Showing all those rings on one hand

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Showing all those rings on one hand

Post by colljoe » 10 months ago

Since when do Hosts think it looks good to show all those rings on every digit of your fingers on one hand? I have been noticing this of lately, and HOSTS, NO! It does nothing for showing off the beauty of the ring, and it looks rather ridiculous to say the least. Go back to the old way of showing one or two rings at a time.
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Re: Showing all those rings on one hand

Post by Druid » 10 months ago

Yes, it’s ridiculous , unprofessional and tacky!
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Re: Showing all those rings on one hand

Post by colljoe » 10 months ago

Marva is on right now and she shows multiple rings on all digits of the fingers on one hand. I'm sorry, but this is not complimentary to those beautiful rings. Please stop doing this.
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Re: Showing all those rings on one hand

Post by FurtherSouth » 10 months ago

Ms. Marva and her partner the singing seller are the worst thing that have ever happened to a shopping channel. They are absolutely unwatchable. I turn the station off whenever I see them on. I would also be absolutely happy to never see or hear about another piece of Tanzanite, Morganite, or Kunzite in my lifetime. And using the "value" of gems as an investment is a terrible sales tactic. In these times when so many are just getting by and people are living on the streets or afraid of it, it is horrid to try and convince people that these gems and 10k gold will hold more value in the future or even today. What a mess they are turning those shows into. :(
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Re: Showing all those rings on one hand

Post by colljoe » 10 months ago

Michelle on right now and doing the same thing. So, I guess they had a "class" and they are all doing it. Just absurd. And, am I supposed to be blind to the fact that a professional manicure is severely needed here for this host? Seriously? :shock: Yeah, seriously unacceptable.
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Re: Showing all those rings on one hand

Post by Leanderlynne » 10 months ago

Yep, yesterday alone Marva, Katy AND Michele were showing all the rings on one hand. And yesterday they had a Keshi pearl necklace and Katy never showed it up to the neckline only draped on the back of her hand. She is EXTREMELY lax when it comes to the presentation of the items, that is, unless it's something that she likes like the Tahitian pearls that she made sure she had on. Like I said before, if you're not going to present it properly then I'm not buying. It's as simple as that.
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Re: Showing all those rings on one hand

Post by FarmMom » 10 months ago

Personally I like them all lined up at once, helps me decide quick which of them I like.

Is it flattering? no. It certainly doesn't give me an idea of what they'd naturally look like on the hand, but I like being able to see them all at once ;)

Honestly, I think the BEST way to do it, is run a graphic of the group either on the side or in the background instead of all those other nonsense graphics they like to run like the "coming up soon" and "visit us on the web". Keep a shot of the group displayed while also showing one at a time on the hand. problem solved!
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