Sales Tax

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Sales Tax

Post by BostonIrish » 1 year ago

I have never paid sales tax on auction or web site was checking out a necklace they wanted 19 dollars sales tax. I will not be buying much any more makes me sad.😕😥😪
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Re: Sales Tax

Post by Bella » 1 year ago

Several years back I did not have to pay sales tax either. State laws changed the tax regulations regarding internet purchases. Since it’s a new year maybe your state tax laws changed as well. (I thought all states internet tax laws had changed by now) I live in Ohio I think ours changed around 2016.
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Re: Sales Tax

Post by FarmMom » 1 year ago

I think bella is right. Here in Michigan we have been paying state sales tax on the internet for a few years. Legally, it should calculate BEFORE shipping costs, but oftentimes companies calculate it AFTER shipping costs as a way to pocket a bit of extra cash.

Shipping is shipping, they don't pay tax on it, it's a straight run price. So taxing shipping doesn't go to the government, just their pocket.
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Re: Sales Tax

Post by FarmMom » 1 year ago

I don't mind the tax as much as the price games.

I just was looking at stuff in my cart, NORMAL pricing went from $59.00 on an item to $129!!!!!! It was NOT on clearance either@! Holy heck! That's a sure fire way to get me to STOP buying. Most items I buy are under the $75 price tag, but I buy a lot of them. Once in a while I buy at the $100 price tag for an item I adore. $129 for an item that in my mind, might NOT be worth that, I'll buy a loose stone online and find a cheap setting on SLC and have a jeweler swap it out for me at that same cost and KNOW it's a great quality ring instead of HOPING it's a great quality ring.

And now, I will shop at other TV jewelry websites and see what THEY have.
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Re: Sales Tax

Post by Bella » 1 year ago

FarmMom you are correct shipping is shipping and tax is tax. I to have seen some businesses try to pocket some extra $ by figuring taxes after the shipping cost. Such BS! I think it’s a great idea that you buy loose stones versus outright purchasing a subpar ring from Shop LC. I have done that before from JTV, bought some loose stones that were really great quality and purchased separate mounts.
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