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Post by FarmMom » 9 months ago

Not sure if anyone has noticed but more topics have been purged. certainly anything about Mr. T gets taken down fairly quick :roll:

So what's everyone doing for tomorrow? What's your takeaway on it? I hear it's going down at 2:22pm EST??

I'm turning off my phone and leaving it in the house while I take the dogs out to our pole barn. It doesn't send or receive any signals out there. And I have a few pew pews out there too just in case the absolute worst happens and I need to use one. For the record I'm not expecting anything eventful, but 2020 put things in a whole new light and I'm not taking any chances these days ;)

I guess, it seems 3 years too late. In 2020 our Michigan governor sent out mass alerts to everyone's cell phones. She didn't NEED to test ANYTHING. It just worked. I had no diea it was even possible until I was scared pantless when my phone made awful noises in the middle of the night!

Things are calm and peaceful, right? Unless they really AREN'T . . . or there's some OTHER reason behind it.
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Re: Purging

Post by honey » 9 months ago

Hi FarmMom .....
I thought so!!! :lol:
Like you say ... purging!!
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Re: Purging

Post by Rolltide » 9 months ago

Last edited by Rolltide 9 months ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Purging

Post by Spinoza » 9 months ago

I noticed a few discussions had been removed. Apparently we aren’t allowed to criticize Tony or question anything hosts say. We’re just supposed to believe everything. 🫤🙄

As for the testing tomorrow, it ain’t no big thing. Just a test to make sure the alarms work. Gotta be sure the system works BEFORE you (God forbid) might ever need them. I’m not gonna buy into any conspiracy theories or get worked up wondering if there’s some secret horrible, impending doom reason for it. Gotta live my life without fear & wild rumors by extremists controlling it. ✌️
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Re: Purging

Post by Bella » 9 months ago

Ok I’m lost what is this testing thing tomorrow? I don’t even own a cell phone ( I hate cell phones!) As a matter of fact I have seriously thought of getting rid of my land line.
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Re: Purging

Post by Druid » 9 months ago

Big brother,like in a communist country,is purging everything that looks critical to their party members.
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Re: Purging

Post by Bella » 9 months ago

I actually thought we have been playing nice!
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Re: Purging

Post by Tothemoon » 9 months ago

I’m surprised that SLC didn’t push shungite like crazy to protect us from the FEMA and FCC nationwide emergency test! :lol:
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Re: Purging

Post by MaeWest1953 » 9 months ago

Tothemoon wrote:
9 months ago
I’m surprised that SLC didn’t push shungite like crazy to protect us from the FEMA and FCC nationwide emergency test! :lol:
Oh Tothemoon.....that is a great response, too funny :D :D
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Re: Purging

Post by MaeWest1953 » 9 months ago

Hi FarmMom.....

Thanks for the reminder on that event...I scanned an article about in Duck Duck but didn't pay attention to what I was reading
Just to be safe I will turn off my phone during 11 a.m. to noon Pacific Time :)
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