Under $10 Friday

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Under $10 Friday

Post by CaribbeanGirl » 1 year ago

I wonder if the people that own, run, & work at Shop LC even realize what it does to some of their customers when they do not have the under Friday or tell us in advance that there will be none today or even care how it makes of us feel?? When my husband & I were young & working & could do & buy what ever we wanted it was a GREAT thing. I was getting ready to retire had about 6 months to go & I became very sick & it just about drained our nest egg & it was a good one. We were drained. So we could hardly buy anything.So when I can buy myself something on Shop LC that is pretty & at a bargain it really makes me feel good because I only spent under $10. I just find it so hard to believe that there are people that have the money to pick up the phone or lap top & buy a ring for$3,000, or a skin device for $5 hundred dollars over & over again it makes me cry. I really have to stop watching Shop LC when the expensive items are on, & that is most of the time now. I & others miss the good ole days at Shop LC. It was SOOOO good & SOOOO FUN back then. I just sit dumb founded looking at the tv screen watching all the pretty pendants & rings. Do these people know how lucky & blessed they are to be able to buy items like this. For me it is so sad & depressing. Is there anyone else like me out there in Shop LC world or am I the only one???? I hope everyone has a good weekend, it is going to be a hot one where I am at.
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Re: Under $10 Friday

Post by Gulfwaterlady » 1 year ago

I ,too, really enjoyed under $10.00 Friday but is not what it once was. I began watching SLC when they just got to 5,000,000 meals. I don't know what year that was. Inflation has caused airtime on Fridays to be shorter, quality has suffered, and lots more repetition of items. The last two times I emailed a comment about this I got a ticket number. They know few people will follow up on this. I didn't. I also commented about the excessive length of time spent on certain items. I got a call and was told to go on live streaming or the website during the long presentations. I was shocked anyone called. I just said I preferred to watch tv and would rather change the channel.
I just tell myself not to expect it to ever be the same, it is just like every other thing we purchase or service we receive.
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Re: Under $10 Friday

Post by MaeWest1953 » 1 year ago

Hello CarribeanGirl.....

Glad to see you posting and I am one who can't afford much at ShopLC either
Thankfully I am not sick or disabled...I just don't have as much money that others do but that is okay with me
We all can't be rich and I accept that it wasn't going to be my life style :) :)
I have worked all my life, bought homes and nice stuff etc. but then life happens and it all goes away

What is sad is all those small business Owners who lost everything due to the covid crap and many having their business destroyed by thugs who thought it was okay to loot and burn down their hard work
I could go on but I best not!!

It's sad that many others and you have worked hard and saved so long and then medical bills take you down :( :(
Why ShopLC has decided to take away Under 10 today is a mystery except this has been brewing for awhile now
They find ways to mess around with the hours, (start later, end earlier) and they will talk about one item for an hour etc.

Don't worry, it will come back because they know that MANY MANY sales are made on that special day
I feel they are just setting up for one of those long dumb sales for the holidays and then Christmas in July

Take care and have a nice weekend, glad you are feeling good enough to come and visit with us :)
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Re: Under $10 Friday

Post by Shopper7192 » 1 year ago

I have to agree with @MaeWest1953 on this..

Right now it seems to be a big "to-do" about making as much money as they possibly can selling the higher up and pricier items and clearing them out of inventory. I believe this and the fact that they cant seem to "find" certain items people order or win on auction has to do with the fact that they are going to be moving soon into a new place? Someone mentioned on here recently and cant remember who said it or where they were moving to but it is on the board here. Whoever mentioned it will probably chime in here and elaborate on that info in more detail but I didn't even know it until I read it on here. :?

Oh and by the way, it totally BUGS me too that they spend an entire hour or more on one item!! I think it is totally ridiculous because lets face it in less than 15 minutes you have already seen and heard everything about an item that you probably need to.
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Re: Under $10 Friday

Post by Sea » 1 year ago

Worst Friday ever I don’t know why they put Tony on with his very expensive products on during the day. He wasn’t selling anything and he started naming off all his rich customers who buy from him at night shows, well not everyone can afford your sky high prices on your products. Why did they insist on selling the most expensive products on a Friday I turned them off useless shows.also what’s with the Black Friday in June I didn’t see any bargains what a scam.
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Re: Under $10 Friday

Post by Bella » 1 year ago

Why can’t Shop LC do an under $20 on Fridays. I know with inflation it’s probably harder to find nice items for under $10, but you could have nicer variety of merchandise, you could still have the under $10 under $15 and so on. Seems like a no brainer and would keep customers happy. Also do specials on shipping to help with people buying multiple items. They need to think outside the box to keep everyone happy not just those that have money to burn!
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Re: Under $10 Friday

Post by Rolltide » 1 year ago

Last edited by Rolltide 9 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Under $10 Friday

Post by lah2001 » 1 year ago

Sea wrote:
1 year ago
Worst Friday ever I don’t know why they put Tony on with his very expensive products on during the day. He wasn’t selling anything and he started naming off all his rich customers who buy from him at night shows, well not everyone can afford your sky high prices on your products.
I hate when Tony does that--starts naming his "special" customers. We're ALL special customers!
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Re: Under $10 Friday

Post by Lynmarie » 1 year ago

Carribean Girl: I so much agree, I wish $10 Friday was like it use to be about two years ago when Kim & Karen were together in the earlier evenings they were so much fun & I also liked Chuck & Dionne together on late Friday nights. Michele was a blast when she was also on $10 Friday's but not with Tony. Those were the good ol' days!
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Re: Under $10 Friday

Post by MaeWest1953 » 1 year ago

Hey Shopper7192......

I wanted to let you know that I believe the poster said that ShopLC was moving to the City of Cedar Park and the new building will create 1,000 new jobs!
Can you imagine how big that warehouse is going to be!!

Hi Sea......
Your comment said that Tony started naming his high dollar customers, what in the heck?
How tacky is that and so superficial.....can you imagine what that place is going to be like when he arrives in Austin very soon, YIKES!!
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