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Post by Lacy » 1 year ago

Katie is on with Daniel. Sounds like hes from the UK. I don't watch usually in the am. Is he new? The show was normal for a change. He does take a while to get to the price. That's probably what they told him to do. Hope he stays.
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Re: Daniel

Post by FarmMom » 1 year ago

The name sounds familiar . . . perhaps he's a producer and just jumped in? I can hear Chuck saying his name in my head (he always talks to the producers).
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Re: Daniel

Post by Lacy » 1 year ago

FarmMom, I thought it may be him too. I was watching a few weeks ago and the host said it was his last day as producer. Maybe he switched positions. Not sure.
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Re: Daniel

Post by MaeWest1953 » 1 year ago

Hi Lacy.......

Daniel is from HSN (I am pretty sure)
I used to see him doing the Waterford Crystal shows on that shopping channel
He was on several weeks ago at ShopLC and I remember someone coming in and mentioning it
Daniel is such a Gentleman! I am glad you like him ;)

Since I don't listen or watch Chuck I can't answer the producer thing but I thought he was possibly coming on as a possible new Host :)
Remember, Rico Sauve came from HSN or was it ShopHQ?
Anyway I think that is why Rico talked about knowing him
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Re: Daniel

Post by Lacy » 1 year ago

Thanks Mae. Hope your doing well.
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Re: Daniel

Post by MaeWest1953 » 1 year ago

Lacy wrote:
1 year ago
Thanks Mae. Hope your doing well.
@Lacy ......Yes I am, thanks for asking
I pray you are enjoying the hot summer as well :)
It's been a slow 2 weeks at work so I am able to relax more and come here to visit
My projects at home keep me busy but my friends and I had to take a break on meeting for bowling, lunch, goofing around etc because our gas prices are at $5.20 a gallon :evil:

We all live in neighboring cities but there is 25-30 miles in between so that does add up on a round trip when we meet in any direction :(
I can't even go garage saling like I use to cause of the gas prices, just adds up too quick :(
So if there are not any sales in a 15 mile radius I simply stay home on Fridays and Saturday mornings
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Re: Daniel

Post by Lacy » 1 year ago

MaeWest. Your a busy lady.
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Re: Daniel

Post by CaribbeanGirl » 1 year ago

Hi All, I hope you all are keeping cool where ever you live. I live in between Nashville & Memphis, Tn. where it is very warm & humid. About Daniel, I think he came from Shop HQ, I can not believe Blake goes to Shop HQ from Shop LC, his dad comes to Shop LC from Shop HQ , now Daniel has come from Shop HQ to Shop LC . You know it goes to show you that all the hosts LOVE working at QVC & HSN, you know when it comes those 2 networks I have never seen one to work at Shop LC. I guess yrs. ago they did but that was a long time ago. Have A Good Week.
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Re: Daniel

Post by MaeWest1953 » 1 year ago

Good evening CarribeanGirl.....

Nice to see you again.....I didn't know you were in the Memphis area :)
I always wanted to see Tennessee but it never happened
Hope you are doing well

Yes you might be right about Daniel coming from ShopHQ, I just can't remember which one but I do recall him working at one of them
That is a good point you made, saying that you never see anyone going to the other shopping channels once they leave ShopLC, except for Blake

Trust me he did that to get VERY FAR away from you know who!!
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Re: Daniel

Post by Lacy » 11 months ago

Maybe he left because,
( posted online) On June 30, 2023, the company shop hq, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in the District of Delaware. In a declaration before the court, the company said it has seen revenue drop as shoppers pulled back on spending.
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