Nails on a chalkboard

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Nails on a chalkboard

Post by Teachergirl » 2 years ago

I decided to watch today because I like to see non jewelry shows. Unfortunately Ms H has been on for far too long. Does she ever shut up? No matter who she hosts with, she talks over them and cuts them off. The screeching and yelling make me turn the sound off. Lost a possible sale today because I absolutely cannot listen. Please give her some voice classes. I'm begging you. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard.
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Re: Nails on a chalkboard

Post by DiamondGoddess » 2 years ago

Michele was on alone again last night and was typically hilarious.

I think they are short of hosts so some do marathon stints.

Tony and Tenner are sometimes hawking inexpensive items, too.

I bet they have a stake in the company.

I don't mind H, myself; all the hosts annoy me at one time or another.

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Re: Nails on a chalkboard

Post by Lacy » 2 years ago

I've noticed they have been pairing miss H. With other strong personalities. Hosts that she can't or doesn't verbally bully so easily. You can tell she wants to jump in and say something. I just can't watch any shows she's on. No matter what is for sale.

Kim's either. She can't stay still, constantly moving. She's tapping the table, twitchy, facial expressions. It's very distracting. Besides her screeching loudly when she hears prices. (They have meetings prior to the shows, and are told the prices.) No screeching required. Save your voice Kim.

I do feel bad for the hosts who have to work with and have to be right next to them. Imagine how it must sound so close.

I turn it off 90% of the time. Other channels are better these days. For many reasons.

Good luck if you dare to shop.
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Re: Nails on a chalkboard

Post by joy51 » 2 years ago

AMEN--I can't watch anymore either--now Steve in on and he is annoying!!
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Re: Nails on a chalkboard

Post by Jonarts » 2 years ago

The management really needs to watch films of what's going on. If not, some of us won't be watching much either. I tried this morning and things were very pleasant, and an even pace. Then practically in the middle of a sentence it all went away with loud talking, screeching, monopolizing, it was hard to understand what was being said about the item. First I muted and then I just gave up. I know some great items are being offered, but I have to turn off the sound, which defeats the purpose of being an informed shopper.
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Re: Nails on a chalkboard

Post by MaeWest1953 » 2 years ago

Hi Lacy.....

I completely agree with your thoughts about Miss K
She's so phony when she screeches "WHAT?" when the price gets lowered
It's insulting to us because she thinks we are buying her act

It cracks me up how she thinks she's a Model now, have you noticed how she sits with her one hand on her hip now?
She does this when she models Kaftans and now is carrying it over when she sits

Not to mention her constant "Right, absolutely and amazing"
These few narcissistic hosts are just ruining Shoplc😔
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Re: Nails on a chalkboard

Post by Lulu » 2 years ago

When the name of the show is "Jewelry Under $20" or "$10 Friday", they look like morons when they act surprised. It's no surprise to the audience. Shawn was good about not pulling that nonsense.
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Re: Nails on a chalkboard

Post by Serge » 2 years ago

Mae you’re spot on about Kim having her hand on her hip and I wondered if she was trying not to flap both of her hands when she was talking. Between that and her constant smile, which makes my mouth hurt just watching,it annoys me so bad that I have to switch channels. Shop LC please listen to us and either work with your hosts or lower their mic volumes so we don’t have to endure the screeching!
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Re: Nails on a chalkboard

Post by MaeWest1953 » 2 years ago

Serge wrote:
2 years ago
Mae you’re spot on about Kim having her hand on her hip and I wondered if she was trying not to flap both of her hands when she was talking. Between that and her constant smile, which makes my mouth hurt just watching,it annoys me so bad that I have to switch channels. Shop LC please listen to us and either work with your hosts or lower their mic volumes so we don’t have to endure the screeching!
Thanks Serge.....

She started doing the Model stance about 8 months ago when modeling any garment and then this hand on her hip about 5 months ago🤣
She is so desperate for attention in my guesstimate
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Re: Nails on a chalkboard

Post by Serge » 2 years ago

You could be right Mae and I think she was hoping she could take Nikki’s place when she left. Then she started doing shows with Mr. C which I think was her downfall because I hadn’t noticed her acting this way before. If she would stop screeching and flapping her arms I think it would help and also try not to smile constantly.
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