Auctions must be getting DUPED . . .

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Auctions must be getting DUPED . . .

Post by FarmMom » 1 year ago

Anyone visit the auction site lately?

It's a MESS! Stuff is selling for 2x MORE than normal price, and MOST of it is the higher dollar stuff!

I've never seen it this bad before . . . I feel like it's getting padded with fake bidders . . . anyone else want to weigh in?
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Re: Auctions must be getting DUPED . . .

Post by Tocious » 1 year ago

I've noticed that too. And there are still those same folks who you see constantly winning auctions for the same items. Like they are resellers or something. I haven't been using the auctions for a while. As a matter of fact, I find I am watching ShopLC less and less these days as they seem to be doing away with the good hosts and keeping the crappy ones.
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Re: Auctions must be getting DUPED . . .

Post by Druid » 1 year ago

the actions became a joke with fake or stupid bids way higher than their original prices.
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