How to LOG IN From a PHone -- PLUS Deleted is never Deleted

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How to LOG IN From a PHone -- PLUS Deleted is never Deleted

Post by FarmMom » 9 months ago

Ok, two posts in one!

I see a lot of people talking about logging in from a phone. This tutorial applies to ANY website.

In the web development world, they have to design sites for computers, tablets AND phones. Often pages will not show correctly if they try a one and done code.

Coding is almost always done on a computer, but they still need to quickly check how it looks on a "phone", so the settings are easily changed in your web browser.

** Please note, this will ONLY change a single website, not all sites, and usually stays that way until you change it back.

1.) open your web browser (chrome or whatever) and go to SLC's home page. At the top, right side of your browser somewhere, you can see THREE vertical dots.

click the dots.

2.) Nearish the bottom, you see an option called "desktop site". Click that. It will change the whole website into a computer page. It will be tiny and hard to read, but you can zoom in and out.

** If you don't have this option, you can find those same THREE DOTS on any browser, but click them and look for the option that says "more tools" near the bottom. Click that, then click the option that says "more developer tools". It might instantly change to computer page, or you might need to click the tiny icon at the top left that looks a bit like a screen and a phone. This toggles back and forth between phone view and computer view.

Now you can view the forum on your phone too!


This also goes for any website at almost any point in web time. Long ago, the government decided to keep a record of EVERYTHING ever produced online. All websites, all changes, EVERYTHING.

To easily find it, just google "wayback machine". It will find a website called wayback time machine and you enter any website address and then it asks what year, month and day. It shows options for EVERY TIME the bot traveled to that site. Even if the site was deleted.

Remember a certain post that was erased off the board? Wayback machine still has it!

Give it a try, and have fun remembering! (and seeing the stuff someone wants you to forget!)
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Re: How to LOG IN From a PHone -- PLUS Deleted is never Deleted

Post by honey » 9 months ago

(smiley) Good morning FarmMom 🤗
You are so sweet to share the info for the way back.
I am theeee least techie person on the face of the earth!
gemi can read here and is way better techie and JQ ranks
just a notch above me!! :lol:

Will have to make sure that JQ can see your instructions and
possibly give it a try. I also hope if anyone else can read here
and needs, can find their way back!!

Thank you FarmMom
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Re: How to LOG IN From a PHone -- PLUS Deleted is never Deleted

Post by FarmMom » 9 months ago

No problem honey!

Hopefully it can help a few people!
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Re: How to LOG IN From a PHone -- PLUS Deleted is never Deleted

Post by MaeWest1953 » 9 months ago

Hello FarmMom....

My goodness that is a lot of valuable information you have shared
Your brain is amazing!!
Since I am not good at fooling around with tech stuff especially on my cellphone I will stick to reading the Forum on my desktop

I love the fact that everything that the Admins thought they "deleted" from this forum is still available to be seen, albeit most folks don't know how to find it
Your guidance will help though in hopes to get back JQ and others who are sorely missed
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Re: How to LOG IN From a PHone -- PLUS Deleted is never Deleted

Post by FarmMom » 9 months ago

Hey, we could go back and find all those deleted posts from TP!
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Re: How to LOG IN From a PHone -- PLUS Deleted is never Deleted

Post by Tothemoon » 9 months ago

OMG! For many months I have been unable to post. Maybe it’s been over a year, since SLC did their big system “upgrade”. 👎 FarmMom’s instruction didn’t quite work out for me for my iPhone (I don’t have a computer) but it made me open my eyes to the two letter A’s at the top of my screen, which allowed me to change my website setting to “request desktop website”. Thank your FarmMom!
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Re: How to LOG IN From a PHone -- PLUS Deleted is never Deleted

Post by MaeWest1953 » 9 months ago


How wonderful to see you back :D
You joined the Forum around the same time I did
I don't have an Iphone but you mentioned some letter "A's" at the top of your phone screen.....interesting

Next time I get on my shoplc app I will look for them to see if my android has that option....thanks
Yes FarmMom is quite knowledgeable about many things and she has been such a HUGE HELP for us in the group :D
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