Another NOT under 10 Friday.

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Another NOT under 10 Friday.

Post by Greeneyesbluesighs » 1 year ago

So just taking a quick look I see they have turned Under $10 Friday basically into the same joke Tuesday is. The under $10 items are basically Dollar Tree junky home items and today there is jewelry that is not at all under $10. Check out the program guide.
What has happened to this company? I don’t even want to play anymore. They don’t listen to or care about their customers. All they see is the gold in their eyes.
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Re: Another NOT under 10 Friday.

Post by MaeWest1953 » 1 year ago

Hi Greeneyesbluesighs,

Exactly what I was thinking!
ShopLC is suppose to be about bringing JOY to the customers and they are failing!!
What is sad too is the way they think we are all falling for their surprise & special sales
Last night in the Night Owl show I saw everything I have seen many times this week, so off to bed I went
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Re: Another NOT under 10 Friday.

Post by FarmMom » 1 year ago

Greeneyesbluesighs wrote:
1 year ago
So just taking a quick look I see they have turned Under $10 Friday basically into the same joke Tuesday is. The under $10 items are basically Dollar Tree junky home items and today there is jewelry that is not at all under $10. Check out the program guide.
What has happened to this company? I don’t even want to play anymore. They don’t listen to or care about their customers. All they see is the gold in their eyes.
It's funny too, for having their own manufacturing facilities in India, most of the items I had been getting were "made in China". if I want cheap chinese stuff, I hit the A store where everything is shipped FREE (usually)
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Re: Another NOT under 10 Friday.

Post by Greeneyesbluesighs » 1 year ago

MaeWest1953 wrote:
1 year ago
Hi Greeneyesbluesighs,

Exactly what I was thinking!
ShopLC is suppose to be about bringing JOY to the customers and they are failing!!
What is sad too is the way they think we are all falling for their surprise & special sales
Last night in the Night Owl show I saw everything I have seen many times this week, so off to bed I went
It used to be I looked forward to the TLV each night. Fast forward to today and now the TLV 99.999% of the time is an EPIC disappointment.
Remember the “before time” when things were interesting, unusual and watching (and buying) was TRULY a joy? No more.
I understand prices go up on everything. So I expect some increases. But the pieces are the same tired old designs. And last time I checked using one’s imagination, being creative, was still free.
So is it a lack of imagination/creativity? Or just plain laziness?
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Re: Another NOT under 10 Friday.

Post by Greeneyesbluesighs » 1 year ago

FarmMom wrote:
1 year ago
Greeneyesbluesighs wrote:
1 year ago
So just taking a quick look I see they have turned Under $10 Friday basically into the same joke Tuesday is. The under $10 items are basically Dollar Tree junky home items and today there is jewelry that is not at all under $10. Check out the program guide.
What has happened to this company? I don’t even want to play anymore. They don’t listen to or care about their customers. All they see is the gold in their eyes.
It's funny too, for having their own manufacturing facilities in India, most of the items I had been getting were "made in China". if I want cheap chinese stuff, I hit the A store where everything is shipped FREE (usually)
They claim that they manufacture most of their items. I don’t believe this is the case.
And not just the A store. But I’m sure the T site (the one taking the internet by storm) is cutting into their “lifestyle” products. There used to be new lifestyle items (good ones!) coming in all the time. Now almost never. I can’t believe they pay full-time buyers. What have they been doing?
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Re: Another NOT under 10 Friday.

Post by Greeneyesbluesighs » 1 year ago

And today they keep saying “mostly under $10 items with a few over $10 here and there”
Omg who are they kidding? It’s not us but themselves.
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Re: Another NOT under 10 Friday.

Post by Lynmarie » 1 year ago

I use to get excited & practically watch all day & into the evening until 2023 is when I saw the dramatic change in all of the product lines. I use to really like Swarovski jewelry on Fridays, Home Style products, The Lab products and a lot of newer products introduced on Fridays...along with free shipping which you never see anymore. It is more exciting to check out Clearance items now but then again I see the same products on there too! I now just check after Under $10 Fridays are done & just check what was on the last 24 hours to see if I like anything, but what they sell is never new just the same old stuff I have seen numerous times before. Also the hosts I use to like on Fridays are either not there anymore or they don't work on Fridays so that is a bummer too! I have pretty well given up any regular watching anymore I just check in every once in a while online since Shop LC isn't shown on DISH anymore!
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Re: Another NOT under 10 Friday.

Post by Gulfwaterlady » 1 year ago

I was thinking exactly what everyone was and saw Lynmarie's post. I used to look forward to Friday's. The company has changed completely. Today's mostly under $10 was an insult to all the loyal customers. They just threw some items in to stop all the complaints. The hosts were more confused than they usually are. Some items were totally rushed, like 2 minutes. But, I watched Chuck and Hannah spend a half hour on soap wash clothes. Once in a while Chuck will ask the producer "how much time do we have, a half hour"? He did it when they had the microphones. It really isn't the number of callers on the line. They just prolong the presentation to keep selling.
Tonight Jessica and Dan rushed through items and then spent a half hour on Buffalo Horn jewelry. Of course they closed the under $10 by all the wasted time.
I realize it was a holiday weekend but the number of items sold was almost pathetic on their gemstone jewelry. I watched a little in the am, afternoon and pm during the week. I wanted to see the numbers of sold items. It was really a lot less than I had ever seen. It seems all the expensive items sold continuously has turned people off as well as all the orders and returns that are horrible as well as horrible customer service.
I will miss the old times. But, I have just really lost interest. For some reason, Ankur seems to be on a sinking ship with his ridiculous treasure chest. I don't think he will be thrown an anchor!
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Re: Another NOT under 10 Friday.

