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Re: Terahertz

Post by DesertPrayer » 10 months ago

lol ...
You are too sweet ❣️
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Re: Terahertz

Post by MaeWest1953 » 10 months ago

DesertPrayer wrote:
10 months ago
She mentioned something about technical stuff which I didn't see...I'm an inquiring mind for technical stuff.
EDIT: I was hoping to avoid having to go through the entire thread.
Hello DesertPrayer....

I am going to step in on this conversation because I am curious about a few things
Since Michele started wearing Terahertz bracelets and "proclaiming" the healing it has done for her; ShopLC has jumped on that band wagon
Heck I even bought two bracelets and the only thing I have noticed was better sleep

However as soon as this post appeared from GulfwaterLady I knew it needed to be read in it's entirety!!
Unless of course I was already an expert on it~~~I.E. a show Host or an expert rock/stone hound
These interesting posts provide a good amount of useful information for us shoppers and members and we get that by reading all the different "points of views" from this continued discussion etc.

FarmMom is a great source of information as she is an expert on such things and that knowledge took many hours of research and purchasing stones etc.
We have a couple of other well knowledge members here and if I was a newbie like you are it would behoove me to WANT TO LEARN other members input and ideas.....just saying

On a side note: I am curious, I notice that your account picture has a 3/4" photo of someone (is that you?) and then a tiny bit of some kind of wind chime
If I recall, FarmMom tried to let you know that we are NOT ALLOWED to use photos in our profile pictures yet yours remains :?
I wonder if you received special permission to do that or if by any chance we can all start doing a partial photo like yours now?
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Re: Terahertz

Post by Lacy » 10 months ago

I've heard Michelle say she never takes her bracelets off. I found this on a terahertz site. "it best NOT to wear the necklaces, bracelets and anklets in the shower or clean it with water. Water can effect the strength and longevity of the inner cord. It’s best to polish the beads with a clean rag to keep it shiny and clean. Water on scrapers and pendants is not a problem." We will believe what we want about this. I have not had any luck with the healing part of it. I like to color and its not heavy.
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Re: Terahertz

Post by Bella » 10 months ago

Avatar photos of yourself are acceptable. One member in particular used one years ago. I will double check before I say her user name.

Yes, her name was Gem Lover. Nice lady!
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Re: Terahertz

Post by MaeWest1953 » 10 months ago

Bella wrote:
10 months ago
Avatar photos of yourself are acceptable. One member in particular used one years ago. I will double check before I say her user name.

Yes, her name was Gem Lover. Nice lady!
Hi Bella.....

I remember Gem Lover and her great post but not her profile picture
In this case I asked that question to DesertPrayer because that is DEFINITELY not an Avatar photo!
Something tells me if one of us was to use a photo like that we could be removed.....

Heck if this is going to be okay I would love to use Mae West's picture since we know that really isn't me...lol
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Re: Terahertz

Post by Bella » 10 months ago

I believe any profile picture is fine as long as it’s nothing vulgar. If it wasn’t acceptable they wouldn’t allow it.

Mae, Gem Lover was the pretty blonde haired lady. If you do a search on the forum you can find her posts. Took me less than 5 minutes.
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Re: Terahertz

Post by FurtherSouth » 10 months ago

I have five Terahertz bracelets which I bought here. I just bought the plain round ball bead necklace and a pair of ball stud earrings. I also bought a Terahertz facial roller and gua sha massage tool at Amazon. So far, no improvement in my pain. The pain is constant and never goes away. So, I buy everything I see that says it works on pain. Sometimes I find the bracelets comforting when the pain is so bad. I remain hopeful and I am very happy to see that it is helping some of you. :)
Last edited by FurtherSouth 10 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Terahertz

Post by Rolltide » 10 months ago

Last edited by Rolltide 9 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Terahertz

Post by FarmMom » 10 months ago

FurtherSouth wrote:
10 months ago
I have five Terahertz bracelets which I bought here. I just bought the plain round ball bead necklace and a pair of ball stud earrings. I also bought a Terahertz facial roller and gua sha massage tool at Amazon. So far, no improvement in my pain. I have Trigeminal Neuralgia Type 2. The pain is constant and never goes away. So, I buy everything I see that says it works on pain. Sometimes I find the bracelets comforting when the pain is so bad that I'm half nuts from it. I remain hopeful and I am very happy to see that it is helping some of you. :)
Have you looked into surgery? It certainly doesn't sound pleasant (I looked it up online). I'm not one to rush to the doctor (only have seen them to birth babies, lol) but if pain made me half nuts that would be something I'd look at as it says meds often stop working over time :(
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Re: Terahertz

Post by Leanderlynne » 10 months ago

I bought one of the Terahertz necklaces and I kid you not, it wasn't long after I put it on that I felt like I was going thru the Hot Flash stages of Menopause! I couldn't get that sucker off fast enough and flung it on the love seat! Terahertz is NOT for me!
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