Look who's back !!!!

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Re: Look who's back !!!!

Post by Gypsy » 9 months ago

honey wrote:
9 months ago
Good morning Gypsy 🤗
Got coffee(s)??? [ clink ]

Ohhhhh dear, you'd like for me to expand, right here,
on what I thought of Shawns podcasts??? 🤔
You are out of yer ever lovin' mind!!!!

I love Shawn, everybody loves Shawn! 💗

Oh heavens NO !!!

Just an observation of my own about his podcasts.
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Re: Look who's back !!!!

Post by MaeWest1953 » 9 months ago

Hi Honey......

It's been a while since I have seen your name and glad to see you :)
So you state in a comment that everyone "loves Shawn"~~~hmmm
Can't say that I do but even more I am pretty sure "D" doesn't either :lol: :lol:

I do hope he does well now that he is back, I don't dislike him and it's nice to see him with Becky in the late nights
Finally don't have to watch a certain drama queen during those hours constantly reminding us of "all her friends" at ShopLC
Shawn is professional and easy to listen to I will admit
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Re: Look who's back !!!!

Post by Maweeze » 9 months ago

I'm so happy he's back. Can't wait to see him on air again!
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Re: Look who's back !!!!

Post by honey » 9 months ago

Hi MaeWest!!
I have read here at the forum for
quite a while .... I just never shop
here anymore.
You and everyone that comments
here .... are the pulse !!
This is where I met you and a lot of
great people and my bestest friends!!

..... and "no" Mae ...... to me? Shawn's
not all that!!

I was wondering if you've noticed some
deleted comments again?? I'm not sure?
.....something or someone is missing??
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Re: Look who's back !!!!

Post by Rolltide » 9 months ago

Last edited by Rolltide 9 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Look who's back !!!!

Post by MaeWest1953 » 9 months ago

So Honey and Rolltide.....

There is a missing post but first I want to say thanks Honey for your nice compliment about others and me being "the pulse" on this forum
We have been silenced quite a few times though because of a huge crybaby and her minions aka TP
We posted the truth about shenanigans going on with certain Hosts and it was okay for one of those Host to actually sign in and blast us for telling the truth and the obvious....lol

Then that same Host came after me and I got quite a kick out of her "spinning"
She had minions come in and attack us, can you imagine being so desperate in your life that you have to take time out of your day to come here and cause trouble?
She is a Host, opinions come with the job and she just couldn't handle that she IS NOT the favorite of many of us on this forum

A shout out to Maweeze! I have never met you before.....welcome
Rolltide, I think you may be referring to the post about AAAA Tanzanite in the title, it was a long one but I can only recall those words
Seems like that post went bye-bye and I can only think it may have happened because Tony and Ms. D were mentioned

I am not positive though but it was a busy post with lots of opinions and I noticed it was gone about a week ago
Funny, because Tony usually doesn't involve himself in this place but I am thinking that the content of "truth telling" about Shoplc's faux Tazanite etc. could have upset the folks in the Ivory Tower
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Re: Look who's back !!!!

Post by Rolltide » 9 months ago

Last edited by Rolltide 9 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Look who's back !!!!

Post by MaeWest1953 » 9 months ago

Rolltide wrote:
9 months ago
Yes, the AAAA Tanzanite thread by Desertprayer, that’s the one, but it was removed yesterday.

Interesting because a forum member contacted me about it and I could have sworn it was last Friday, lol
I am so busy I am getting my days mixed up
What is crazy is there wasn't anything wrong with that thread but like we always say here, the truth hurts and some of these Hosts are so sensitive.....lol
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Re: Look who's back !!!!

Post by FarmMom » 9 months ago

I still have it pulled up on my tab, it was 2 days ago? I went to click reply and POOF! GONE.

SO I hit the back button and it reloaded the page. I'll add it to my collection of pages SLC has deleted, lol!

I STILL have not seen this guy yet!

@MaeWest1953 , you'll LOVE this . . . so my son was sitting at the table while I made breakfast the other day and Steve was on . . . and my son looked at him and said in awe "Mom! It's Uncle Fester! How did HE get a job there?!"

I almost DIED. I Said "Yup, that's what Mom's friend Mae thought too!"
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Re: Look who's back !!!!

Post by Lanai » 9 months ago

Gulfwaterlady wrote:
10 months ago
I am happy to see Shawn again. But, I wished his new venture into the podcast world had been successful. He deserves better than Shop LC. I wish he had been hired on the Q.
I listened to some of his podcasts when they first began. It was comedy satire on the world of shopping channels. He never gave clues as to what company or what host but he sure had some stories to tell of what went on off camera and what went on entirely behind the scenes. The stories about how the women all wanted to be prima donnas was hilarious. In every company there is back stabbing. It seemed really bad in this business.
I don't think he would ever come back unless finances dictated it. He did have issues with hosts like Michele. His idea of humor and Michele's are world's apart. I hope they are never paired together again.
I think he was unhappy when Karen left. They could finish each other's sentences they had worked together for so long. SLC is worse now than when he left. I'm sorry he has to travel down this road again.
But, his voice did it for me before the camera was even on him.
I know he will get criticism on here. He is not everyone's cup of tea. His personality rubs some people the wrong way. He is a bit 'old school'.
But, I really liked him.
I see him as a quiet boy in my classroom who may have been too studious, a teacher's pet, not popular, and perhaps bullied. But, if you were a nice person you routed for him. I'm routing for him now.
Hello Everyone, Welcome to the new and/or returning group members
Have been trying to catch up. Haven't posted in a while. September is a difficult time for me. I agree with Gulfwaterlady. I like Shawn, as well, and I also am very surprised to see him return to SLC. The Company is a lot worse now than when he left. I've never watched such a dysfunctional Shopping Network.
Maybe it was for financial reasons. The last several years have been challenging for everyone
Loved him and Karen together but think Karen at age 69 has earned to pick the days and times she wants to work or not work. Somehow it seems like Hosts that retire can't escape this Company. Going to be interesting if they put Shawn and D together on the Night Owl show. Time will tell.. Hope everyone has been well!!!
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