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Post by Brayon » 1 year ago

What's his last name?.
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Re: Steve

Post by Gulfwaterlady » 1 year ago

His last name is Cardone. He did a great job with Loretta. Most of it was women's clothing. He had questions, compliments and opinions.
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Re: Steve

Post by Gulfwaterlady » 1 year ago

I forgot to say welcome to the forum.
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Re: Steve

Post by MaeWest1953 » 1 year ago

Brayon wrote:
1 year ago
What's his last name?.

Welcome to our fun and lively forum :)
I am still on the fence with him because he is always telling us to buy it all, this looks expensive and names high dollar names etc.
Feel like writing him and tell him to slow his roll.....good grief

Like GulfwaterLady said......he was on with Loretta but he didn't stop with the constant name dropping, buy all of them and so on
It finally got to be too much for me so I turned the station
He seems nice but he is too worldly for me, I hate listening to people who are constantly trying to brag about what they are or what they know

Just my opinion.....not to mention he interrupts just a tad
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Re: Steve

Post by Lanai » 1 year ago

I think Steve is doing a good job especially since several Hosts were either out sick, on vacation or MIA when he originally did his First Presentation for a Company that he had never worked for, during a Clearance Event and then afterwards continuing to work while never knowing when he was scheduled if anyone was going to show up to Co-host or not.
Evidently he is working on Temporary Contract at present, LoLo was telling him today that she hoped he liked them enough to decide to stay. If everyone remembers Hunter came from High End Sales Network also and he had to get used to it not being the same at all and to quit the
Auctioneer, Pushy
Sales Pitch. He learned and is one of the favorites now so I think that Steve has done very well with virtually no orientation and everything in seemingly turmoil. After getting used to a whole different way of sales , I think if he stays that he will be a positive addition.
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Re: Steve

Post by FarmMom » 1 year ago

I'm on the fence too. He doesn't seem too overly stuffy but he was pulling a Tony by having a temper tantrum that no one was buying what they were selling. And like others have said, pushing too much on the buy buy buy. But I THINK this might be a SLC tactic they are telling the hosts, Matt has been doing this too lately. He was pushing people to buy 5 diamond bracelets at $300 a pop. SERIOUSLY? If someone wanted to spend $1500 wouldn't they BUY actual GOLD and not sterling??

I just shake my head.

I DO appreciate that the new guy isn't LOUD. Or cackles. He does add a bit of umami flavor.
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Re: Steve

Post by MaeWest1953 » 11 months ago

To FarmMom, Lanai and Gulfwaterlady.....

Hmmmmm, I wonder why this Newbie hasn't thanked us when we said "welcome" to him
In fact over 2 weeks has passed and no more participation from him
Perhaps "work" has kept him busy :)
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Re: Steve

Post by MaeWest1953 » 11 months ago

Oh for goodness sakes!!

I am trying to watch Michele with him right now and it is a!!
This guy makes C.C. look like a puppy with all of his bragging!
He is constantly interrupting Michele, won't stop name dropping, bragging about ALL THE expensive jewels he has sold etc. and won't STOP TALKING!
She was in the middle of telling us some good information and was completely cut off :(

Why do these Host have to be so overbearing?
We want to watch a show and don't need narcissistic behavior from a co-worker :(
He is always telling us about his history of coming from "high end" stores and other jobs.

Poor Michele, she can't get a word in and we all love to hear from her!
We are not impressed with all the name dropping.....please just stop!!
I have to change the station because of your "high end" verbiage and rudeness to her :roll:
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Re: Steve

Post by Leanderlynne » 11 months ago

A show should be informative and catch your interest in learning more about the gemstones.
That's why I loved Gemporia so much because it was actually a learning situation. And of all the hosts, Michele is the only one who cares enough to teach us about the gemstones.

And if you've noticed, a lot of the hosts do not show the earrings up to the ear or the necklace to the neckline anymore like they used to. BUT Michele does and always has. She ALWAYS goes over the top in her presentations while the others are so lax.
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Re: Steve

Post by FarmMom » 11 months ago

Leanderlynne wrote:
11 months ago
A show should be informative and catch your interest in learning more about the gemstones.
That's why I loved Gemporia so much because it was actually a learning situation. And of all the hosts, Michele is the only one who cares enough to teach us about the gemstones.

And if you've noticed, a lot of the hosts do not show the earrings up to the ear or the necklace to the neckline anymore like they used to. BUT Michele does and always has. She ALWAYS goes over the top in her presentations while the others are so lax.
I agree that I do like that she puts the earrings IN. T used to get SO MAD at her for "wasting time" doing such a trivial thing!

I agree on the constant name dropping. WHY WOULD WE CARE??? That's stuff you tell your employer, NOT the customer.

I equate SLC with McDonalds . . . if I walk in and I'm looking over the menu with $15 in my pocket (stupid price increases), I DON"T CARE if you previously worked for XYZ fine restaurant, or if you were a HEAD CHEF, or you served food to celebrities. I WOULD be wondering though, WHY ON EARTH if you worked there you'd suddenly drop so low as to work at McDoanlds? And if you babbled on about it too much, I might back away and run over to Wendy's!

(Not bashing working there, but we KNOW it's not first choice after you've been working 10 years at other jobs)

I was just telling my husband that I get tired of hosts saying they previously worked at a different shopping channel with X hosts and were happy to see them again. It puts a BAD TASTE in my mouth. I feel uneasy, WHY are so many popping back and forth all over job jumping? I really don't like hearing that. Why not just say, "we worked together years ago?" And leave out the "on another network"???

Because THEN they go on to say how "other networks don't have this", and "wow the pricing is so much better," but now we all know that in a year or so, they will be somewhere else saying the SAME THING about SLC.
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