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Re: Terahertz

Post by Gulfwaterlady » 1 year ago

Thanks for all the info. One question, should I order the 1mm cord?
The cord I got is very rubbery. The original cords aren't, maybe that's why they are a bit thinner. I will go on Youtube. I do have Michael's.
Also, a friend just told me her sister did beading years ago and sold pieces. I am going to find out if she could restring my graduated shungite necklace.
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Re: Terahertz

Post by lah2001 » 1 year ago

How big are the drilled holes in the bracelet stones? If they look really tiny, get the 1mm cord. Otherwise, I'd go for a 1.5mm cord. It really depends on the heaviness of the stones, and the size of the holes drilled into them.

The cord should be very stretchy, not sure if that's what you mean by "rubbery".
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Re: Terahertz

Post by Gulfwaterlady » 1 year ago

Thanks for the info on restringing beaded bracelets. I'll go to Michael's website.
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Re: Terahertz

Post by Gulfwaterlady » 11 months ago

About a month ago I left a post and said that I was finished with SLC. I thought maybe I was just one of the unlucky customers. About ten months ago I began reading this forum. I started posting about a month later. I felt depressed over what this company has done to practically all their customers. I realized after reading posts from three years ago that it is the same complaints over and over until people just get so upset they move on. Nothing and no one is indispensible!
I came to make one last post. I received this from SLC after the first airing of terahertz. I knew nothing about it. I saw the rate it was selling and started reading about it. I am a great believer in shungite and wear the beaded bracelets all the time. My question to SLC was: if the two, shungite and terahertz could be worn together or did they negate one another.
I found the response I received from Shop LC. It was one time the company shocked me at the level of education and research some of their employees have acheived.

"The Terahertz range refers to electromagnetic waves with frequencies between 100 GHz and , or wavelengths between 3mm and 30 (two alphabetical letters from quantum physics which are not on my laptop). Light between radio waves and infrared have some unique properties. However, this would not negate the effect of shungite. Two minerals in particular, Shunite and Orgonite, are said to have EMF radiation protection properties, which often lead people to believe they can utilize them to rid themselves of EMF's, once and for all." The man hoped this was enough information or he would send me a site for further research. I will not print his name.
Further research! I didn't fully understand the information he sent. I asked a friend who's husband has a PhD if the answer was a simple, yes, shungite and terahertz could be worn together. That's what I took away from the Information that was sent to me.
Yes, simply said they can be worn together.
For years have spoken to people at SLC that know absolutely nothing about anything and then I receive this response!
So that's it for me and SLC except for whatever shunite or terahertz I find on their website. I have confidence in the authenticity of these two minerals.

Life continues to present more challenges as our values change. I try to keep my life as stress free as possible. I had to eliminate SLC.
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Re: Terahertz

Post by Gulfwaterlady » 11 months ago

I took your advice. I bought 1 mm black stretchy cord and the glue you mentioned from Michael's. The cord feels like the cord in the SLC bracelets. It has a fabric texture. The first one I bought really felt like a 1mm rubberband.
I will have to find someone to string the necklace as it has findings. That is way beyond me!
Thanks for your help.
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Re: Terahertz

Post by Lacy » 11 months ago

I have shungite and terahertz from LC. They look nice but I don't get any of their magical effects. That's ok, I like how they look. However, LC is not the only place to buy terahertz. I bought necklace strands and bracelets from T. They melt ice, they look the same, they are a fraction of LC's prices with no shipping. The selections are limited to beads and barrels which is fine with me. I'd rather spend 70% less. Shein also has it now. Cheaper with no shipping on Sundays. Shop around. Yes these sites are from china, but I'd be suprised if LC's supplier isn't getting it from China too.
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Re: Terahertz

Post by Leanderlynne » 11 months ago

Etsy also has Terahertz and Shungite.
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Re: Terahertz

Post by FarmMom » 11 months ago


I fully understand your frustration. However we would still enjoy your company here! The ONLY time I am on the SLC site is for the forum, no more shopping. Once in a blue moon I mgiht see something on LIVE that I have a GOOD REASON to get . .. just grabbed a star sapphire for $50, it actually looked GOOD. Almost too good, as in lab created, but it's diffused anyway, so it's not much different, lol.


You are correct, I even found a GREAT jewelry company that can custom make you ANYTHING for a fee of $25, plus cost of silver/gold for anything over 3 grams. They have a factory in China that does it for them. Their settings wholesale price are DIRT CHEAP! I think China is the leader in manufacturing jewelry right now, so I am certain nearly all of SLC items are from there. Although my new ring says made in India (There's a shocker, hadn't seen that in ages!)
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Re: Terahertz

Post by Gulfwaterlady » 11 months ago

Farm mom
How can anyone enjoy the forum if you never watch live tv presentations? I wouldn't understand what had happened and who did what and when. Practically all the posts are full of frustration and anger at Shop LC customer service, shipping, constant clearance with no refunds, hosts that make you change the channel and on and on it goes. It's a merry go round that never stops. And, I totally agree. I was on it for quite a while.
After I have read all the negativity, I'm in a negative mood! It just isn't fun to read complaint after complaint. I thought this forum would be a positive experience but it isn't. You all seem like nice people, a few bad apples, but they come in and cause trouble and then retreat. So many unhappy people, so many people displeased with what's going in the country and so many having a hard time because of inflation. I always heard that pets make people happy. I found volunteering at our humane society, a no kill shelter, was a positive experience. I think I'm going back there. Thanks to all who interjected a sense of humor or a look back at the Shop LC of many years ago!
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Re: Terahertz

Post by Bella » 11 months ago

The Shop Lc of many years ago isn’t all that different from today. Not as many contributors today, but I blame that on Shop LC for banning or leaving a bad taste with others so they left for greener pastures. So be it. As far as people moaning and complaining about what is going on in the country and inflation I think people should complain more! Let your voices be heard and try to change it! Sitting quietly by and not saying anything whether it be current affairs or the dumb things Shop LC does to customers is not helping to change the status quo. Shop LC does not care about the forum, they ignore it unless a so called “bad apple” makes a fuss.

Gulfwaterlady I am truly grateful for your contribution to your local no kill shelter. I too spend a great deal of my time going to local schools, nursing homes, etc with my therapy dog to bring a bit of joy to those who truly need it. Pets are truly great stress relievers, but so is our choice to freely vent our concerns and our frustrations here on the forum. I’m not a negative person or unhappy I just wish things would get better for Shop LC. I might add if negativity bothers you then spending time on the internet is probably not the best way to spend your free time. God bless you in continuing your future plans with your local shelter.
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