Post by Lanai » 1 year ago

Certainly agree this Network has become a disaster. Seems it started deteriorating quickly about a year and a half ago or so when Ankur came back to the Network and took the Vice President Position. He doesn't appear to be someone that has the necessary personality to have direct control over the many aspects required of a Company especially when it comes with also dealing with Employees, many of whom have been good friends and who also socialized with for many years prior.
CC is a buffoon. I couldn't believe the crap he was saying today and doing with the Sudz product and how he kept asking how much more time and then telling Hannah that they needed to sell all the Lavender Scented out before LoLo followed them and found out that they had snagged all the Scented because she would be mad and have a "little fit". Who cares about that??? Please. And when he talked about how he had been weight lifting, I just about choked on my Coffee. Seriously. His new woman must cook good because he has gotten very large and it doesn't look like muscle to me. I don't think that they sell near the number of items they act like. They couldn't because other than a few new items thrown in a couple times a week, it is basically the same old stuff just recycled with the Hosts trying to convince Customers it is New Stock and it's the first time they have presented it. Any item that doesn't start with the number 8 or maybe some that start with the number 7 has been presented before, always exceptions I suppose as products could actually get pushed to the back of warehouses and never actually aired, as Cheryl said. She is the very Host that essentially played out exactly how their Product Stocking System worked, a couple years ago. At that time she and Katie were presenting a few Sleeping Beauty items that she said would go below cost, way below, so therefore she was giving fair warning that she would be purchasing a minimum of 2 of each item, one for herself and one for her sister. She said they were very limited and that they had been found in one of the warehouses and they had been there for at least 5 years because the item numbers started with a 2 or 3 and that they were currently in the upper 7's and would be crossing over into the number 8 soon. She then went on to do a selfish host price, using her phone to order, on air, like she always does, at the exact time the auction opened and she announced the price and then said "Well it's fastest fingers first people, what can I say?? Got mine." That's never changed, she continues to do the same thing, ordering items while on air, right in front of Ankur and he doesn't say a word to her but he made Michele put her phone up, on air when he was doing a Sapphire Treasure Chest Deal. Anyway, Katie never commented the whole time this was going on, just kept messing around with the items up for sale. They need a massive restructuring in all services or they appear doomed to fail for good if it keeps going the way it has been. Customers can't get purchased items or refunds for weeks at a time because I believe they are in deep financial distress, overspending especially in High Priced Gold and Platinum, not to mention all other various kinds of "Buy-Outs" that CC always refers to as making them a destination for whatever product it may be. The Norell Perfume fiasco and being a "Perfume Destination" It must have aired, as well as the Kim K and George Clooney products, at least 50 times in a 6 month period and they said each time it was a last in stock issue, then after they finally stopped it wasn't 2 months later that Ankur was having his Treasure Chest Deal featuring what?? Surprise!!! Norell, last in stock and the exact same price it had sold for previously. Every now and then they will even pull old George out again and try to pawn it off. Like the hour long Treasure Chest Presentation of Buy One get One Free not long ago. Poor George delegated to a $10 buy one get one status at ShopLC. Talk about a low Just like that T by Tabitha Eau De Toilette that CC tried to say was brand new from the UK. Not True. I remember Karen and Kim selling that exact item at least a year or more ago, when Karen was still full time in Studio. In fact if anyone who has a Smart TV or Streaming Device, you can look at past reviews that are not on the website at times and this item so happened to have reviews from 2021. He also was so Arrogant that he showed the same exact Packaging, Bottle and Ounces offered online by Avon for $10.35 or something stupid like that and actually said well ours doesn't say Avon. Really!! I honestly wasn't aware that the Avon Company still existed. It really makes me angry that these people seem to think the customers are stupid and they can just say or do what they want. I guess actually they can, with the obvious lack of Supervision , that is until when the same people they have insulted and treated badly quit buying anything from them, even on the $10 and under days (very rare anymore) and everything begins to crumble and they are negatively impacted. It's easy for past mistakes to creep back in bringing new ones along
As far as name changes go, I think they have worn that one out as well. Just my opinion.
PS: please ignore any typos or any other grammar mistakes, my mind runs faster than my fingers at times. And noway would I ever torture anyone with voice command, it's a true disaster. 😀
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Re: Another NOT under 10 Friday.

Post by FarmMom » 1 year ago

I agree Lanai,

I don't think the number sold reflects actual selling. I once saw tanzanite fully sell out, and two hours later someone else was selling it and the numbers were totally different (less). If they have THAT MANY people backing out of buying after 'selling out", something is up.

I also have noticed things are not selling as much as previously, also fewer reviews. people are not dumb (like you mentioned) and word spreads quickly.

And the T store, I'm assuming you mean the new Chinese one always running ads? I have bought from them, arrived pretty quick and dirt cheap shipping.
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