I do like the new Steve

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I do like the new Steve

Post by Gulfwaterlady » 1 year ago

I can't remember new Steve's last name. I want to go on Youtube to listen to him sing. I am enjoying him. He is knoledgable, informative, mild mannered, and soft spoken. But, I feel he does not understand the economics of the Shop LC average viewer. Please don't tell us to get several of each item or a buy all for practically everything. We are not the wealthy clientele you used to have as customers. Even though you expound on the low, low prices we are not in a position to buy multiplies of items over $100. You often ask where are the resellers who should pick up multiples. Where are they? The number of items sold are very low.
But, I am really enjoying you as a show host.
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Re: I do like the new Steve

Post by joshuatheemerald » 1 year ago

I picked up on the “buy buy buy” pushy sentiments also. Maybe he’ll get the picture and tone it down some. He seems OK otherwise to me so far.
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Re: I do like the new Steve

Post by joshuatheemerald » 1 year ago

Both Steve and Jana are on right now as I type in the 1am hour east coast where I am… usually not up this late but can’t sleep lol. My big takeaway is that Steve is reading a lot of the descriptions of the products (all non-jewelry) from printed papers on the table. Neither look super comfortable with these non-jewelry items. But if they stick around they’ll probably get better, but right now you can tell they’re both timid without being able to rely on their jewelry knowledge.
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Re: I do like the new Steve

Post by MaeWest1953 » 1 year ago


I was going to say something last week but I was hoping someone else would come along and make a thread on this Steve !
The jury is out still on Nay or Yay on him but you hit the nail on the head about his CONSTANT telling us to "buy 3, do the buy all etc."

I was thinking the same way as you: why is this guy pushing to buy triples, doubles get as many as you can!
Doesn't he realize that he is dealing with a station that is supposed to be a Liquidation channel and the clientele is mostly middle class working folks or Seniors etc. who live on a limited budget?

My gosh he just told everyone "to buy 5 of these Pillows, buy one for each person on your Christmas list"
I don't want to judge his looks except to say he reminds me of the Jewelers back in the day in Los Angeles Jewelry district :lol:
Many of them would stand outside "hawking" their wares and it was crazy times in the 70's

He is definitely not the look of a high dollar Jeweler that I ever met but I guess they all can't look like Chris, Hunter, Matt, Craig or Aussie Steve :)
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Re: I do like the new Steve

Post by christee » 1 year ago

They're on now and I'm going bonkers listening to Steve interrupt Jana constantly. She's being very professional and handles it quite well.
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Re: I do like the new Steve

Post by Sea » 1 year ago

They have to realize when they say do the buy all, that we have to pay shipping on each individual item which really adds up in the end.
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Re: I do like the new Steve

Post by FarmMom » 1 year ago

Sea wrote:
1 year ago
They have to realize when they say do the buy all, that we have to pay shipping on each individual item which really adds up in the end.
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Re: I do like the new Steve

Post by MaeWest1953 » 1 year ago


Steve's last name is Cardone, pretty sure I am spelling it correctly
Reminds me of an Italian mobster and of course he loves Frank Sinatra :)
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Re: I do like the new Steve

Post by BostonIrish » 1 year ago

Mae FRANK is My Man! Fly Me To The Moon!🤗💕💕💕💕🌛🌜
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Re: I do like the new Steve

Post by lah2001 » 1 year ago

I like the new Steve, too, and enjoy his calm demeanor.

I also miss the old Steve, Aussie Steve. Where has he been? He was amusing.

Jana is cool. She makes sure to show the items, and has good gemstone knowledge. She calls the jewelry "she", which strikes me as a bit curious, as in "This ring is beautiful. She sparkles well in the light." lol
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