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Post by Lacy » 10 months ago

Maybe this is an old topic. But why DON'T the woman hosts keep their nails nice for presentations? If they can't afford to get fills they should just get a inexpensive manicure or paint their own nails (neatly, not messy....).
It looks so bad when their gel nails are grown out, dry cuticles. Before the pandemic, I worked with the public doing sales presentations. I found the time to get my nails filled every 2 weeks so I looked professional. I'm not rich either but I have pride in my work.
I don't understand how these hosts can go on air looking like that. The camera gets so close up. Only on LC, not other channels. Is it just me who sees this? Am I being too critical? Sorry for the rant.
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Re: Nails

Post by Gulfwaterlady » 10 months ago

Lacy, you are not being overly critical. This subject has been discussed before on this forum. If your hands are going to be on camera modeling rings, your nails should look very nice. If one host starts becoming lax taking care of her nails and admin says nothing, then others feel free to jump onboard. Pretty soon almost every host's nails look awful. Horrible looking nails definitely take the viewers attention away from the jewelry. Sometimes adults have to be dealt with rules. If admin says nothing and does nothing, most people take full advantage of the situation. I admire the hosts who make an effort to present themselves in the best way they can.
This change in social order goes all the way to the top. It just happened in government. One man decided to allow a member on his group to give up on looking professional by wearing a suit, shirt and tie. The man is now allowed to wear a hoody and shorts as he represents his country. This appearance shows a lack of respectful for the profession he represents. If no one challenges this, others will jump on the bandwagon. Adults who act irresponsibly need rules.
I bring this up only to say that no matter who you are or what you represent, high rung on the latter or low man on the totem pole, everything is better when we all try to be our best.
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Re: Nails

Post by Gulfwaterlady » 10 months ago

Typo folks, it was supposed to read ladder.
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Re: Nails

Post by FarmMom » 10 months ago

I agree 100%. My solution would be to do glue-on nails. EASY done. You save $$$ and they look good, then you take them off a few days later and switch.

The nail issue is as bad as the oversized, sloppy shirts worn by other staff ;)
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Re: Nails

Post by colljoe » 10 months ago

Just mentioned nails on the post about many rings on each finger. All those rings Michelle slaps on her fingers, each and every digit, I noticed her manicure, or lack thereof. It's a sloppy mess with polish on the skin around the nails and even a drip on her finger. I even noticed hang nails. I am quite certain she and all the other hosts can afford a salon manicure of some type. Cheryl says out loud that she does not get her nails done because she does some gem mining which involves tools and digging. But you seldom see her show her fingers. No excuse about looking sloppy when you are a world wide shopping network. Michelle does have a tendency to look sloppy and unkept, hair in a pony tail, which is a surprise considering her background in doing makeup in Hollywood for the Stars.
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Re: Nails

Post by Gulfwaterlady » 10 months ago

Michele is a really great person and she makes people laugh. In today's world, we all need a little laughter. But, her appearance now is not what is was when she began working at SLC. She really doesn't seem to care. It always looked like she took care of her nails herself. They looked nice. Lately, they look awful. You can see that she puts no effort in her hair or her clothing. She is a popular host. I hate to see this happening to her. You have to have pride in the way you present yourself. Whatever is happening in her life, I hope she can get back on track.
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Re: Nails

Post by MaeWest1953 » 10 months ago

Hi Lacy.....

I will say that I posted the same topic about 4 weeks ago, my complaint was generally the same as yours, awful looking nails on the Hosts!!
The person who comes to mind is "D" and I believe she was my reason for posting the topic
Her nails are so cheap looking and she must go at least 2 1/2 months before getting them filled

It's disgusting, and if I am correct I caught her a couple of days ago and it looks like she FINALLY got them done!!
I can't think of the names right now but several of the gals keep short nice looking REAL nails, a simple light shade painted on them and they are clean :)
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Re: Nails

Post by MaeWest1953 » 10 months ago


Oh do I feel your pain about Fetterman!!
Total disregard for our country and decency, heck we might as well allow Judges to appear in that sloppy attire
Hi Colljoe and FarmMom.....:)

Love your comments and I agree with the nails that FarmMom is talking about....they are pretty and the gals at the bank all wear them
Ugh, finally getting some time to visit
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Re: Nails

Post by Lacy » 10 months ago

Regarding Michelle's hair. She has very fine, thin hair. That's why she pulls it up. She jokes and says she has 7 strands all together on her her head. Maybe she is trying to grow it out.
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Re: Nails

Post by Spinoza » 10 months ago

Yikes! I never thought anyone’s nails looked bad. Maybe not perfect but decent and a few have really nice nails. I guess I don’t pay close attention to nails and hair and shirts, etc. :oops: I’m too busy listening to what they say, how they say it and what I actually think about the item. My little brain can’t do more than that or I’ll get a headache! :lol:
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