Pricing is crazy stupid!

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Pricing is crazy stupid!

Post by Bella » 1 year ago

I never buy any Shop LC clothes and I can see why. (most I wouldn’t be caught dead in) One item in particular, a jacket in a Xlarge is $31.19 in a XXlarge its $89.99, however if it’s the black version in a Medium it’s $69.99. Some colors & sizes are $47.99. Just weird. So color and size make a huge difference. I always thought Shop LC did not upcharge for sizes or colors. I realize inventory can come into play during sales, but that’s a huge differences in price/sizes! Who prices a item at $31.19? Then the next size or color is over $50 more? Sorry Shop LC I do not get it and neither do your customers, that’s why people will not buy your products when you offer clearance sales with no rhyme or reason to why the item is priced the way it is. Ridiculous!!
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Re: Pricing is crazy stupid!

Post by Mapper » 1 year ago

Bella wrote:
1 year ago
I never buy any Shop LC clothes and I can see why. (most I wouldn’t be caught dead in) One item in particular a jacket in a Xlarge it’s $31.19 in a XXlarge its $89.99, however if it’s the black version in a Medium it’s $69.99. So color and size make a huge difference. I always thought Shop LC did not upcharge for sizes or colors. I realize inventory can come into play during sales, but that’s a huge differences in price/sizes! Who prices a item at $31.19? Then the next size or color is over $50 more? Sorry Shop LC I do not get it and neither do your customers, that’s why people will not buy your products when you offer clearance sales with no rhyme or reason to why the item is priced the way it is. Ridiculous!!
I have only purchased Kaftans from shop LC...and even those weren't worth the $7.99 to $9.99 I paid for them. I had to put every singlle one (12) on the sewing machine to rework them for bad or missed stitching.

As for the pricing, I previously only saw that with items from China. Now everyone is doing it. It's the same with gemstones. If it's trending or helps you catch a man the price goes up. As for the repetitive clearance sales, all sales are final and your money stays in their pocket...unless it's defective.

I havent purchased anything fro ShopLC since Christmas....A Bali Molten Glass piece. They didn't present them for Holiday 2022. I just happened to catch some with low quantity that were probably samples sitting in corporate offices or something and returned to inventory. I have no desire to watch the presentations. I've deleted all the apps. I check in here once in a while and surf the site to see if anything has changed.

Can you imagine how many customers they have lost as a result of the changes they have made?
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Re: Pricing is crazy stupid!

Post by Druid » 1 year ago

I never watch their so boring live presentations. As for prices, there is a continuous yo-yo play that does not built confidence in buying .For many gems , like the lapis lazuli , the treatment says “none” and in reality the stones are dyed…badly as the color spills on the clothes. For many similar jewelry items I found that jtv has better prices and quantity and their delivery or return policy, auction included , is spot on.
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Re: Pricing is crazy stupid!

Post by FarmMom » 1 year ago

Druid wrote:
1 year ago
I never watch their so boring live presentations. As for prices, there is a continuous yo-yo play that does not built confidence in buying .For many gems , like the lapis lazuli , the treatment says “none” and in reality the stones are dyed…badly as the color spills on the clothes. For many similar jewelry items I found that jtv has better prices and quantity and their delivery or return policy, auction included , is spot on.
yeah I have been noticing hidden "treatments" to gems that I THOUGHT were collectable and find out no way. Like a fissure filled ruby or sapphire. My husband just watched a video onlline about those and the lady said it can take a $1,0000 gem down to a $10 gem if it's fissure filled. Not a big deal if you are just looking for a nice gift, but in no way is it collectable.

While some treatments are common (like heated tanzanite) others are NOT (like heated fluorite). Same thing with Sleeping Beauty Turquiose . . . it's often filled, which drastically lowers the value. REAL SB is fully natural but it's very rare and very fragile (and very expensive). The filled stuff is more common but not worth as much...
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Re: Pricing is crazy stupid!

Post by CaribbeanGirl » 1 year ago

I sooo agree with all of you. I also do not believe for one second that they had all of this clearance stuff in their warehouse either. I remember a necklace they had for the last 3 clearance sales, I had never seen another one like it on there before. It had some kind of mint color stones in it, the only times I saw it was in the last 3 clearance sales, no other time.I pay attention to some things like that, so I know they put some things in the clearance they can not sell other times of the yr.,people think they are getting a real deal. I think they are still having stock coming in & calling it their biggest clearance sale of the season. Putting these crazy prices on it & throwing it at us & watching who will think it is the deal of a life time & buy it. I think they are full of bull. I feel so sorry for the new customers that do not know any better or how they work. There is one of their health products they had on clearance one day. It is a cbd product that I use. I caught the very end of what they had left but could not dial fast enough before it sold out.I kept looking thinking someones payment did not go through but no luck. So I look 2 days later & there is 4 in stock, I know they did not receive 4 in a order, but of course it was too late to buy it just because a buyers payment did not go through, the difference for the item is $30.00 Im not paying that much more for it. You have to watch these people. I never have to do this at any of the other shopping networks. It is about all I buy from them any more. I am so over it having to watch if I am being charged the correct price for what buy. We should not have to do this. These people are something else & people are throwing their hard to come by hard earned money. We can do with out their stuff, TRY IT YOU WILL SEE, I HAVE.
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