost while she is speaking!!!

Everything was moving along nicely until Mr. C showed up on the scene.....almost immediately Nikki left and the other wonderful hosts followed soon after 😥
When was the last time we have seen this many good people leave like this?

The twitching in a certain host mouth is so obvious and annoying to say the least 😪
Right? absolutely! (Her constant words)
I am not trying to be mean either when I say that her screeching is off the charts!
We all know on Friday that the item is going to be dropped to at least $10.00 yet when it gets announced she becomes unglued and starts screeching "WHAT, WHAT"

To me she is treating the customers like children in wanting us to believe we are just so lucky to be in the right place at the right time 😕
Thank God we still have Lolo, Katie, Becky, Tenner, Tony, Jessica, Craig, Steve, Adi etc. And the fabulous Michelle💕
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Re: I Don't Know What Everyone Else Thinks, But

Post by joy51 » 2 years ago

I agree too!! Very rarely watch anymore--you are so right about Chuck--everything did change--he is awful here as he was on the other shopping channel he worked on. They also need to get rid of all day smackdowns with the same gemstone--half of which no one can afford.
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Re: I Don't Know What Everyone Else Thinks, But

Post by DiamondGirl65 » 2 years ago

I can't even watch Kim Prentiss she makes such weird movements with her mouth and head. Concerned she is not well.
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Re: I Don't Know What Everyone Else Thinks, But

Post by Lacy » 2 years ago

I agree. I only watch overnight shows. I also can't watch or listen to Miss K. Miss H. Mr. T . New guy, one day was enough, & of course
Mr. C.

Now some of these hosts are on the night owl shows. Well, I turn it off.

Realistically, I don't need what they sell.

If I do need to replenish my skincare 24/7, I just order it online. No hosts. It's easier.

I heard a host say Anchor is back. So maybe he can make a few changes.
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Re: I Don't Know What Everyone Else Thinks, But

Post by Maweeze » 2 years ago

I agree with most all of this. I loved Karen and Shawn together, just old friends that you could really trust. Karen retired, which she deserved, but Shawn was let go which he didn't deserve. I am more incline to purchase something from a host who is not yelling at me at tells it like it is. I do however enjoy watching the antics of Chuck, I miss him with Dione but I think he teased her a little much.
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Re: I Don't Know What Everyone Else Thinks, But

Post by MaeWest1953 » 2 years ago

Hi Maweeze....

I am curious, you stated that Shawn was let go so I was wondering if you learned why and did Shawn give the reason?
Thanks for any information because I will never forget how badly he treated Michelle
He was acting like a spoiled child and his distaste and total disrespect for her was so apparent😡

Hopefully they let him go, for that very reason😏
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Re: I Don't Know What Everyone Else Thinks, But

Post by Serge » 2 years ago

I too remember how horrible he was to Michelle and it was so sad. I had never seen him act like that before and it got so bad that I had to change the channel. I’ve been out of town so I haven’t been able to watch the new guy yet and I’m not sure that I want to!
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