Craig Rooke?

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Craig Rooke?

Post by Lynmarie » 2 years ago

I haven't seen Craig Rooke lately he generally is on after 6:00 AM in the mornings before noon or use to he still a host?? Just wondering?! ;)
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Re: Craig Rooke?

Post by LauraA » 2 years ago

Wondering the same thing. He doesn't seem to have been on in a while. I thought maybe he was on during hours I wasn't watching. Last I checked he was still on the host page. 🤔
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Re: Craig Rooke?

Post by Lynmarie » 2 years ago

LauraA: I thought the same thing maybe I was just missing the times he was on...but normally he is on during the morning shows or early afternoon, he is very rarely on Fridays, Saturdays or he either left or is on a leave of absence. I haven't seen him for at least 3 or 4 wks if not more now?! Glad you were wondering the same as I was where he went!
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Re: Craig Rooke?

Post by CaribbeanGirl » 2 years ago

Hi, I posted a answer on here about Craig & I guess it was taken off, I do not know why. All I said was back a while ago, maybe 1,2,or 3 yrs. ago he was promoted to a office job. I forget what it was for but he said he would not be hosting as much. Then they became short of hosts & he was back hosting again. That is all I am going to say so it does not get taken off again. I did not think I said anything bad.
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Re: Craig Rooke?

Post by Lynmarie » 2 years ago

Thanks CarribbeanGirl!

No you didn't say anything bad at all, I could see where he would have to fill in because a few of the hosts have either left or have taken time off. Thanks for letting us know...I was just wondering because he was always on during the morning time period
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Re: Craig Rooke?

Post by Lynmarie » 2 years ago

Saw yesterday on FB that Craig took some time off and he stated he would be returning in 2 weeks. Thought I would post he is returning
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Re: Craig Rooke?

Post by Tina » 2 years ago

Good! Glad all is well and he will be returning. I love Katie, so I want all to be good with them.
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Re: Craig Rooke?

Post by 2Blonde » 1 year ago

Add me to the list of those who were wondering about Craig. I watch a lot in the mornings, so i knew he hadn't been on. They've been short on hosts lately, but I see Dionne has returned from maternity leave; glad to see her back. Seems lately they've had Hunter and Michelle on so much, I wonder when they can sleep! :)
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Re: Craig Rooke?

Post by Blizzard » 1 year ago

Craig Rooke has not been on lately. He was doing a lot of the Home shows on Sunday, and a few shows in the morning during the week. When he was on, he was looking a bit sluggish. I got the impression when he was hosting recently, that he would have rather been ANYWHERE but in the studio. To the point, he was not even promoting the products. I don't think it would be a big loss if he does not return. Shop LC needs to bring in some new, young and energetic hosts! It is tiring seeing Dan and Karen coming in virtually from their Florida homes. They are retired! Let some new, young DIVERSE hosts get the job! Although Chuck keeps reminding people he will be 70 years old this September, he keeps the show alive. He is funny, can laugh when he makes an error ... and moves on ... until the next one, and there is another chuckle. But he keeps the audience laughing as well. He also brings in a little humor that has an age component. Those that know what he is referring to ... really enjoy his humor!
I think Shop LC needs to do an ASSESSMENT on their hosts, if they want to keep people watching!
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