whats going on?

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whats going on?

Post by cc2020 » 1 year ago

I am not sure if its my roku but lc has not been on since Saturday. What going on? Anyone else not getting lc on their roko?
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Re: whats going on?

Post by jeanne » 1 year ago

The TV streaming has been down for almost a week. You can watch it through the internet. I have been using my Kindle to watch.
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Re: whats going on?

Post by BostonIrish » 1 year ago

You can watch on u tube.😊
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Re: whats going on?

Post by cc2020 » 1 year ago

thank you for letting me know
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Re: whats going on?

Post by Vickyh2 » 1 year ago

Unrelated to the streaming issues, but here's my pet peeve: What the heck is SOOOOOO funny between Katie and Cheryl?????? I find them laughing hysterically, to each other often. They laugh and laugh for minutes on end. Hey, Katie and Cheryl: Let us in on the joke! We can't hear the banter between you two and the producer, stage people etc. It's kinda rude to laugh to the point of hysteria and we audience members have no idea what they are hysterically laughing about. So unprofessional. It's as if they forget they are on camera. Chuck does that too, but he catches himself and regains composure, well most times he does anyway. :idea:
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