Is anyone else?

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Is anyone else?

Post by CaribbeanGirl » 1 year ago

Is anyone else not seeing Michele on air or is it just me. Are they playing games with her. Did they put Nikki in her spot? WHY can"t they tell us what is going on? I just do not understand the games they play. Other home shopping networks do not do this. If a host is gone for a while they tell you. This place has too many secrets for me. I do not like it, What else are they not telling US?? They think they are doing something really good for you with the shipping cap on Friday. BUT they tell you what you can & can not buy to get it, HUH?
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Re: Is anyone else?

Post by christee » 1 year ago

I briefly watched her and Tony on Sunday some time in the evening/night. She looked great with the new hair style.
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Re: Is anyone else?

Post by FarmMom » 1 year ago

I haven't seen Tony's favorite girl on in a while . .. too early I guess and her name escapes me. She has blond hair though . . . Katie? ugh, can't recall. Anyway, haven't seen her in a few weeks.

Saw Dan on the other day though..
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Re: Is anyone else?

Post by CaribbeanGirl » 1 year ago

Hi FarmMom, Yes the blonde girl is Katie, she is Craigs wife. I saw Michele on with Ladies & Gentleman for a little while on Sunday, & then she was gone. I thought it was really strange, she always works many hours. Thank You For letting me know. I did not think to tell everyone that QVC had free shipping on EVERY THING Sat. not just on air items, EVERY THING. Even items that weighed 20 lbs, 30 lbs. & more. WHY does SHOP LC have a problem with this, & QVC does not. Shop LC items weigh so much less.
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Re: Is anyone else?

Post by Lynmarie » 1 year ago

I saw Katie on her last evening with Tony, he was sad because she was changing her hours because of her son...she is on I think Sunday through Wednesday now at 9:00 AM to Noon and then again on 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM I think was getting hard for her to work nights with her son. She seemed really happen to change hours...I saw her on Sunday with Cheryl during 2:PM to 4:00 PM.
Also I saw Michele with her new hairdo which she really looks good in last night (Sunday) with Tony I saw her at about 11:00 PM selling high priced jewelry like Katie use to!
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Re: Is anyone else?

Post by Serge » 1 year ago

Yes, Katie said she was changing times and I agree that Michele looks great with her new hairstyle. I don’t understand why they use her so little when so many customers really like her. What a waste but then this network isn’t known for its intelligence!
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Re: Is anyone else?

Post by honulady » 1 year ago

When I first saw Michele, I really disliked forward, she's in my top three favorite hosts of all the shopping channels. She's a riot... I have certainly been missing her over the last week or so....put her back on...
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Re: Is anyone else?

Post by FarmMom » 1 year ago

I was just telling my husband last night that Michelle seems much more toned down than before (when we first fell in love with her).

We had assumed she had a hidden flask under her desk and would take a swig during commercials, lol, simply due to her wild antics. When we'd see her own we'd yell for the other to come watch just to see what she'd say and/or do.

Those days seem far in the past now, I'm sure SHPLC has talked with her about "toning it down", and I gotta say she's not as fun to watch anymore.

Although I do gotta say that she seems to have found her confidence with Tony a bit more (likely she reads these and was encouraged by her fan club) and no longer seems to cower when paired with him. My new favorite past time is watching Tony trying to keep his irritation down when he has to work with her, hhahahaha.

But REALLY . . . what I've LOVE to see, is Tony present their bra line! (you and I both know Chuck could and WOULD if asked AND totally nail it too!)

Michielle and Tony presenting their bras. THAT would be a show worthy of popcorn!
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Re: Is anyone else?

Post by Serge » 1 year ago

FarmMom I think you’re correct that Michele is holding her own now when she’s on with Tony and I think he’s finally accepted that she isn’t going to change which I think is good. She will proudly tell everyone that she has a number of years of sobriety but I can see where everyone thought she was sneaking a few nips. That’s so funny about the two of them presenting bras and I can see it now. You’re right that Chuck would love to present them with his precious Kimmie as sadly the more I see him the more he seems like a dirty old man. Some of his comments over the last week have almost crossed the line and he needs to watch what he says before someone complains although they probably would anything!
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Re: Is anyone else?

Post by FarmMom » 1 year ago

Serge wrote:
1 year ago
FarmMom I think you’re correct that Michele is holding her own now when she’s on with Tony and I think he’s finally accepted that she isn’t going to change which I think is good. She will proudly tell everyone that she has a number of years of sobriety but I can see where everyone thought she was sneaking a few nips. That’s so funny about the two of them presenting bras and I can see it now. You’re right that Chuck would love to present them with his precious Kimmie as sadly the more I see him the more he seems like a dirty old man. Some of his comments over the last week have almost crossed the line and he needs to watch what he says before someone complains although they probably would anything!
ok . . . so yes you are probably right, lol. 10 years ago I had a co-worker who was a dear "old" lady, she was proudly 73 years old. She lived in an upscale adult living community, and would tell me stories of the men going door to door offering their "services" thanks to the little blue pill! the S T D rates were THROUGH the roof in there. . .

"You thought TEENS were bad, just wait until you are in your 70's!" is what she'd say, lol!
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