Payment details

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Payment details

Post by Druid » 10 months ago

Hi everyone,
Does anyone know how to delete/remove the card stored on file? When I click on Payment details and then on Edit, it does not allow to edit anything except the expiration date. I just want to stop my impulse shopping instinct and remove future temptations. Thank you for your help.
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Re: Payment details

Post by FarmMom » 10 months ago

Maybe try adding a second card, and change maybe 2 numbers from your original card. Then delete off your old one? It doesn't seem to let you simply NOT have a card on file...
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Re: Payment details

Post by Druid » 10 months ago

@FarmMom Thank you for your advice.That’s exactly what I figured out and had done before posting.Glad you kindly confirmed that’s the way to get around and beat their unfriendly and poor constructed system :D . By the way, I would like to tell you that I find your posts interesting and appreciate your knowledge in gems, your curiosity to learn more and share what you find out.I have the same passion for gems and am interested in their holistic meaning.Usually I buy them for their properties based on specific interests ( I am a Reiki master but do not practice it for gain, just for people I feel they need ). I wish you good luck in launching your website and would like to know how to access it when it’s ready.Best wishes of success.
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Re: Payment details

Post by FarmMom » 10 months ago

It's actually scary that we cannot simply "delete off" an old card . . . especially after the fiasco a few months ago where customers had random hackers buying stuff on their cards and having it shipped elsewhere.

Glad it worked for you though!

I'm glad you appreciate my posts :) Funny enough, I practice Masterson Method, which I'm told is similar to Reiki, lol! It's designed for horses, but I integrate it for use on my friends who have issues the doctors cannot solve.

I've only recently gotten into stone energy, and really it was the Nurielite that had me a believer. Also why I bought so many of them. They have a very firey energy but only when faceted. I have several large and small chunks of rough and they are not comparable to the faceted stones. It's like standing outside in a lightning storm, and watching bolts sizzle across the sky and you can feel the electricity in the air . . . that's what the faceted stones feel like.

Hopefully within a year I'll have some jewelry done and up on my website. I've got a lot of work to do in the meantime!
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Re: Payment details

Post by Druid » 10 months ago

I happened to find the trick to take off the payment card: first I did what farmMom suggested and when I wanted to check out for payment of another order, of course, the system demanded a valid card and “remove card” appears.I clicked on it and my card was completely deleted. For the future, I’ll use the same trick to delete my card .
FarmMom, Reiki can be used on animals, plants and humans. I had some good experience with my dogs and plants. Reiki also teaches you , if you do the Reiki 2 level, how to send healing energy at distance. I work with sending distance Reiki regularly. I also charge gem stone’s jewelry with it. Thank you for sharing your experience with faceted gems.
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Re: Payment details

Post by Druid » 10 months ago

@farmMom , I did not find Nurielite, are you sure about the spelling, maybe nundabite which is found in Australia and helps you get rid of negative emotional feelings.
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Re: Payment details

Post by Druid » 10 months ago

@farMom Or Nuummite, also known as sorcerers stone…
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Re: Payment details

Post by FarmMom » 10 months ago

Druid wrote:
10 months ago
@farmMom , I did not find Nurielite, are you sure about the spelling, maybe nundabite which is found in Australia and helps you get rid of negative emotional feelings.
Nurielite is a recently named stone that previously was circulating under a few incorrect terms and labels as no one knew what it was, nor bothered to study it. I've spent the last 8 months researching and testing it, talking with the employees of the mine it comes from before finally submitting a name for it myself since no one else had. In faceted form, you cannot find it for sale unless you are on good terms with overseas gemstone cutters and sellers.

The material believed to be the rough is called "girasol quartz" in many areas, previously labeled as "girasol opal" since it looks nearly identical, and that's where the confusion began. The gem and the rough have not yet been linked as the same, so that's next on my "to-do" list. Definitely, it's closest relative seems to be Pink (rose) quartz.

At the moment it's flying under the radar as an unknown gem (even listed as created or fake by many jewelers because they've never encountered them before). It's unique in that it's the only (to my knowledge) pleochroic white gemstone and it shows color change in different light similar to Zultanite, though much less extreme.
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Re: Payment details

Post by Druid » 10 months ago

@farmMom, Thank you so much for sharing about Nurileite, I am glad and impressed about your contribution to the field of gemologists with this new stone.
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