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Post by Dolores » 2 years ago

When commercials come on I surf I hit on LC the new guy was screaming he had laragentis, I felt so bad for Deanna she was trying to present a pair of black diamond earrings and was doing her best to talk over him, I stayed for a minute and changed the channel to early in the morning for screaming .
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Re: Surffing

Post by Lala3 » 2 years ago

Delores , you are so correct. I heart him last week when he started. . I immediately thought. This has to be a sick joke. Sorry if he has throat problems or what ever his condition is but I can’t listen to him I don’t watch any other channel and hear that kind of presentation . He almost makes Hannah seem like a real professional ( sarcasm) I think some strange things are going on with this channel. 2 weeks ago I bought a pair of welo opal earrings Cheryl repeated over and over again after the end of her show whatever was left would be boxed up and sent directly to sister station in the UK .All WELO opals would be gone. yes, I bought them arrived and sadly they are so so earrings . They are composed of numerous stones set into a flower shape . Unfortunately many of the opal “petals” are dull and have no opal essence They will be sent back I’m not paying $150.00 for earrings I would buy in a brick and mortar store . Even more annoying is Shoplc still carries those very same earrings on their website. Plus other pieces of welo opal .it was not boxed up and sent to their sister station. I find that deceptive and they lied! Last weekend I bought a connamara beaded necklace. $29.00 it came a day ago ( fast for them) and it’s marked made in Thailand. The beads look junky and nothing like real Irish marble. I doubt if the beads even came from Connemara . How many times will I be duped ? it really is time to cut the buying cord with Shoplc Tired of the deceitful practices and off the wall hosts. I’ll peak in to see what a new President might do but I’m not holding my breath.
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Re: Surffing

Post by Lacy » 2 years ago

I saw that too. That would be Hunter. Put him with Hanna and they will have a shout-out. It's really not funny though. Why does shop LC continue to allow this. I just turn the channel.
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Re: Surffing

Post by Dolores » 2 years ago

I saw what they said was Connamar Marble it wasn't! I have a couple of my Grandmothers , I boughf a bracelet from Q it was made in Ireland .
Coffee Time for now God Bless
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Re: Surffing

Post by Dolores » 2 years ago

I saw what they said was Connamar Marble it wasn't! I have a couple of my Grandmothers pieces bought a bracelet from Q it was made in Ireland .
Coffee Time for now God Bless
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Re: Surffing

Post by Dolores » 2 years ago

There are no quarries of Connamara Marble outside of Ireland. Thailand I don't think so
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Re: Surffing

Post by DiamondGoddess » 2 years ago

I was browsing the retailer from which I just ordered a big cluster ring last night because I got rewards and cash back and the rewards expire so I need to spend them.

I was very pleased to see that they openly say in item names when stones are lead glass filled!

No finding out after you get it what's up with it.

Now I trust them even more.

I'll probably keep buying small items like clothing from LC because I haven't had much problem with that,, but I buy a lot of fine jewelry and there are too many other players in the game out there in whom I have more trust.

Plus, as LC is a jewelry manufacturer, I see their larger pieces elsewhere for less money.
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Re: Surffing

Post by ChrisB74 » 2 years ago

Dolores wrote:
2 years ago
When commercials come on I surf I hit on LC the new guy was screaming he had laragentis, I felt so bad for Deanna she was trying to present a pair of black diamond earrings and was doing her best to talk over him, I stayed for a minute and changed the channel to early in the morning for screaming .
omg, I had the exact same impression! Poor Deanna tried her best, but that guy was incredibly loud and....I'm not a fan.
2 x

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