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Post by Lynmarie » 1 year ago

How many times does Hunter keep saying "Come on in the water is fine" every time I watch his shows he constantly says the same thing! I don't get it being so repetitive all of the time. He is starting to sound like Kim who has three things she says all of the time
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Re: Hunter

Post by Mapper » 1 year ago

I saw that too! He said it like 5 times in 10 minutes! I had to turn it off. So annoying!
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Re: Hunter

Post by CaribbeanGirl » 1 year ago

Right, Right, Absolutely, ( That is 2 of Kim's words ), I can not remember the other one. And, yes, come on in the water is fine. Do you think they have a inside pool there?? I don't know who saw it but they sold this dress the other day that looked like a 2 piece, well Kim was parading around in one of them & she told how it was nice that it was a little fuller cut in the bust area because women need to be careful in that area if something is too tight there???????? RIGHT, RIGHT. I bet in that case she bought one in every color, don't you I do not think she care's how tight any thing is there, Right
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Re: Hunter

Post by Lynmarie » 1 year ago

Re: Caribbean Girl....the other saying Kim uses is: "I Love It!" and "Of Course" I just had to laugh! I saw the dress thing the other day.. earlier this week she had on a real low cut top & then other day she had a top on that was actually up to her neck like a school girl co-hosting with Dionne on a morning show...I couldn't help but laugh I thought maybe management said something to her! :o Then Hunter continually later in the show started saying only "Come on in" he must have gotten tired of saying "the water is fine" Wholly Molly he is driving me crazy along with the mumbling!

Re: Mapper I had to go do my dishes to get away from him! :lol:
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Re: Hunter and Marva

Post by TulsaDave » 1 year ago

Marva and Hunter on the air together tonight...she just told him to "hold on!" I almost think she is one host/hostess that needs to work by herself. She is on the "Pretentious Bougee Side" to me. I am not saying that for what she told Hunter ...I don't think many hosts can deal with him. I am speaking of her "heir of superiority" in general.
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Re: Hunter

Post by Ariana » 1 year ago

Hunter is trying to hard.
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Re: Hunter/kim

Post by Lacy » 1 year ago

He was on with Kim earlier. What a I can't believe they put them together. These 2 are the most annoying to watch. I shut it off immediately. Both are so unprofessional.
Neither will ever get better. Woman compliment his looks but...looks only go so far. As soon as he speaks..well....The looks don't matter. IMO
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