Why not?

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Why not?

Post by PearlGirl » 1 year ago

Last edited by PearlGirl 1 year ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Why not?

Post by FarmMom » 1 year ago

As far as we understand, there is no more moderator, but rather someone with a big red button that pops in from time to time to do a quick wipe or erase.

I'm guessing you were hoping it would be like JTV's forum? I know it allows links and photos there.

We are more like a shoppers anonymous forum (by regulation, not by choice)
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Re: Why not?

Post by Bella » 1 year ago

That is why I always read “forums guidelines” before joining any online forum. They do differ in their rules. I just don’t think anyone at Shop LC thinks the forum is a priority. They have too many other issues.
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Re: Why not?

Post by FarmMom » 1 year ago

Bella wrote:
1 year ago
That is why I always read “forums guidelines” before joining any online forum. They do differ in their rules. I just don’t think anyone at Shop LC thinks the forum is a priority. They have too many other issues.

Well said! No need to worry about a little rain when you are busy bailing water out of the ship due to massive holes in the hull ;)
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Re: Why not?

Post by Shopper7192 » 1 year ago

@Bella and @FarmMom

I had to laugh out loud literally!🤣 I totally agree with you both!!
So sad but so true as well!!

I hope you will reconsider and come back. I responded to your post on my thread with some advice on how to navigate some of the issues here. ;)
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Re: Why not?

Post by PearlGirl » 1 year ago

Hi guys no I'm still here... for the moment. FarmMom how do you have that little pic on your ??? account is it? Not sure what to call things at times, and they let you keep that up? Shopper thank you I'll reread what you wrote. I didn't really know what to expect when I got on this thing. Was hoping to find new friends I guess who share the same loves I do. I guess I have though huh? But sad to say SLC, like everywhere on any site, insists on making our time on here as cold and sterile as possible. I'm beginning to think maybe they need to send us all a script so we can just read our lines on line rather then be human and really say what we really wanna say and what we really think. I haven't been on JTVs anything really in many many years now. Used to shop there till I had a very hard fall out with there CS dept and stopped shopping there all together especially when I ran across SLC and saw some of the same stuff JTV had been rooking me for SLC was selling for 1/3rd to 1/2 the price! When I shopped there there was no forum like this not as far as I know anyway. At the beginning JTV was fantastic that was some 20 years ago I think that I found them. They taught me everything I know about gemstones really I'll give them that. It was mostly loose gems that they sold and some jewelry in between but as time went on things were going down hill. They started with there CZ line which frankly after you've seen the real thing who wants a fake? Every time they did that I changed the channel then too thanks to the TV upgrades I kept losing the channel too so... But I stuck to SLC but now even here I'm getting sick of things... None the less... Tried looking for a beaders club or a SLC club on Insagram but there isn't one. I'm not on FB or Twitter either... They need an old fogies club or something lol. One where we can post pics SLC!!! Hey a lot of the stuff I make I got the materials, i.e., the beaded bracelets/necklaces, from HERE so really its there stuff I'm trying to show! And SLC keeps sending me e mails asking how I liked this or that and to post a pic well no pic here and no pic there either! To say I'm annoyed is putting it lightly! Between the excessive heat, next week there expecting 118 to 120!!! And stupid stuff without any relief yeah you can say I might just be a smidge perturbed! I should put up my own dang site where anything will go no strings attached unless your a nut then you'll get bumped off otherwise the chains will be off tired of these chains on all these sites it sucks. Police yourself people they know better or do they?? Time for sleep before another 113 degrees day. Night guys and thank you. :)
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Re: Why not?

Post by PearlGirl » 1 year ago

Lol Shopper I just read what you said and tried it and it didn't work lol so I hit the back button to answer you here lol. This crazy site lol. Good golly miss molly I dont drink, except for a ton of water, or I'd be drinking the whole cow, that's for Tony lol. Ok put a fork in me I'm toasted lol. Night.
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Re: Why not?

Post by FarmMom » 1 year ago


for the avatar, Gypsy and Lah both had photos so I looked around, and at the top of the forum page (when you are signed in) there are a few options. User Control Panel was a drop down option, and then "profile" and then "edit avatar" at the bottom. you can only upload a TINY photo though, it took me a long while to get the file size just right :roll:

I'm guessing you are near Pheonix AZ? I had an Uncle who lived out there when I lived in Vegas, we were always cross comparing summer temps, haha.

I guess if you think about it, with so many big box stores going out of business or having to grossly change to stay afloat, TV shopping channels are not much different..

Things are in dire straights right now. My husband just saw a commercial for a bank doing 5% interest on a one year CD (normally 3%). He was just getting ready to make an account there when HIS BANK just announced THEY were offering 6% on a one year CD!

Makes me nervous when you see THAT STUFF happening . . .
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Re: Why not?

Post by PearlGirl » 1 year ago

:D Hi FarmMom... yep I just tried the avatar thing and yep my files are all too big too lol not even worth the try I dont want anything that bad lol. Believe it or not... I STILL haven't been to sleep!! At the moment I cant see a straight... And yep your right AZ. I tell everyone I know that when I left NY I said there cant be a worse state then NY... Then I came here and now I owe NY an apology lol. I wont elaborate it would take me forever to say all that's wrong with this place just ask my Mom oh wait you cant cause this state killed her... opps TMI huh? If I could get out of here I'd run out at the moment I'm trapped here... No sleep makes me talk too much sorry forgive me. And YES a big time yes this world is at the bitter end. I wasn't kidding about me starving at times... Having a bead/gemstone/jewelry addiction is as bad as any other addiction let me tell you but at least with my addiction I come out with stuff lol. This world as we know it is coming to a close the evidence is all around us next we go up up and away and His name wont be superman but Jesus who's coming to get us and I cant wait its time. There's nothing left in this world to hang on to even my addiction is just a diversion till He comes to get us. Well I hope what I'm saying doesn't offend SLC... see what happens when you dont let us put up pics SLC lol. Have a great day FarmMom peace to you my friend enjoy the day and forget the world for the time being. Oh bout the bank... I remember when my Mom was getting 8 or 9% CDs now THAT was a longgggggggg time ago another life time ago... Peace. :)
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Re: Why not?

Post by Greeneyesbluesighs » 1 year ago

PearlGirl wrote:
1 year ago
I'm asking the moderator this question... Why cant we post pics? And why cant we share what we do? And never mind I'm not coming back this forum isn't what I was hoping it would be. I'm going elsewhere. :roll:
Welcome @PearlGirl !

The problem here is that this is not and never has been designed for the use, benefit and enjoyment of the customers/forum members.

It was designed as a way to garner information about customer feedback (and any other info ShopLC might find useful) as well as a way to corral our complaints into one place.

I would not try to post pictures of anything you made, or own that was not purchased at ShopLC.
Last edited by Greeneyesbluesighs 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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